Token based authentication using ADFS -

I am working with the functionality to integrate ADFS login page with my application.
User will try to visit page. Here system will try to authenticate user.
System will redirect user to ADFS login page.
User will enter login information. If user is authenticated then user will be redirected back to the application with authorized token information.
I am facing difficulties to read the token information when the page is redirected back.
I tried
I am able to redirect page to ADFS login page and also can redirect back to my system if the user is authenticated using below url format:
Please find the below code snippet which I am using after getting back the page to read token information.
ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal as ClaimsPrincipal;
bool IsAuthenticated = claimsPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
int ClaimCount = claimsPrincipal.Claims.Count();
Here I am getting IsAuthenticated as false and ClaimCount as 0 result.
Is there anything incorrect in my code or way to connect ADFS login page ?
Can anyone help me to fix this ?
Please let me know if you have any concern or query or if I am missing something.

In short, I would recommend following this tutorial:
I followed the steps in there and got it to work (using OAuth2 / OpenID connect). There are some other interesting resources on that site, too.
Some more pointers:
1) For using OAuth2 the login URL on the ADFS server should be something like:[parameters]
The URL parameters are nicely documented here:
2) You can then use the ADAL libraries for the frontend and backend code. In essence, the frontend code will put together the aforementioned login URL and keep the token in the browser's session storage to be sent with each request. The backend library will verify and decode the tokens (into ClaimsPrincipal) for you. You can find the appropriate library components here:
Ah, yeah, I know these components and docs describe Azure AD (ADFS in the cloud), but what they run there is essentially the same as ADFS 4.0 on Windows Server 2016.


Firebase - Custom oAuth2 service - Authorization code?

There is an app that wants to authenticate with my users using oAuth2.
So they open a window, with the authorize URL, and parameters (such as redirect uri)
Now I have my own firebase-login, and when the user logs in, I get their access token from firebase. Which is what I want to respond with.
However, in oAuth2 guides/explanations like I see I am supposed to return an authorization code, and I don't understand where can I get that from?
What I can do, is generate a bullshit code, pair it in the DB to the access token, and then in the "token" request, send the correct access token. Is that what I am supposed to do?
Just to be clear, this is my first time writing an oAuth2 service myself.
OAuth is a system that provides authenticated access to resources. This resource can be for example a user page or editing rights to that user page. So your goal is to provide access to permissions to the right people.
When someone logs in, they get a token. Your part is to generate that token however you want, may it be some form of userdata into base64 or completely random. Take this token and link it against permissions, like viewing a page, editing it or even simpler things like viewing the email of a user.
OAuth2 tokens and/or permissions should be revokable without deleting a user. You should not use OAuth2 to identify someone.
If I am understanding your question correctly:
User visits some website
User wants to register or login using your websites OAuth2
You redirect back to the original page and send your generated token
The page can access content on your site with this token
Assuming you are the Host Site, given a User who wants to connect a 3rd party application, then the flow would be like this:
User lands on site - Clicks Login with Github
User is redirected to Github site where they login and click "Authorize"
Github redirects user back to your site /authorize with an auth token.
Your site then passes that token back to the 3rd party API (github in this case) in exchange for an access token and refresh token.
You can then pass that Authorization token to an API endpoint to get details about it. If the token expires, you can use the refresh token to get a new Auth token. Both Tokens should be stored in your database for your user.
However writing that all out I realize you are asking how do you generate the Authorization token, so I'm guessing you're actually the 3rd party API in this example. So you would want to generate an Authorization token using a random generator. Since you are using firebase, you'll probably wanna try out their token generator:
There's also some more up-to-date info here I believe:
And like you said, you would store that in a database associated with the user, and then when the Host Site sends that user's auth token to your server, you exchange it for the Authorization token (and refresh token if requested).
It's also worth reading through how google does it, because you'd be doing something similar:
JWT is another option of generating tokens:

ADFS - On premises SSO Implementation

I have an Asp.Net application that communicate with ADFS(on some other Windows Server) for authentication purpose. Currently, when we navigate to application, it redirects to ADFS SSO authentication page. I followed this blog to implement SSO and have some questions here:
Can we change implementation so that it may redirect to authentication page only when I press login button ?
Can we change implementation so that only one page/URL of my application can be accessed without any authentication ?
What parameters are returned when user is authenticated and redirected back to landing page. How do we get all available parameters ?
In this blog returning things are are Value, ValueType, Subject Name, Claim Issuer and Claim Issuer type. Can I get email or username ? so that I may link that person to a client in my application.
If anyone of above is possible, how I can get it ?
The login button is part of the ADFS screen. That's by design. The sample uses WIF so you are outsourcing authentication to ADFS.
Yes - Use the "location" annotation in the web.config. refer Location Element.
The parameters that are returned are the claims configured in the claims rules. The article show "Display-Name" and UPN. If you want email, just add another row and select it from the dropdown.

Skip authorization page with oAuth 2 and FOSOAuthServerBundle

I've successfully installed and tested the OAuth 2 workflow with Symfony 2 and FOSOAuthServerBundle.
I can request a code, and get a pair of access/refresh token successfully from a "login with" button on a third party test page i've set up and retrieve a user from my API through a custom API call. Pretty cool here.
However, each time I test the flow from the beginning, my oAuth server keeps on redirecting the user on the authorization page. Here are my questions.
Once a user has authorized and app, shouldn't the authorization part of the process be skipped with OAuth 2.0 ?
Is that fixed on the server side or should i change the way i request the credentials on client site ?
And finally... could i debug and fix this ?
If anyone struggles again, the solution is here :
This feature is not default in FOSOAuthServer bundle. You have to create and EventListener and check client or user status, save the user's choice, and [quote:even bypass the authorization process].

OneDrive Webservice - Can different users access my OneDrive?

i want to implement a REST webservice in my wordpress blog. Visitors or other users can select images from my OneDrive Account and order them.
My problem is when i get the authentication code i must enter my password für OneDrive. After that i get the access_token. The access_token has only a runtime for 1 hour.
When i order i new access_token the code is expired and i must get a new authentication code with my user password.
How i can implement a webservice for OneDrive without enter my own password everytime?
Thanks for your help.
When you get the access_token through the code flow when authing you should also see a refresh_token come back (provided you requested the wl.offline_access scope). You should be able to use that to get a new access_token by using the this process without requiring user interaction.

/oauth/token from Controller

I want to implement oauth2 in my website.
I have the server configured.
In current scenario there is a login page, where user puts her credentials which in turn is submitted to my login controller. Now I want to authenticate user using oauth2. Since the server and client are part of same application I am wondering how to go ahead.
I want to authenticate the user via oauth and return the dashboard along with the bearer token so that next call can me made from here.
Please suggest how to go ahead. If there is a better way to do i am more than happy to adapt it.
Configure authorization server with spring-security-oauth. All the necessary endpoints will be mapped automatically (including /oauth/token)
Make a simple webpage with login form
Make POST request to /oauth/token with the username and password. In addition you have to send field called grant_type which will be filled with 'password' value.
As a response you will receive the access token. This means that you are authenticated.
P.S. Please pay attention that Oauth is the authorization standard, not the authentication one!
