How to change the name of my application for Evernote? - evernote

We developped an application that works with Evernote. When we created the api Key, we had to choose a name for our application.
Now, I would like to change this application name. How, who, where can I ask for that ?
I searched on, but found no way to submit a support ticket, only links to forums, FAQs.
In this discussion, we are encouraged to create a question on StackOverflow. Quoting Phils :
You'll need to post that request in StackOverflow, as that's the place
where Evernote developer support has designated.
So, here is my question


I've just bought PAW and registered with their site. How do I use PawPrints?

I've just bought Paw and, while exploring the app found a mention of pawprints, which appear to be some sort of saved snippets or requests or something. I registered with the website and it tells me I have no saved pawprints. I've searched all over the help files and documentation and can't actually see how to create a pawprint, or even a clear definition of what a pawprint actually is.
So my questions are, what are pawprints and how do I use them?
Okay thanks Micha,
From the Blog Post (which Google couldn't find when I searched)
Last May, we launched Pawprint, a quick way to share the requests you tested in Paw. The idea of a getting a short link that you can paste anywhere, sharing what you just see on screen, was very appealing and something we wanted to do almost since the beginning of Paw.
That's handy to report bugs to the API provider (often those backend guys sitting on the other side of the room), or to show to the consumers (often the client folks playing with smartphones and web browsers) how your PATCH endpoint works.
In Paw, just hit ⌘/, and a permalink will be copied. Paste it anywhere from Slack and GitHub tickets, to StackOverflow answers.
You'll also get client code generated in many languages, plus cURL or HTTPie command lines, to run the same request from code.
Apparently the Paw website is being updated now to make this clearer.

ASP.NET Browser Debug (support information) page

So one of the many many tasks I'm faced with daily as a developer is trying to get our support department to get as much information about the end users environment as possible.
Browser version, current cookies, plugins, etc etc and it would be handy to point people to a specific page on our site and say "copy paste this to support".
In the past I've always written these by hand, and used third party tools (such as BrowserHawk) to get as much info as possible.
How does everyone else deal with getting this information from end users, is there a nice package I'm unaware of to give a detailed dump a users env without having to get the users to run an app?
Just to clarify I'm not looking at an elmah style reporting (which is very helpful as well!) but this mainly for the client side stuff.
Some months ago I have see the googles ads page have a cool nice report button. What this button do is that capture using javacript the page as it is and send you the report, with all the details, and an image of the actually page.
So I have found this library that make the same think.
And here are some example pages with this feedback.
So I add this feedback option, and I ask from the users to point out the issue, and send the feedback, so for pages I have a very nice image for what is not going well.
The next think is that I log and check all errors, and I fix them soon. sitemap admin seeing what a user sees

I am currently trying to figure out how to best go about implementing an administration side for my application.
I have a user site, where users can log in, customize their profile, submit information etc.
I would like administration users to be able to log in and be able to choose from a list of users. From there, the administrator can submit information for the user just like the user can.
Website Start Page > RogerRabbit > Submit Information
Website Start Page > BillyBob > Customize Profile
So my question is:
How should my pages be laid out?
How should the Web.sitemap file look? Is there a nice way of creating a sitemap (maybe in memory?)
Would this method have to use session variables?
Any suggestions, or tips would be great.
I can't answer your sitemap question but I have implemented a solution like this on one of our systems where I can see exactly what the end user is seeing by impersonating them. I did this mainly for troubleshooting purposes so that when they report a problem to me (such as something missing from their view), I can go in as them and see exactly what they are talking about.
The way I did this, which is admittedly a little crude, was to have an impersonation table in my database which contains the logon name of the user who is doing the impersonating and the logon of the user they wish to impersonate.
I added some override code so that when the user first goes to the page (it uses Windows authentication), it will check to see if that user has an impersonation set in the table and then place this user id in an object in the session state. If there was no impersonation, it would place the actual user id in this same object.
To prevent me from doing things to the user's data as them, there are two properties in this object, one for logon_name, which is what is used by the system for content-customization, and another called NameForLog, which is used when logging any actions. All actions I make will be logged as me.
All areas on the site that display user-customized content look at this session object, so they will always use the impersonated ID and therefore always show me what the user is seeing. Beyond the first page and the logging code, it doesn't even know that it is me it is dealing with.
It isn't the cleanest solution, but it has worked well for me.
I dunno mike... that's a broad set of questions there. Kinda like asking "how to I build a web site in".
It sounds very much like you need to invest in an introductory "how-to book" that covers these topic areas. The good news is that just about every beginner to intermediate book ever written probably hits most of these topic areas.
would like administration users to be able to log in and be able to choose from a list of users. From there, the administrator can submit information for the user just like the user can.
This is a kind of impersonation... and is a lot harder than it sounds. But how you do this depends on how your application authenticates users, authorizes users, and manages roles... which is a whole sub-specialty within (with it's own dedicated books actually).
1) How should my pages be laid out?
2) How should the Web.sitemap file look? Is there a nice way of creating a sitemap (maybe in memory?)
This is covered on MSDN quite thouroughly. Yes, you can create your sitemaps in memory. I've created sitemaps from data stored in a SQL DB a few times in the past, but I'd have no idea where to even start to explain it. You have to understand the base classes and interfaces used by sitemaps and then make a custom sitemap provider adapted to working with your data and rules for the site's structure.
3) Would this method have to use session variables?
Probably. Most sites with an awareness of "logged in user" need sessions. Not universally true, but nearly so.

