PCD Sample Data - point-cloud-library

I am looking for sample point cloud scenes to work with but unable to find any free sample PCD data apart from the PCL Documentation with a few files. Any source when I can find free PCD files to work with? I am mainly working on ground and pedestrian recognition.

Check the Community Data Repositories links on this page


Access to raw data from Microsot band 2

Im a student and i'm doing a research. I decided to use Microsoft band 2 for it. for that, i need to get the raw data from this wearsble device.
is it possible to get the raw data?
thank you.
There is an app called " Companion for Band". it allows to get raw data from the Microsoft Band.
Although The Microsoft Band SDK is no longer available, you can try to search for the library file on the Internet (I recommend you start with Github).
If you're developing for Android, then look for microsoft-band-1.3.20307.2.jar or microsoft-band-1.3.20307.2.aar.
Despite Microsoft Band 2 is discontinued, the developer manual is still there.

Is there any way to use Point Cloud Library (or similar) to get a skeleton from point cloud data like obj?

I've been stuck for some days searching some way to get the skeleton of a point cloud data (like OBJ) but not using kinect. Is it possible?
I found the Point Cloud Library which does a lot of tasks related to point cloud data, and in their documentation there is a body keypoints detector, but it also works with kinect grabbers.
In my case, I have a point cloud data like in the picture, which was generated by another depth sensor scanner. Is it possible to find the key points in such data?
I really would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Even if it's not explicitly mentioned in the tutorial you linked, a quick to the code suggests that you can use different data sources (e.g. PCD files), so you're not stuck with the live capture from Kinect.
All the tutorial code really does is the following:
Setup the GPU for the people parts detection.
Pick the appropriate data source.
Load the tree files for the body part detector.
Run the PeopleDetector on a single frame captured from the live grabber stream/PCD file.

AutoCAD drawing (DWG) to map tiles

Rendering large DWG files as such has shown performance degradation to large extent. Planning to use the concept of map tiles using leaflet. Need some pointers/information on how to convert DWG files to map tiles.
After too many hours, searching everywhere for a solution to convert DWG/DXF files using any automated command line tool, finally I found QCAD.org.
And that works even on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
After a quick look in documentation, I found the section for command line tools.
They are:
dwg2bmp, dwg2png, dwg2jpeg, dwg2tiff, dxf2png, dxf2jpeg, dxf2tiff
and the awesome:
dwg2maptiles and dxf2maptiles
Using this tool, they came up with a beautiful sample using leaflet.js:
The project is OpenSource, but this scripts are only avaliable at QCAD Professional edition.
You can use the free open source QCAD Community Edition by downloading the trial version for your platform (Win, Mac, Linux) and then remove the QCAD Professional add-on running in trial mode. Alternatively, you may compile your own package from sources.
PS: I'm very happy to support the project buying a professional copy.
The easiest approach may be to save your DWG files as PDF and use MapTiler to create the raster tiles and leaflet viewer for you.
You can render such PDF by drag&drop into MapTiler while choosing the "raster" profile - just follow the video tutorial: https://youtu.be/9iYKmRsGoxg?list=PLGHe6Moaz52PiQd1mO-S9QrCjqSn1v-ay
If you need to assign coordinates for later on placing markers or polygons on specified position over the DWG tiles - it is possible with advanced tiles.
If you need help with using MapTiler - write details and provide sample file you need to process to https://www.maptiler.com/support/community/.
If you data are sensitive or you need a guarantee on the answering of your request you seek directly the support from us, the authors of MapTiler.

MapBox sqlite layer from OSM

New to MapBox.
I have read the tuto on how to create a layer from OSM which relies on a PostGIS connection. Tried it. So far, so good.
Nonetheless, given the very limited magnitude of the project i'm working on (single user...), i'd really rather avoid having to have a pgsql instance running just for that. sqlite comes across as an option of course!
Can someone help with the following questions:
Any reason why sqlite would not do the job ? The data set i'm pulling from OSM is about 30MB
Any recommandable and tried script to convert OSM .xml or .pbf to .sqlite ? There is a bunch of osm2sqlite out there on github and where-else, but can't see any reference to them that let me think they will still be maintained in a foreseeable future...
How straightforward will it be to link such sqlite output to a tile mill layer ? Clearly, I have no idea on the underlying data model and subsequent sql statement to bring it across...
Many thanks
Use mbtiles (this is basically sqlite if you didn't know).
Mbtiles will work perfectly for you. In fact Mapbox uses it for their maps
As you've seen from that link, tilemill can export your project to mbtiles . Personally I would import to postgres using imposm3, it's fairly fast and doesn't use up ask your memory. After importing I'd style the map with tilemill then use it to generate mbtiles.
Seems like you're already comfortable with the first 2 steps of this. The docs cover the exporting step
Never used mbtiles but I can't see why you would have difficulty with them.
Nb In the future you'll be better off asking questions these at gis.stackexchange.com/

Read Information from garmin

I want to extract information such (longitude,latitude,location name) from garmin maps
and use the database of this info in my java web application.
but i dont know how to extract a region information such as a city from a garmin map as text or binary.
If anyone know about it help me please.
Garmin maps are copyrighted binary files. Extracting this data without a license to do so is illegal. Don't do it.
The information you seek may be available from the USGS site for free in an easy-to-use text format:
Alternatively, consider using one of google or yahoo's excellent geolocation APIs.
