Difference between startDate and endDate-Symfony - symfony

Can someone assist me with this, I have a student table and I want to ensure that the user enters a date range from now to 3 months. I tried this but it didn't give me the results I wanted. Thinking about using datediff but not sure where I would put it. Is there another way like using a custom validation to validate the date.
* #Assert\Range
* (
* min= "today", max="+3 months"
* )
Error message:
This value should be a valid number.

public function validatePayrollPeriod(ExecutionContextInterface $context) {
$days = $this->startdate->diff($this->enddate)->days;
if ($days <= 7 || $days > 14) {
$context->buildViolation('Not a valid payroll period.')

You could try to make a validation in your setter.
Something like
public function setEndDate($endDate)
if(your end date - your start date < 3){
$this->endDate= $endDate;
Throw whatever exepection you cant
return $this;


symfony 3.4 Doctrine COUNT

this code works well to count how many "2014-01-01 00:00:00" there is in my column "session" but I want the day to be anything not only 01.
class BooknowRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository
public function findAllOrderedByNb() {
return $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
->where('a.session = :session')
->setParameter('session', '2014-01-01 00:00:00')
class BooknowRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository
public function findAllOrderedByNb() {
return $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
->where('a.session LIKE :session')
->setParameter('session', '%2014-01%')
Several dates
but I want the day to be anything not only 01
If I have understood you correctly, your want find count of dates from array. In SQL this is implemented using WHERE IN syntax — in Doctrine you are greatly encouraged to use $qb->expr()->in() method.
$sessions = ['2014-01-01 00:00:00', '2014-01-03 00:00:00'];
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
->where($qb->expr()->in('a.session', ':sessions'))
->setParameter('sessions', sessions)
Dotrine doc: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.6/reference/query-builder.html#high-level-api-methods
Date range
If you want to get count of rows in month/year you need set a interval until the start of the next month
->andWhere('a.session >= :startSession')
->andWhere('a.session < :finishSession')
->setParameter('startSession', '2014-01-01 00:00:00')
->setParameter('finishSession', '2014-02-01 00:00:00')

Get Magento 2 collection based on final_price

I have the following code to get a Magento 2 product collection:
<?php namespace Qxs\Related\Block;
class Related extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory $productCollectionFactory,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Source\Status $productStatus,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Visibility $productVisibility,
\Magento\Framework\Registry $registry,
array $data = []
$this->_productCollectionFactory = $productCollectionFactory;
$this->productStatus = $productStatus;
$this->productVisibility = $productVisibility;
$this->_registry = $registry;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getProductCollection()
try {
$product = $this->_registry->registry('current_product');
$range_percentage = 35;
$price_temp = round($product->getFinalPrice() / 100 * $range_percentage);
$price_from = $product->getFinalPrice() - $price_temp;
$price_to = $product->getFinalPrice() + $price_temp;
$categories = $product->getCategoryIds();
$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create();
->addCategoriesFilter(['in' => $categories])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s >= %s', ['min_price', $price_from])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s <= %s', ['min_price', $price_to])
->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', ['neq' => $product->getId()])
->addAttributeToFilter('status', ['in' => $this->productStatus->getVisibleStatusIds()])
return $collection;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Code above is updated with a working example
It will return a result with addtofieldfilter 'price' but it does not work with final_price attribute. I need to sort based on final_price because configurable products don't have a price. The code returns: invalid attribute name.
How can I filter on price range in final_price attribute?
The final_price is part of the price index tables, so you can't work with it the same way as you would do with fields and attributes. You need to join in the price index to be able to filter and sort based on final_price. Luckily, Magento has added a few nifty functions for us to use on the product collection; addPriceDataFieldFilter() and addFinalPrice().
To be able to achieve the logic you describe above, you would want to change your code to something like this:
$collection = $this->_productCollectionFactory->create();
->addCategoriesFilter(['in' => $categories])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s >= %s', ['final_price', $price_from])
->addPriceDataFieldFilter('%s <= %s', ['final_price', $price_to])
->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', ['neq' => $product->getId()])
->addAttributeToFilter('status', ['in' => $this->productStatus->getVisibleStatusIds()])
Note the order of the functions. You must always call addFinalPrice() after all of the addPriceDataFieldFilter() or else the filter won't be applied.
If you want to sort by final_price, you can add following code after addFinalPrice():
$collection->getSelect()->order('price_index.final_price ASC');

Faker YML add 1 hour to a date

My question is about Faker.
I need to add one hour to a created date
Like this :
startAt: '<dateTimeBetween("- 10 days", "now")>'
endAt: $startAt + 1 hour
Thx for your help.
Well that does not exist yet. Need to create a custom provider
Like this :
public static function manipulateTime($date, $action = '-30 years')
$date = new \DateTime($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
return $date;

