Configuring PhpStorm with Xdebug and Vagrant - drupal

I am trying to configure PhpStorm 2016.2 with Xdebug and Vagrant (Drupal VM). I have read many tutorials advising how to configure these three applications. I think it's almost there, but I'm not sure what this error is?
When I click to setup path mappings, it appears that 'File path in project' is the issue. On Vagrant I have:
On my local I have:
...but I don't have index.php in my project files:
How can I resolve this? Thanks.

To solve the issue of needing to enable Force break at the first line when a script is outside the project can be solved by configuring PHPStorm to talk to the PHP Interpreter that is in DrupalVM.
Navigate to Preferences -> Languages and Frameworks -> PHP and click the ... next to CLI Interpreter. On the next window that pops up, click the + at the top and choose From Docker, Vagrant, VM, Remote. Choose the Vagrant Instance Folder by navigating to your local path to DrupalVM. Click OK on each of the open windows to close the options.
From here, you will just enable PHPStorm to start listening for new debug connections and will need to send a cookie along to allow to connect to xDebug.


I am unable to vagrant up

I am using a file from GitHub
It has a vagrant file with it. When I run vagrant up command in my terminal, I get an error.
The terminal should show READ ABOVE message when successful download
I want to type in the address to the site on my browser to start a local development server.
Its pretty old file and the repo was using puphpet but this project seems dead for 2 years, the website is down.
In your case, vagrant is trying to download the box from internet but the owner of this box hosted it under the puphpet domain not available anymore
I am not sure what's the best way to help now:
find another more recent example and start from there
if you want to fix this, you will need and use a different box available on vagrant site, ubuntu 16.04 is pretty old now but you can search one from vagrant box

Webstorm and Meteor - Run and Debug in Webstorm greyed out?

When I follow this video exactly, the debug and run buttons in the Webstorm toolbar are greyed out which means I can't use the new debug features of Webstorm 9 - does anyone have any ideas where I am going wrong? I did the exact same setup on another Mac and it works fine. This Mac did run Webstorm EAP 9 but I deleted it and fresh installed 9.0.1.
You need to create a run configuration to get these buttons enabled. Your screenshot shows that no run configurations have beed added - you modified the default configuration instead of creating a new one. Default configuration is just a template for creating new configurations. To add configuration, open Run Configurations dialog, hit Alt+Ins (or press '+' button), select the desired configuration from the list

How can i setup Drush to use a proxy server to access internet on Windows7?

i am using WAMP for Drupal development. I have installed drush and it works fine when using home network without any proxy. When i am at work, the network setting uses a proxy to access internet and hence any drush command which need internet, eg. drush dl {module_name}, doesn't work.
After googling i could only find texts that told me how to configure them on *nix based OS. I'm stuck with windows7. Any idea?
Okay. I got it running. I had to do the following change to make drush dl work on windows 7. Apparently "which wget" wasnt returning anything as windows doesn't have a 'which' command. I hacked the drush core to do the following changes.
Go to file in folder C:\ProgramData\Drush\includes
Change the line $use_wget = drush_shell_exec('which wget'); with $use_wget = drush_shell_exec('where wget');
Root Cause:Windows doesn’t have 'which' command, 'where' command serves the purpose
I think there was no issue with proxy at all and it was using proxy from drupal's settings.php file correctly

xampp apache not running

I want to install wordpress on localhost
I have downloaded and installed XAMPP.
I have downloaded the wordpress 3.4.1 and placed it in htdocs folder.and i renamed it as demo_folder.
when i type in navigation bar localhost/demo_folder it shows Unable to connect page.
As you can see the apache is not running as shown in fig.
when i click on start it doesnt get started
I dont know why?
can anyone help me out???
the below is netstat -an cmd screenshot
This is a fairly common problem with XAMPP/Windows. The usual suspect is that there is another application running on port 80, which you should terminate. Also please use the web, there is a wealth of information on this topic.
To view all currently open ports and the PID of the process using that port, open cmd and run
> netstat -o
This should help with changing the port Apache runs on: .
If you're on Windows 7, shut down the Web Deployment Agent Service. That should clear port 80.
XAMPP does have some problems with Windows. You could also try using WAMP. It seems to be a lot easier to install and use.
As for XAMPP, try making sure nothing else is using the port 80.
It seems you have tried to install the XAMP multiple times or PORT 80 has been used by other Application. If you are sure other applications is not using the Port 80 try this:
Close the XAMP and go to run and type services.msc and find the service named Apache 2.x.x etc go to its properties and get the exact name of it . For eg, mysql service name is mysql.
After you have found the service name , Open cmd with administrator privilege and type
sc delete apache
here is the manual to delete the service name :
after deleting the service name try opening the XAMP and click on Start next to Apache, hope it will be running now.
If nothing works above ,most of the cases I have seen Skype is the problem:
Go to Tools>Options>Advanced>Connections
Untick Use Port 80 for incoming connections

Web applications starts on port 8080, where can I change it?