Facebook API and Drupal

I'm trying to use the drupal module called FB ( I just want to know if I'm on the right track. I've installed the module, setup the keys and so forth. All I want is the following:
To make a call into facebook
Retrieve all MY notes
Retrieve all the COMMENTS on my notes
So my questions are:
Is it necessary to write an app if I just want to make simple call like this?
Is there an easier way than the module i'm using?
You may find that the Activity Stream facebook extention does what you need.
Making some assumptions here: 1) you're familiar with programming drupal modules, 2) not so much with the facebook api, 3) you want to export your notes to display on a personal site.
The short answer is Yes, you need to create an application. You need the facebook client API files, and an API key/secret, which you only get by creating an app. Sounds like you've already gotten this far anyway.
However, from first glance, it looks like you only need to enable the DFF facebook API module, and then you can write your own module, using the global $fb to access facebook. The client API methods are mostly self-explanatory, if a little tweaky.
Possible problem: if your facebook details are restricted to friends only, visitors to your personal site won't have access to your notes via facebook API calls. The API only exposes what's publically accessible, or it exposes the (user-specific) details & friends when a visitor logs in (prompted by calling the require_login method). So, I imagine you'd need to store the notes locally, updating them by logging in yourself.
You could feasibly bypass the DFF modules altogether & just include the FB client API from your own module, but DFF looks like it handles all the weird & badly-documented fb behaviour - particularly that related to require_login - that'd otherwise have you smacking your head against a wall for three days. Good luck.
Caveat: I've never used the DFF modules. I used FBConnect, which was sufficient, but I spent a lot of time smacking my head against a wall.

Designing an ASP.NET app that supports SubSites

I'm designing an ASP.NET application that must support 'SubSites'.
The idea is to have a super admin manage all users, global application settings and SubSites. Each Subsite has a few of its own settings (such as a local admin, logo and welcome message) and each SubSite has its own list of registered users.
This is very similar with what you get using a CMS such as Joomla, SharePoint or DotNetNuke. In fact, I'm tempted to use such a platform, but other project requirements prevent me from doing that.
My questions are very general at this point:
Using ASP.NET 2.0 Membership, how would I designate a super admin and classify users based on the SubSite in which they have registered?
How would I implement SubSites (what patterns should be used, etc)? I'm especially interested in articles that explain how others have done this. I would like to learn the best practices that others have acquired, without spending days digging into the source code of a large open source project like DotNetNuke.
I'm implementing this in ASP.NET MVC 1.0, so similar examples will be most helpful.
I like how Mike Hadlow implemented multi-tenancy and I've decided to use his work as a starting point. See this post for info on how I'm using SqlMembershipProvider with each tenant having their own isolated database. That solves my membership "based on subsite" problem.
What you're attempting is more commonly referred to as "multitenancy", not "subsites"
There was a similar question to this, and the accepted answer sounds plausible.
Forgive me if I do not understand what "subsite" means, are you using that term to refer to the idea of creating mini-sites within a grand master site? If so, I think I understand what you want to do but I'd have to say that the Membership system in 2.0 is very much a framework which you would need to operate within to create what you want.
Anyway, how I would do it (and this is based on .net Membership being used out-of-the-box):
ASP.NET allows you attach 'roles' to users and 'profile' attributes to those users too. Profiles are used to attach things such as "Telephone Number" and other meta-data to users but you could just as well use it to attach their home 'subsite' to them as well.
I would create a role called 'globaladmin', create yourself as a user and then assign you (and only you) to that role. I would then create a 'siteadmin' role and assign each subsite's admin user to that role but being very careful to assign them a 'site' profile entry which has the value that corresponds to the site they are admin for.
For example, 'user123' would be assigned to the 'siteadmin' role and their 'site' profile attribute could be 'subsitexyz'. They would then be identified as the administrator for that site.
The above is workable but if you really want to make this as slick as possible, create your own MembershipProvider (SubsiteMembershipProvider) and create a new SubsiteMembershipUser class that inherits from MembershipUser that your new provider returns. You could then add your own properties to SubsiteMembershipUser that your app can query to find out which site the user belongs to:
//get current logged on user - cast it to our custom membership user object
SubsiteMembershipUser thisUser = (SubsiteMembershipUser)GetUser();
if(thisUser.SubsiteName == SiteUserIsBrowsingString
&& Roles.IsUserInRole(thisUser.UserName, "siteadmin"))
//user is admin for this site so do something
