Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc? - wordpress

hi friends Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc?
Actually I am working on a project and someone has deleted my pages templates to trash and my site was down. I want to check who did this in my wordpress admin panel?

I don't think Wordpress has an event log, at least I've never heard of one or seen one. There is a login logger plugin, but it has to be installed and doesn't work retroactively.
In theory, it should be possible to get at least the IP address of the perpetrator from the normal Apache access logs, and searching it for all recent accesses to the /wp-admin folder. That is pretty cumbersome work, though.

You can use a plugin for this: try Stream or its competitors.

You may try this Activity Log Plugin.
If you have tens of users or more, you really can’t know who did what.
This plugin tries to solve this issue by tracking what users do, and
displaying it in an easy to use and easy to filter view on the
dashboard of your WordPress site.

You can try User Activity Log - WordPress Plugin.
It helps you monitor and keep track of all the activities occurs on the admin side. It will give information about log of all user activity and admin get notified when a particular user is logged in.

The following is not about action logs, but error logs, but it is also helpful. If that happened and you have WooCommerce installed, you will have access to logs:
Admin panel->WooCommerce->Status-> a tab: [Logs]


Wordpress ERROR :reCAPTCHA verification failed. Please Try Again

I'm new to wordpress, literally the first time using it, and now i am frustrated because i cannot even get in on the page even as an admin because of the error on the title.
So here's how it went :
i wanted to add social login for my web
i install nextend social login and use the google platform for it
i did every step right (i made sure of it, there's a list of steps in the nextend i just simply follow it)
i copy the secret id and cope, i verify it and i wanted to test it out
so i log out of my user, and i don't even see the google button to login (maybe because i haven't add it (i thought it's automatic))
and so i went to login using user and password turns out it gives me an error
ERROR :reCAPTCHA verification failed. Please Try Again.
i have searched at google, youtube and nothing seems to work, please help
Note : i cannot get into my account
Option 1: Examine what other plugins you have installed.
Perhaps one of them is interfering e.g if you have cache plugin, you might want to clear your browser cache and try again and/or disable the cache plugin entirely
Option 2: Disable and re-install
If you have access to the host account, you can disable and re-install the plugin via phpmyadmin or ftp as shown in the following article.
Go to your hosting login to WP through there to your admin panel.
Go to your google reCAPTCHA account get keys and paste them to your reCAPTCHA plugin on Wordpress again.

WordPress “wp-admin” redirecting to a user account login

I’m getting a very strange error. When I try to log in to the back-end of WordPress at the address, to access the back-end, I am automatically being redirected to as if I were trying to log into an account as a regular user or a customer.
I’m a novice with WordPress, and I can’t seem to figure this out. Please help.
I have a website which allows some of the users to post available jobs around the block and others apply through it.
Thank You
I'm not using any plugin to implement the front-end at all.
I tried to login using the regular admin credentials and it didn't work.
A way to login the back-end so i can customize the site
It sounds like you have a theme redirect. Try logging into your site using the login page it should function the exact same way. If not try seeing if the theme has any documentation about its redirect. and if you are able to get to the admin section i personally like having ithemes installed which lets me set my own url for the backend. You can also try /wp-login.php as well.

Can't access WordPress dashboard unless Administrator

Our non-Administrator (Shop Manager, Editor, Author, etc) users cannot access the WordPress/Woocommerce dashboard. Administrators can access the dashboard.
I have tried logging in users as "out of the box" Shop Managers, Authors, Editors, and they get bumped back to the storefront.
I have tried disabling plugins, and using the basic woo theme to no avail.
I have tried accessing admin pages they should have access to directly, but still cannot access.
Can anyone share any suggestions for getting our non-Administrators access to the dashboard?
Many thanks in advance.
Try to disable ALL the plugins at the same time.
If it works then enable the plugins one by one to find the culprit.
If its still doesnt work make sure you have the latest version or
If everything is up to date and its still doesnt work then look into the functions.php file in
your theme, maybe there is some script that causes the problem..
If nothing of these has worked you could always apply a patch until you find the real source of the problem, here is some suggestions:
Do a temporary quick fix by using the user_has_cap filter
Add capabilties to user roles so the will be able to access like an administratior see the add_cap() function
If you have installed Ultimate Member plugin:
Go to User Roles page
Press Edit on the role that you want to access the dashboard
Check: Can access wp-admin?
Press Update role
Then test; it should work then

