Webstorm and Meteor - Run and Debug in Webstorm greyed out? - meteor

When I follow this video exactly, the debug and run buttons in the Webstorm toolbar are greyed out which means I can't use the new debug features of Webstorm 9 - does anyone have any ideas where I am going wrong? I did the exact same setup on another Mac and it works fine. This Mac did run Webstorm EAP 9 but I deleted it and fresh installed 9.0.1.

You need to create a run configuration to get these buttons enabled. Your screenshot shows that no run configurations have beed added - you modified the default configuration instead of creating a new one. Default configuration is just a template for creating new configurations. To add configuration, open Run Configurations dialog, hit Alt+Ins (or press '+' button), select the desired configuration from the list


Configuring PhpStorm with Xdebug and Vagrant

I am trying to configure PhpStorm 2016.2 with Xdebug and Vagrant (Drupal VM). I have read many tutorials advising how to configure these three applications. I think it's almost there, but I'm not sure what this error is?
When I click to setup path mappings, it appears that 'File path in project' is the issue. On Vagrant I have:
On my local I have:
...but I don't have index.php in my project files:
How can I resolve this? Thanks.
To solve the issue of needing to enable Force break at the first line when a script is outside the project can be solved by configuring PHPStorm to talk to the PHP Interpreter that is in DrupalVM.
Navigate to Preferences -> Languages and Frameworks -> PHP and click the ... next to CLI Interpreter. On the next window that pops up, click the + at the top and choose From Docker, Vagrant, VM, Remote. Choose the Vagrant Instance Folder by navigating to your local path to DrupalVM. Click OK on each of the open windows to close the options.
From here, you will just enable PHPStorm to start listening for new debug connections and will need to send a cookie along to allow to connect to xDebug.

Meteor: what does "there can be only one platform" mean?

I'm working through the Angular2-Meteor tutorial here. When I update the code for the app, I frequently encounter an error message, displayed in the browser console when I browse to the app running on localhost:
Error: There can be only one platform. Destroy the previous one to create a new one.
Sometimes the app seems to be running fine. Other times it is indeed not working. What does this error mean, and how should I fix it?
This happened to me when i was using the Atom editor. Atom compiles your typescript and outputs it in the same folder by default. Then Meteor sees both a *.ts and a *.js file and happily loads both of them. As a result 2 Angular platforms are created.
I don't know if you can change the *.js output folder with atom-typescript. I switched to VSCode for typescript development.

webstorm - meteor doesn't restart - how to remove --once option?

I'm using webstorm for meteor dev.
I've configured a meteor project, and can run my app
however, making a change doesn't trigger the meteor server to restart or rebuild, as it does when running a normal server instance.
Looking at the command being run, they have inserted --once into the command line:
/usr/local/bin/meteor --once run --settings private/local.json
I've added the --settings option in the config dialog.
is there a way to remove that? I guess it will mean a lot of restarts with how webstorm works but so be it. the alternative - manually restarting the whole server all the time is not usable.
When WebStorm runs Meteor it uses the -once which disables Meteor’s
auto reload feature. The reason for this is that the way it currently
works is incompatible with WebStorms autosave option. We are working
with the Meteor team/community to try and think of ways in which we
could provide this feature from within WebStorm. But that it still in
the works.
WebStorm's autosave feature is evil, and hundreds of people have complained about it.
WebStorm should run meteor without the --once parameter, which will enable you to save when you deem it's a good time to do so. To that effect, disable Appearance & Behavior -> System settings -> Save files on frame deactivation and Save files automatically if..., and assign a keyboard shortcut to File -> Save or File -> Save All.
Funny how this has -1 votes, when JetBrains has recognized the problem and fixed the issue in WebStorm.
I couldn't find a way to remove it but I was able to create a Bash script to run my server command instead of doing it in the console. I'm using PhpStorm I believe it should be the same.
The first thing you need to do is create a simple bash script which is essentially is the code you'd run in console. Below is my code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
meteor --settings settings.json
Once the file is created, go to Run->Edit Configurations.
Under Defaults select Bash and click the plus sign at the top left of the modal.
Name your script. Name:
Reference your script. Script:
Select Run '[Script Name]' from the Run menu.
Hopefully this is helpful and helps a few people.

Filezilla opens new aptana process

My problem is basically the same than this one but on windows 7:
How to open files of Filezilla in current open Aptana Studio 3
Every file that opened from Filezilla launch a new Aptana3 process, which crashes because the workspace is already used in the other instance.
I had the same issue before but can't remember how I solved it.
I have another computer with Windows7 where it works fine, I compared Filezilla and Aptana settings and they are all the same.
In Filezilla settings I have:
File Editing:
Use custom editor: [aptana path]
Always use custom editor
Filetype associations:
Inherit system filtype associations
Custom filetype associations is empty
Again, that works fine with the same settings on another computer...
Any ideas?
It is a bug in the program - Bug Discussion. Apparently there is a fix but to get to it you have to register at Aptana to view the workaround. Too many hoops and bugs for me so am going to uninstall Aptana and use Netbeans from now on.

Does aptana save my files on every keypress?

I've just downloaded Aptana to do some web-development. I've downloaded the JsTestDriver plugin (javascript testing framework) which works fantastic, however there is one thing bugging me... In my run configuration of JsTestDriver i set it to run everytime i save my project. The funny thing is that the my run configuration is executed everytime i press a key... Does this mean that aptana saves my project everytime i make a single change to it? If so, how do I disable it? Running all my unit tests everytime i press a single key is kinda taxing on my system :P
Found it! Disable "Build Automatically" in Eclipse -> Workspace settings
