ADFS - On premises SSO Implementation -

I have an Asp.Net application that communicate with ADFS(on some other Windows Server) for authentication purpose. Currently, when we navigate to application, it redirects to ADFS SSO authentication page. I followed this blog to implement SSO and have some questions here:
Can we change implementation so that it may redirect to authentication page only when I press login button ?
Can we change implementation so that only one page/URL of my application can be accessed without any authentication ?
What parameters are returned when user is authenticated and redirected back to landing page. How do we get all available parameters ?
In this blog returning things are are Value, ValueType, Subject Name, Claim Issuer and Claim Issuer type. Can I get email or username ? so that I may link that person to a client in my application.
If anyone of above is possible, how I can get it ?

The login button is part of the ADFS screen. That's by design. The sample uses WIF so you are outsourcing authentication to ADFS.
Yes - Use the "location" annotation in the web.config. refer Location Element.
The parameters that are returned are the claims configured in the claims rules. The article show "Display-Name" and UPN. If you want email, just add another row and select it from the dropdown.


WP REST API - User registration without authentication

I am just starting out with using the WP REST API.
For authentication, I use JSON Web Tokens.
The only question I have is how I can give users the possibility to register by themselves, since registering a user also requires an authentication key.
Since the user has not yet logged in, this key cannot yet be retrieved.
I came up with the following two options, but cannot figure out how to do either of them.
The application itself has an authorization key with which the request can be made.
Disabling authentication requirement for user creation.
If I'm looking at this in the wrong way, any answers are welcome!
If your application is a web page then the easiest is to do this separately from the WordPress REST API. WordPress has a web page http://aaa.bbb.ccc/wp-login.php?action=register that allows you to register new users. To enable this web page check the Dashboard -> Settings -> General -> Membership -> 'Anyone can register' option.
If your application is a mobile app then your mobile can just sent the same HTTP request that http://aaa.bbb.ccc/wp-login.php?action=register sends. I.E. a POST request with query parameter action=register with POST parameters user_email, user_login, wp-submit=Register.
If you really insists on doing this using the REST API I think the following will work. (Disclaimer: I have not actually implemented this.)
You will need to override the WordPress REST authentication. First create a new role with the capability 'create_users'. Second create a user with this role. Create a nonce that specifies that a new user is to be registered. When your app returns this nonce and the user credentials to the http://aaa.bbb.ccc/wp-json/wp/v2/users endpoint you should override the WordPress authentication to set the current user to the user you created with the role 'create_users'.

Token based authentication using ADFS

I am working with the functionality to integrate ADFS login page with my application.
User will try to visit page. Here system will try to authenticate user.
System will redirect user to ADFS login page.
User will enter login information. If user is authenticated then user will be redirected back to the application with authorized token information.
I am facing difficulties to read the token information when the page is redirected back.
I tried
I am able to redirect page to ADFS login page and also can redirect back to my system if the user is authenticated using below url format:
Please find the below code snippet which I am using after getting back the page to read token information.
ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal = Thread.CurrentPrincipal as ClaimsPrincipal;
bool IsAuthenticated = claimsPrincipal.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
int ClaimCount = claimsPrincipal.Claims.Count();
Here I am getting IsAuthenticated as false and ClaimCount as 0 result.
Is there anything incorrect in my code or way to connect ADFS login page ?
Can anyone help me to fix this ?
Please let me know if you have any concern or query or if I am missing something.
In short, I would recommend following this tutorial:
I followed the steps in there and got it to work (using OAuth2 / OpenID connect). There are some other interesting resources on that site, too.
Some more pointers:
1) For using OAuth2 the login URL on the ADFS server should be something like:[parameters]
The URL parameters are nicely documented here:
2) You can then use the ADAL libraries for the frontend and backend code. In essence, the frontend code will put together the aforementioned login URL and keep the token in the browser's session storage to be sent with each request. The backend library will verify and decode the tokens (into ClaimsPrincipal) for you. You can find the appropriate library components here:
Ah, yeah, I know these components and docs describe Azure AD (ADFS in the cloud), but what they run there is essentially the same as ADFS 4.0 on Windows Server 2016.

What's the practical workflow using claims for authentication and authorization in a web application?