I have Netbeans IDE version 6.8, and Glassfish version 3.
My glassfish listener is set to port 81, but when I try to run the simplest web application via the Netbenas IDE it tries to run it on port 8080. where can I change it ? Using port 8080 for my web application is out of the question for me.
Locate config folder which may be as follows:
C:\Program Files\glassfish-3.0.1\glassfish\domains\domain1\config
Open domain.xml using any text editor.
Look for 8080 and change it to some other port number that doesn’t conflict with other port numbers.
If GlassFish and Oracle Database are installed in the same system, it results in port conflict as both of them use port 8080.
Here is the procedure to change port number of GlassFish so that you can run GlassFish at a different port number from Oracle to avoid the port conflict.
Find out the folder where GlassFish is installed.
If you installed GlassFish along with NetBeans, you can find out the folder where GlassFish is installed by using the following procedure.
Select Services window by using **Window -> Services** in NetBeans IDE
Expand **Servers** node and select GlassFish Domain
Right click and select **Properties** option from popup menu.
On the right of **Domains Folder** you can see the folder where GlassFish is installed.
For example :
C:\netbeans6.8\glassfish-v3\glassfish\domains. You can also see the other details regarding Glassfish such as port number, in the same window.
Go to the folder where Glassfish in installed.
Go into config folder which is as follows: c:\netbeans6.8\glassfish-3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config
Open domain.xml using any text editor.
Look for 8080 and change it to some other port number that doesn’t conflict with other port numbers. I generally change it to 9999.
Save domain.xml.
Now you need to remove GlassFish from NetBeans and add it again so that NetBeans IDE understands the new port number. For this do the following
In **Servers** window of NetBeans, remove GlassFish by using **RemoveServer** button after selecting GlassFish server.
Click on **AddServer** and select GlassFish V2 or GlassFish V3 and click on **Next**.
Select the **Installation Location** of GlassFish and click on **Next**.
Accept defaults and click on **Finish.**
Restart GlassFish, if it was already running.
A bit late, but this should work...
I don't have 6.8 anymore, but the following is true for 6.9 and 6.10m1 - in the directory <home dir>/.netbeans/<version>/config, there is a file called .nbattrs - edit it, and look for something like:
<attr name="GlassFishEE6\Instances\glassfish_autoregistered_instance\httpportnumber" stringvalue="8082"/>
Change the value to whatever you've set in the appropriate Glassfish domain. If, like me, you have more than one version of Glassfish installed, or perhaps multiple domains, just look out for the ....displayName keys and follow your nose - it should be obvious which one you're altering.
NB: you can, of course, delete the server and add it in again using the wizard to select the right ports - but I think editing .nbattrs is far easier
NB2: there is another .nbattrs file further down the directory chain that also contains glassfish config (can't remember the exact location - sorry!) and this looks like the right place to change the port - but editing this file appears to have no effect as, for me, it gets overridden with whatever is in config/.nbattrs file whenever I start up Netbeans
I'm a bit late, too, but I'll add my comments just-the-same in case anyone runs across this issue in the future. I'm running Windows 7 with NetBeans 6.9.1 and GlassFish 3 locally on a different port (2118) as not to conflict with my Tomcat server on default (8080). If you navigate to <home_dir>/.netbeans/<version>/config/GlassFishEE6/Instances, you'll find your .nbattrs file.
Edit <attr name="httpportnumber" stringvalue="8080"/> to reflect the desired port. Save the file. Restart your server and you should be able to deploy/test your web apps, as desired, using NetBeans.
Incidentally, poking around under <home_dir>/.netbeans/<version>/config/J2EE/InstalledServers, you'll see another .nbattrs file and because I have two app servers installed locally, I see <fileobject name="instance"> for Tomcat and <fileobject name="instance_1"> for GlassFish. XML entries <attr name="port" stringvalue="8080"/> and <attr name="port" stringvalue="2118"/> reflect the respective assigned ports for each server and the change made in the previous .nbattrs file.
Hope this helps.
if you are using Glassfish 3.1.1 it may in /home/user/.netbeans/7.1.2/config/GF3_1/domain1/config/domain.xml,Find the 8080 port and replace it with alternate port number.
