I have a problem installing and configuring the Easy Google Analytics plugin for Zen Cart. I did read the documentation, did everything exactly like they wrote, I even got some green notices when I logged into admin panel but I do not see anything where i could configure it. It says that I have to go to configuration->google analytics configuration but the only link I have under configuration header is "my store".
Maybe I overlooked something, I don't know, but I need some guidance.
If all you can see under "Configuration" is "My Store," that means you have a limited profile. Get the store owner to go to Admins->Admin Users, edit your account, and set your profile to Superuser.
Help a developer i hired not only he didn't finish the job, but also he left a rule that sends him a copy for everyone who sings up on my site i've been trying to remove the rule from the plugins to no avail I am new to programming, below ill place some images hopefully one can indicate me where such rule could be, i want to mention i am using fluent form and that also he had ftp access only to that specific directory as i didn't fully trusted him.
also, there are not custom snippets in the snippets section
also he never had access to cpanel, and the email is sent only from that specific form i belive as it was the only form at the time enter image description here
I can confirm that removing the plugins and removing cache and re-installing the plugins doesn't work but I can officially confirm that the issue only happens when this line is added into fluent form, methods=stripe&fname={inputs.names.first_name}&lname={inputs.names.last_name}&email={inputs.email}&cname={inputs.input_text_1}&acname={inputs.input_text_2}&phone={inputs.numeric-field}&admin_url={submission.id}
Even if only this: methods=stripe is added, still send the email to him that instructions tells the plugin where to find that email address
i tried typing the email address in php my admin and file manager in cpanel but nothing i find only logs at most of the emails sent
Since you are using Fluent forms then you should check the notification rules of that specific form.
Click on Settings of the form you want
Go to Settings & Integration(Top bar) > Email Notifications (Sidebar)
There you will see all notification rules for that form, his email is probably there, remove it.
More info here.
SOLVED: The rule came from within the theme file editor, wasn't the plugins.
the developer added his email for notification testing and never removed it.
I'm new to wordpress, literally the first time using it, and now i am frustrated because i cannot even get in on the page even as an admin because of the error on the title.
So here's how it went :
i wanted to add social login for my web
i install nextend social login and use the google platform for it
i did every step right (i made sure of it, there's a list of steps in the nextend i just simply follow it)
i copy the secret id and cope, i verify it and i wanted to test it out
so i log out of my user, and i don't even see the google button to login (maybe because i haven't add it (i thought it's automatic))
and so i went to login using user and password turns out it gives me an error
ERROR :reCAPTCHA verification failed. Please Try Again.
i have searched at google, youtube and nothing seems to work, please help
Note : i cannot get into my account
Option 1: Examine what other plugins you have installed.
Perhaps one of them is interfering e.g if you have cache plugin, you might want to clear your browser cache and try again and/or disable the cache plugin entirely
Option 2: Disable and re-install
If you have access to the host account, you can disable and re-install the plugin via phpmyadmin or ftp as shown in the following article.
Go to your hosting login to WP through there to your admin panel.
Go to your google reCAPTCHA account get keys and paste them to your reCAPTCHA plugin on Wordpress again.
I did something very stupid. In my dashboard on the google recaptcha website I deleted the keys for the wrong website.
Now I can not even login to the admin panel on my Wordpress site anymore to disable recaptcha, because the captcha gives an error when logging in.
Is there a workaround to get logged in to the admin panel so I can disable recaptcha?
Or can I restore my recaptcha-keys in the dashboard somehow?
I can not find either solutions on google.
I can access the files on the FTP server to maybe disable recaptcha in the code somehow? But I can't find the right file.
Any help will be appreciated!
If you are on Cpanel, you can drop down to the "Softalicious" section which will list your WP installations. It also has a login button to take you directly into the admin section. (I installed Cloudflare's Turnstyle. If if finds an error, it says "Veify you are human" ... but provides no method to do just that! So I too had t log in via this backdoor method!)
I got an email this morning from google search console about 'Social Engineering Content Detected on Your Site' and they link the sent is something like this http://****.co[.]uk/~bettingb/
The website is WordPress website and I searched for the link in my files and database and I only found it in wordfence table wp_wfHits.
Is it possible that google crawled that link from this table?
is this something serious?
Any advice?
Before you act upon cjmling's advice, wp_wfHits is a legitimate table created by Wordfence (a security plugin).
As shown here
The fact that it is in this table means that Wordfence has noticed it, which is exactly what you want. I cannot imagine that this is the only place in the database that has this but it may be encoded elsewhere.
The other thing is that Wordfence may have already cleaned up the issue between Google spotting it and you looking into it. I would let Search Console run again and see if it is found again.
DO NOT think that your site has been fully compromised, change any admin passwords but you'll probably find that it was stuff added as a comment to a post (usual WordPress "hack")
Also, if you really want to be secure, change the database prefix (Wordfence I think has this option out the box) which means you are then not using the standard "wp_" prefix and you can spot things easier!
hi friends Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc?
Actually I am working on a project and someone has deleted my pages templates to trash and my site was down. I want to check who did this in my wordpress admin panel?
I don't think Wordpress has an event log, at least I've never heard of one or seen one. There is a login logger plugin, but it has to be installed and doesn't work retroactively.
In theory, it should be possible to get at least the IP address of the perpetrator from the normal Apache access logs, and searching it for all recent accesses to the /wp-admin folder. That is pretty cumbersome work, though.
You can use a plugin for this: try Stream or its competitors.
You may try this Activity Log Plugin.
If you have tens of users or more, you really can’t know who did what.
This plugin tries to solve this issue by tracking what users do, and
displaying it in an easy to use and easy to filter view on the
dashboard of your WordPress site.
You can try User Activity Log - WordPress Plugin.
It helps you monitor and keep track of all the activities occurs on the admin side. It will give information about log of all user activity and admin get notified when a particular user is logged in.
The following is not about action logs, but error logs, but it is also helpful. If that happened and you have WooCommerce installed, you will have access to logs:
Admin panel->WooCommerce->Status-> a tab: [Logs]