Redirect loop on non-admin login

I'm getting a redirect loop on a Drupal 7 install. Whenever a non-admin user logs in, the site will enter a redirect loop on the user profile URL; for example,
This URL is accessible with no issues by the superuser account, and attempting to access this URL while logged out returns a 403 Access Denied as expected.
When logged in as a non-admin user, attempting to access any URL at all will redirect to the user profile page, which will then redirect onto itself, causing the redirect loop to start anew.
I have found that if I give a specific user the "administrator" role, the redirect loop will cease for that user, and the page will no longer try to redirect to user/%username on login.
I have also found that if I give users the "administer users" permission that the redirect loop will cease, but will still redirect the user to user/%username on login.
Obviously neither of these solutions are possible as giving regular users administrator roles or the ability to administer users is a huge security risk.
Does anyone know of a fix for this, or a way to get around this with an override related to user role?
Installed modules: Block, Color, Comment, Contextual links, Dashboard, Database logging, Field, Field SQL storage, Field UI, File, Filter, Help, Image, List, Menu, Node, Number, Options, Overlay, Path, RDF, Search, Shortcut, System, Taxonomy, Text, Toolbar, Update manager, User, Chaos tools (7.x-1.0-alpha4), Page manager, Devel, Theme Developer, Fieldgroup, IMCE, Pathauto, Token, Taxonomy Menu, IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge, Wysiwyg, Webform, and several custom modules which i) provide blocks 2) provide custom pages and 3) modify the default search behaviour (splits search results by node type). None of my custom modules ever interface with the user management system, permissions system or use any of the functions provided by the user module.
I had an identical problem... spurred on by the fact I wasn't the only one faced with this issue I dug around a bit more. It was your update that gave it away - the Custom Theme.
I'm sure this could be caused by lots of different factors, but in my case and potentially yours, it was my template.php that was at fault.
I was using a custom MYTHEME_preprocess_page() to make some custom variables available in my templates. One of the variables was obviously a bit funky because when i removed it the problem disappeared. Turns out it was some left over code from when I was trying to get the user registration form into the page. It never worked and I forgot to remove it!
Hope this helps someone out there get back on track.
I haven't solution, but you can investigate in next way:
1. Goto http://SITE/admin/config/development/devel for devel module settings.
2. Check "Display redirection page" and save settings.
3. Goto http://SITE/admin/people/permissions
4. Check "Access developer information" for anon and other roles, and save.
5. Try login, it should stop on redirection pages and show where it try to redirect, so you can detect, what modules call looping.
I also had a problem with redirect-loops randomly occurring for non-admin users. Looking at /admin/reports/dblog revealed a permission problem with several nodes. I fixed it by flushing the node permissions (see /admin/reports/status/rebuild). Now everything is fine again.
Same problem for me, after hours and hours of debug and forum/blog navigation I finally found what was going on my site...
If you force login block in all pages, even if user is already logged in, only admin can navigate pages.
This is one of the possibles causes, I hope can help someone!
I had the same problem because i was loading the login form even when the user was logged in. fix it by not asking for the form only if the user is anonymous.
Run these SQL queries in your MySQL database. If you have drush installed, you can just "drush sqlc" from your settings directory to get into a MySQL command line. Otherwise you can use PHPMyAdmin, MySQL workbench, or some other client tool to connect and run these:
Show records to be deleted:
SELECT r.rid, r.language, r.source, r.redirect FROM redirect r INNER JOIN url_alias u ON r.source = u.alias AND r.redirect = u.source AND r.language = u.language;
Then, to delete redirects shown in above query - try going to the pages shown in the row. Chances are you will get a redirect loop. Then, try again after backing up db and running the delete below. You have to turn off safe mode in MYSQL Workbench to run it, so BACKUP:
DELETE r FROM redirect r INNER JOIN url_alias u ON r.source = u.alias AND r.redirect = u.source AND r.language = u.language;
Fixed my problem, and found other pages that had loops which I didn't even realize!

WordPress MU: Login from main page but not individual blogs

I recently upgraded to WPMU 2.8.6 and ever since, my users can't log in on their individual blogs, but they can log in from the main page.
My site is at (we're a school district).
So if a user goes to, their password is rejected. If they go to, they can log in and get to the dashboard from there.
But it's not all users. Site admins can get in just fine.
We're using wpDirAuth 1.4 if that makes a difference.
Honestly, I'm stumped. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
you would seem to have enabled the WPdirauth plugin at the top level blog but not on others. Only your top level blog will have the necessary information to connect to your directory.
Site admins are not typically part of your internal directory - they're a Wordpress user which means they can still log-in ok without needing to connect to Active Directory or whatever you're using.
Enable WPdirauth on all blogs that you need users to login to.
Try reviewing your wp-config file. You should see something like this:
define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true);
Depending on how you've configured Wordpress, this must be enabled to log in to the dashboard of secondary sites.