I just don't still get Claim Based Authentication/Authorization workflow.
The application allows authentication via
After the user is authenticated, an admin can give her/him a claim of having the role of Manager, which creates another claim (where?)
Of course, this claim won't be on the server, question 1: where should that claim be stored?
When the user log in again later, I get the claim of and I should get the claim from the application. and merge them?
How is the workflow? Trying to understand claims in practical usage.
Basically, Facebook tells me that I'm, and 'field in the blanks' adds a claim that I'm also a manager of
then I pass those claims to
How should I configure in the application at to trust Facebook and 'filled in the blank piece' and request claims from both?
I guess I'm using external providers for Authentication and my own provider for Authorization, how this is created on ASP.NET (web API / MVC)?
UPDATE (for clarification)
Let's get backwards. I create a web application where users can register.
'Somehow' there's an trusted ClaimsBased authority somewhere (this should be another application??) where I request the claims for a particular user to see if have particular rights on my application.
So I imagine something like :
and my validation checks if X claim is met to do certain operations.
later I add to Facebook. now I have
which tells me the user is X
/authserver/claims to see if can do operation X on resource Y.
how this is managed on ASP.NET? and where my own claims should be created/exposed/developed.
I think I'm missing something fundamental here.
I think the important thing to understand is the difference between authentication and authorization.
Authentication - the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity.
Authorization - the function of specifying access rights to resources, which is related to information security and computer security in general and to access control in particular.
So, typically for secured system, the workflow starts with Authentication. When a user first connects/uses a system, then are not authenticated (lets say this user is of a type/group Anonymous). The act of the system determining the user is not authenticated is an Authentication in and of it self. Based on being Anonymous, then the act of the system determining what that type of user anonymous has access too is now authorizing what the user can do. For very secure system, the only access anonymous has is to the login screen/page. Once logged in the user is assigned a unique identity and assigned some type of group policy/role (if not already created).
with a web-based application and having a website (#1) authenticate for another website(#2) it becomes a bit more complicated. When I log into StackOverflow(#1), I use my Gmail(#2) account. I get redirected to Google with some special way for Google to know that the page I came from/to go back to. This could be a special key/url combination or for less restrictive access, usually has to do with return url (after I say, yes, where I go back too). Google will create a special authentication token that is specific to the url I am returning to. It is tied to the URL because that means that my token on StackOverflow won't allow me or anyone else to log into say NewEgg for example (in other words someone at StackOverflow with access to the database can't use my token to authenticate as me on some other website, but technically they could log in as me on StackOverflow, but they own the website, so that doesn't really matter). Now I am authenticated on StackOverflow (but technically StackOverflow doesn't even need to know any information about me, just my Token).
On StackOverflow as a new user, a new account is created. This account probably has a one to many relationship to my unique account on Stack Overflow and multiple of logins (and type of logins, OAuth, OpenID or SO Login). Once the account is created, I have whatever access they have setup by default. If I need more or some trigger (lets say based on my Reputation points :) I now have access to Administrative functionality (given some role). That role is tied to my account and indirectly tied to my authentication. This means that I can create additional logins (say a Local SO Login) but keep my Account.
As for each Authentication resource (Google, Facebook, etc) there will be difference schemes for Authentication, but there will always be at least a token (or more than one token) for a website to say who I am (in a generic way).
So website #1 (Stack Overflow) has requested website #2 (Google) to Authenticate me. But only website #1 knows what am I Authorized for.
For role specific functionality, there are a good number of answer on SO dealing with ASP.Net Identity and the Role Manager:
Creating Roles in Identity MVC 5
mvc 5 check user role
A much more Indepth look into Identity with MVC - Extending Identity Accounts and Implementing Role-Based Authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5
If you're using ASPNET.Identity (, you can add a Role claim type to the user. It'll be associated with the userlogin, so when the user authenticates with Facebook, these user claims will be added and available in MVC.
See the following code fragment:
var acRes = await UserManager.AddClaimAsync(userId, new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "MyRole"));

How to disable dynamic sign up with Open ID provider during client authentication flow?

Background: I'm using Open ID authentication in my website. Here is how it works currently - User would pick an Open ID provider from dropdown (google/yahoo/myopenid/etc..) and then click on Login button. The application would then pass the user to the provider authentication page. On successful authentication and authorization on the open ID provider site, user is directed to my application. So far, so good.
Problem: On the Open ID provider authentication page, if the user chooses/clicks Sign Up, then the provider is following its own workflow and the control never returns to my application.
Question: Is there a way where I can disable the dynamic registration on provider (i.e., the Sign Up)?, so that, the user would then be required to register with the provider and then use my application? Or
Is there a way that I can get the control back once the dynamic registration is done?
No. The OpenID protocol has no such provision and while it would be courteous of a Provider to remember to ultimately redirect their new user back to your site, not all do.

Aspx Page Level windows authentication?

I have a document approval workflow application. The workflow sends emails to appropriate users with links for Accept/Reject the document.
When the user clicks on Accept or reject link, an aspx page is shown, where he can type a comment and submit.
Now the question is I want Windows Authentication on this aspx page. If the user is authenticated I want its Userid to be checked against database if his role/profile has priveledge to view the page.
How should I achieve this?
If the whole thing is internal (within your organization) then simply use Windows Authentication on the website. Other wise you have to mix Forms and Windows Authentication on the site. Here is an MSDN article about this.
Once authentication is wired up you can access the user's identity using static
System.Security.Principal.IIdentity user = Page.User.Identity;
property. It contains IsAuthenticated and AuthenticationType properties which you can put to use.