Compare Validator for two dates

I have two labels and two text boxes, a Compare validator and a button.
I need it to compare two dates (rental date , return date ) and when the rental date is less or equal to return date are the same. No validation message.
While when when the rental date is less than the return date, display an input error message.
The compare validator has been set with :
controltocompare : txtrental,
controltovalidate: txtreturndate,
operator :greater than equal,
errormessage: return date must be greater or equal than rental date,
I am not sure how to get the btn to display it ?
You need to set the property "CausesValidation" of your button to "true" to trigger validation on its click.
Make sure the CompareValidator has runat="server"
Create a method to display message.
private void AlertBox(string Msg)
string s = "alert('" + Msg + "')";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "ckey", s, true);
find the code to validate and throw alert message.
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtrental.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtreturndate.Text))
DateTime ssSD = Convert.ToDateTime(txtrental.Text);
DateTime qsED = Convert.ToDateTime(txtreturndate.Text);
int chktxtfd1_sd = ssSD.CompareTo(qsSD);
if ((chktxtfd1_sd == 0 || chktxtfd1_sd == -1) )
//do something bcoz condition is true
lvflag = false;
AlertBox("date must be greater or equal than rental date");
If you find it useful, please mark it as your answer else let me know...

How to determine the entire date range displayed by ASP.NET calendar?

The ASP.NET calendar always displays 6 weeks of dates in a 7x6 grid. My problem is that the first day of the target month does not necessarily appear in the first row... in some cases, the entire first row displays dates from the previous month. In other cases, the entire last row displays dates from the next row.
Is there a reliable way to query the calendar object to determine the 42-day range that would be rendered for a specific month/year?
For example, consider June 2008 and Feb 2009:
Notice that the first week contains ONLY dates from prior month http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/2290/datesmq5.png
I assume that the calendar tries to avoid bunching all of the "other month" dates at either the top or bottom of the grid, and therefore puts the first of the target month on the 2nd row. I am looking for an easy way to determine that the displayed range for June 2008 is May 25 - July 5, for instance.
Looking at the public members exposed by the ASP.NET Calendar control I do not believe that this information is something that you can just get from the calendar control.
You have a few options as "workarounds" to this though, although not nice....but they would work.
You could manually calculate the first week values
You can handle the "day render" event to handle the binding of the individual days, and record min/max values.
Granted neither is elegant, but AFAIK it is the only real option
After discussion in the comments, another option is a modified version of my second option above. Basically the first time Day Render is called, get the block of data for the next 42 days, then you can simply search the list for the proper day value to display on future calls to DayRender, avoiding a DB hit for each day. Doing this is another "non-elegant" solution, but it works, and reduces a bit of load on the DB, but introduces some overhead on the application side.
It will be important here to define well structured page level properties to hold the items during the binding events, but to ensure that if a month changed, etc that it wasn't loaded incorrectly etc.
I wrote a couple of methods to help with this. Just pass in Calendar.VisibleDate:
public static DateTime GetFirstDateOfMonth(DateTime date)
return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
public static DateTime GetFirstDisplayedDate(DateTime date)
date = GetFirstDateOfMonth(date);
return date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ? date.AddDays(-7) : date.AddDays((int)date.DayOfWeek * -1);
public static List<DateTime> GetDisplayedDates(DateTime date)
date = GetFirstDisplayedDate(date);
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++)
return dates;
I've just been looking into this myself, and got directed to here. I'm personally tempted to go with option two, because the alternative is messy. Ronnie's version is nice, but unfortunately doesn't take into account cultures with different FirstDayOfWeeks.
Using Reflector, we can see how it's done internally:
DateTime visibleDate = this.EffectiveVisibleDate();
DateTime firstDay = this.FirstCalendarDay(visibleDate);
private System.Globalization.Calendar threadCalendar =
private DateTime EffectiveVisibleDate()
DateTime visibleDate = this.VisibleDate;
if (visibleDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
visibleDate = this.TodaysDate;
if (this.IsMinSupportedYearMonth(visibleDate))
return this.minSupportedDate;
return this.threadCalendar.AddDays(visibleDate,
-(this.threadCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(visibleDate) - 1));
private DateTime FirstCalendarDay(DateTime visibleDate)
DateTime date = visibleDate;
if (this.IsMinSupportedYearMonth(date))
return date;
int num = ((int)
this.threadCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(date)) - this.NumericFirstDayOfWeek();
if (num <= 0)
num += 7;
return this.threadCalendar.AddDays(date, -num);
private int NumericFirstDayOfWeek()
if (this.FirstDayOfWeek != FirstDayOfWeek.Default)
return (int) this.FirstDayOfWeek;
return (int) DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.FirstDayOfWeek;
private bool IsMinSupportedYearMonth(DateTime date)
return this.IsTheSameYearMonth(this.minSupportedDate, date);
private bool IsTheSameYearMonth(DateTime date1, DateTime date2)
return (((this.threadCalendar.GetEra(date1) ==
this.threadCalendar.GetEra(date2)) &&
(this.threadCalendar.GetYear(date1) ==
this.threadCalendar.GetYear(date2))) &&
(this.threadCalendar.GetMonth(date1) ==
Sadly, the functionality is already there, we just can't get at it!
Worked perfectly, thank you.
Started with a public variable
bool m_FirstDay = false
in the day_render function
if(m_FirstDay == false)
DateTime firstDate;
DateTime lastDate;
firstDate = e.Day.Date;
lastDate = firstDate.AddDays(41);
m_FirstDay = true;
I then had the visible date range of the asp.net calendar control. Thanks again.
see this one.
How to Remove the Last Week Of a Calendar
