In R Markdown, I can get an inline r code chunk to run inside single $ math notation (only with a * before), but not double $$ math notation:
* $H_o = `r 1 + 1`$
works, but:
$H_o = `r 1 + 1`$
doesn't work, and neither does:
$$H_o = `r 1 + 1`$$
The double $$ is more flexible being able to put math notation on multiple lines, but how can you add inline code chunks inside?
I ran your example and it worked fine for me! Here is a link to the pdf and github .md documents I generated. And here is a link to the rmarkdown document.
I'm using R 3.4.1, knitr 1.16, and rmarkdown 1.6.
Perhaps you should check your version of rmarkdown and knitr. I have noticed over the years that version updates, and sometimes even using the most recent dev version, can fix a litany of small issues that arise.
I guess my question is a potential if not probable duplicate of How to use inline R code in a bookdown theorem or example environment. It's been nearly 3 years since this question was asked, so a refresh might be welcome in any case, all the more given #YiHui's comment: "That is not possible with bookdown (at least for now)"?
Background: I am trying to use #YiHui bookdown package to produce a book with lecture slides (see creating accompanying slides for bookdown project). A key feature for this purpose is to be able to use conditional formatting, such as eval = (out_type=="beamer"). The issue I am facing is therefore to be able to add code chunks or inline R code inside bookdown custom environments (see and I would love to get the following to compile properly. Is there a solution? Would a hook work (see There is a hack that works for forcing pandoc to parse inside a latex environment, but i do no think it applies here. Would a lua filter work (I have no idea how to use this)?
En passant, I am also surprised to see $\digamma$ showing up properly in the html output, but not in the pdf output, though it is parsed correctly in the tex file. The amssymb package is loaded and it's supposedly defined in there - what am I missing?
Much appreciated any help on this. Here is a MWE - I just edited chapter 4 from the default bookdown project. You can simply replace the contents of the file 03-method.Rmd with the following:
# Methods
We describe our methods in this chapter.
So here is a theorem to prove 1+1 = `r 1+1`.
```{theorem, echo=TRUE}
we want to show that in R, 1+1 = 2.
We also wonder why `$\digamma$` ($\digamma$) not showing.
Shows in the html output only, not pdf.
But when I recompile the tex file produced by bookdown - shows up just fine!!
Indeed, is defined correctly from `\usepackage{amssymb}`.
```{proof, echo=TRUE}
- If I am not mistaken, I cannot get an Rmarkdown style list to work either in the proof environment.
- Well, this is where i would like to be able to use inline code.
- we use r to compute 1+1: `r 1+1`.
- Does not work.
- Just shows verbatim inline code.
With the current development version of bookdown:
you can write theorems in Pandoc's fenced Divs, e.g.,
# Methods
We describe our methods in this chapter.
So here is a theorem to prove 1+1 = `r 1+1`.
::: {.theorem}
we want to show that in R, 1+1 = 2.
We also wonder why `$\digamma$` ($\digamma$) not showing.
Shows in the html output only, not pdf.
But when I recompile the tex file produced by bookdown - shows up just fine!!
Indeed, is defined correctly from `\usepackage{amssymb}`.
::: {.proof}
- If I am not mistaken, I cannot get an Rmarkdown style list to work either in the proof environment.
- Well, this is where i would like to be able to use inline code.
- we use r to compute 1+1: `r 1+1`.
- Does not work.
- Just shows verbatim inline code.
However, please note that this new syntax is not supported for beamer output yet.
Is there any way to take a Bookdown project, and build it as Markdown instead of HTML or TeX?
I ask because I need to post-process the final Markdown output from Bookdown, in order to extract R and Python notebooks for download.
In more detail, I am using Bookdown to build a textbook that embeds notebooks to download, where the notebooks contain subsets of the code and text in the bookdown .Rmd files. For example, a single chapter could contain more than one notebook.
In order to do this, I put start and end comment markers in the RMarkdown input text to identify the section that will be a notebook, and then post-process the generated Markdown files to extract the notebook section. As in something like:
<!--- notebook: first_section.Rmd
Some explanation, maybe using Bookdown extra markup such as #a_citation.
a <- 1
<!--- end of notebook
More markdown.
# More code not in notebook.
b <- 2
Obviously I could use the input RMarkdown pages, but this would be ugly, because all the extended Bookdown markup such as citations, cross-references and so on, would appear in raw and ugly form in the generated notebook. So I'd really like to be able to get the final output Markdown, after merging, resolving of citations and cross references. Is there any way of doing that?
My question is similar to this as-yet unanswered question, but adds my motivation for an official solution to this problem.
With the latest version of bookdown on CRAN, you can use the output format bookdown::markdown_document2, e.g.,
base_format: rmarkdown::md_document
variant: gfm
When kniting a Rmarkdown file to MS Word, is there a way to have equations labled with a number that is flushed to the right?
For example:
When typing this in Rmarkdown:
$$a + b = c$$
I need it to end up in Word as:
a + b = c (1)
I saw the code below somewhere else, but it does not seem to work when kniting to Word...
a + b = c
#Sholom's comment regarding pandoc-crossref inspired me to have a read, I was not previously aware of it and it is not available as an extension to rmarkdown currently.
It is entirely possible to achieve basic equation numbering with this "filter".
pandoc_args: ["-Fpandoc-crossref"]
$$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$$ {#eq:eqn1}
$$\log xy = \log x + \log y$$ {#eq:eqn2}
$$\frac{df}{dt} = \lim_{h\to0}\frac{f(t+h)-f(t)}{h}$$ {#eq:eqn3}
The binary releases of the code are located here. From a windows machine, I dropped the pandoc-crossref.exe into my Pandoc install folder alongside pandoc.exe and that was sufficient to allow my markdown to render.
N.B. I did this with a standalone install of Pandoc, if you are using the version bundled with RStudio you may need to install differently.
For lectures, I am using knitr to produce LaTeX beamer slides as a PDF. For a given lecture, I want to produce also (a) 1-up handout (using the handout option, and (b) the same handout formatted 4-up.
I find I have to run knitr 3 times to do this as shown below. Is there a way to simplify this work flow?
A lecture stub:
And I run knitr as
To get the 1-up handout (which suppresses the separate pages when you use transitions), I edit the first line to:
and run
knit2pdf("Lecture1.Rnw" output="Lecture1-1up.tex")
Finally, to get the 2 x 2 version, I use the LaTeX pgfpages package,
\pgfpagesuselayout{4 on 1}[letterpaper,landscape]
And run:
knit2pdf("Lecture1.Rnw" output="Lecture1-4up.tex")
(I found that with beamer, I could not simply print the PDF 4-up using Adobe Acrobat -- it generated a corrupt PDF file. I was forced to use pgfpages)
Then, of course I have to revert my .Rnw file to the original if I need re-do the slides. Very tedious. There must be a better way.
Hopefully this is quick and easy question. Is there an equivalent in R Markdown, either as a latex imbed or a chunk option for a float barrier for images / R output, as in \FloatBarrier ?
Obviously, I could compile the doc in LaTeX, but I'm hoping to do it quickly and easily via markdown.
R Markdown allows embedding raw HTML or raw Tex. As is typical for Markdown, it does not appear to provide that level of control natively.
Custom CSS can also be specified for the output HTML.