When to use BindAttribute? - asp.net

I'm learning asp.net mvc and wonder when we need to use BindAttribute.
The first case (using Bind):
public class Book
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public IActionResult Create([Bind(nameof(Book.Name), nameof(Book.Author))] Book model)
return Ok();
The book Id would be generated on server side. So, client side has nothing to do with it, every actions try to change/make the id is prevented.
The second case (not using Bind):
public class BookViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public IActionResult Create(BookViewModel model)
return Ok();
Because the second model doesn't contain Id property, we don't need to prevent from creating or changing.
I prefer the second. It's easy to manage model.
Is there a case we must use Bind attribute?

We use bind when we want that some properties of complex property are ignored when received on server. It could be for safety or other reasons.
When this action is executed the MVC model binder will use the request parameters to populate the user parameter's properties, as you may already know. However, the Bind attribute tells the model binder to only populate properties with names specified.
So in this case only the Username, FullName and Email properties will be populated. All others will be ignored.
See here for more details: http://ittecture.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/tip-of-the-day-199-asp-net-mvc-defining-model-binding-explicitly/
If you have situation when you only have to ignore one parametar from binding you could use Exclude property:
public Entity Name {get; set;}

Bind is used to increase security and unauthorized data to be posted on server . In your model class , suppose you have content property also. if the content property is not needed in the future. Then it would be difficult for you to remove all the occurrences of that property. Here you can use bind property like this
or you can bind only selected properties to be posted on server by including the properties like this
public ActionResult create([Bind(Include = "Name,Author")] Modelclass modelclass)
//Do something here
You can learn more about it here
Second approach is more suitable instead writing all the properties and bind them but there are some situations where you must bind user like you have a roles property or IsAdmin property in your model then you might not want that user somehow posts the IsAdmin or roles properties to the server . That's where you can use Bind attribute


Save two Entities from one View

How to save two Entities from one View. Suppose I have two Entities Party and Person with One to Many relation. Now I need to save both Entities from Party View. I am using ASP.NET MVC4.
public partial class Cm_Opt_Pty_Party_S
public Cm_Opt_Pty_Party_S()
this.Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S = new HashSet<Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S>();
public int Pty_ID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> Pty_PARTYTYPECODE { get; set; }
public string Pty_FULLNAME { get; set; }
public string Pty_GOVTID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> Pty_GOVTIDTC { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> Pty_GOVTIDSTAT { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S> Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S { get; set; }
What you can do is create a ViewModel This class would contain the relevant properties needed to create both entities.
Then you base your View on the ViewModel instead, and pass that to the controller.
When you want to save the entities, you can build up the separate entities and save them.
I have a better understanding of your issue, so editing this answer to show the solution I would use.
Your Controller will deliver the Party object to your view for displaying the Party information. Using a loop you can display the items contained in the collection.
#foreach(var m in Model.Persons)
When you want to add more items into the collection, you will need to render a partial view or new view containing a form for adding a Person. It will be strongly typed as Person model and the Controller action recieving the post will be expecting a Person
If for example a Person just had a FirstName,Surname and PartyId the form would use these helpers in your view
You then submit that back to your controller, and have logic for adding the person to the collection. Then return the view with Party model containing the newly added Person in the Persons collection.
Using #Ajax.BeginForm or some custom Jquery/Javascript you could handle this async to prevent page refreshing during the process.
If you don't want to do it this way, another option is EditorTemplates. See here for example: ASP.NET MVC LIST and Create in same view

MVC serverside validation of single posted object

I'm currently using a single action to handle 2 views which use a separate ViewModel like so:
public ActionResult(PrivateCustomer p, CorporateCustomer c)
if(Modelstate.IsValid) { ... }
My viewmodels look like this:
public abstract class Customer
public string Name {get; set;}
public string UserName {get; set;}
public class PrivateCustomer: Customer
public class CorporateCustomer: Customer
public new string Name {get; set;}
This means as much as I can use 1 url/action for both (closely related) viewmodels.
The problem is, though, I accept both viewmodels as parameters to my post action, and model validation will occur for both (even though I'll only use one).
Given that I post a PrivateCustomer, which doesn't require a name, I'll still get validation errors on that property.
I was wondering if there's an elegant way to somehow prevent this from happening, preferably without manually removing the errors from my ModelState.
The best thing would be if only either of the 2 objects would be validated.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
This would be difficult to do in the model due to the fact that the POST data is checked before you can modify it on the server side. If you did not want to split your action up, I would suggest dropping the [Required] data annotation in the model and validating in the controller like this:
public ActionResult(PrivateCustomer p, CorporateCustomer c)
if (c != null)
if (c.Name == null || c.Name == "")
ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "Name is required.");
if(Modelstate.IsValid) { ... }
You can do this by implementing custom ModelBinders for the types you are passing to the action method. In the model binders you can override BindModel. There you can decide how to build each instance of the model and decide whether to include ModelState errors. As this is done before you enter the action method, your action method will see ModelState errors only when your logic wants it to.

ActionResult parameters with no default constructor

Obviously there are a number of ways to do this, but I thought I'd ask for a little feedback on benefits and drawbacks of the approaches.
First of all, the NerdDinner tutorial's Edit Action is in the form (say Form A):
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection) {
It seems to me that if you shape your ViewModels well to match your views, that the approach Form B:
public ActionResult Edit(MyViewModel mvm) {
just seems like a better, cleaner approach. I then just map the VM properties to the Model properties and save. However, if this ViewModel has other entities embedded in it that are initialized via the constructor (for example in the nerddinner tutorial), then this edit action fails if there is no default constructor and you'd have to use the first approach.
So, the first question is do you agree that generally Form B is usually better? Are there drawbacks?
Secondly, it seems then if Form B is used, the decorator type validation would need to be in the ViewModel. Are there advantages of embedding entities in ViewModels and keeping the validation at the entity level only?
This is a pretty general SO question.
the first question is do you agree that generally Form B is usually better?
The only time I do not use Form B is when I upload files. Otherwise, I don't believe anyone should ever need to use Form A. The reason I think people use Form A is a lack of understanding of the abilities of ASP.Net's version of MVC.
Secondly, it seems then if Form B is used, the decorator type validation would need to be in the ViewModel.
Sort of / it Depends. I'll give you an example:
public IValidateUserName
string UserName { get; set; }
public UserModel
string UserName { get; set; }
public UserValiationModel : UserModel
The validation decorator is in an interface. I'm using the MetadataType on a derived class to validate the derived type. I personally like this practice because it allows reusable validation and the MetadataType/Validation is NOT part of the ASP.NET core functionality, so it can be used outside of ASP.Net (MVC) application.
Are there advantages of embedding entities in ViewModels ..
Yes, I do my absolute best to never pass a basic model to the view. This is an example of what I don't do:
public class person { public Color FavoriteColor { get; set; } }
ActionResult Details()
Person model = new Person();
return this.View(model);
What happens when you want to pass more data to your view (for partials or layout data)? That information is not Person relevant most of the time so adding it to the Person model makes no sense. Instead, my models typically look like:
public class DetailsPersonViewModel()
public Person Person { get; set; }
public ActionResult Details()
DetailsPersonViewModel model = new DetailsPersonViewModel();
model.Person = new Person();
return this.View(model);
Now I can add required data the DetailsPersonViewModel that view needs beyond what a Person knows. For example, lets say this is going to display a for with all the colors for the Person to pick a favorite. All the possible colors aren't part of a person and shouldn't be part of the person Model, so I'd add them to the DetailPersonViewModel.
public class DetailsPersonViewModel()
public Person Person { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Color> Colors { get; set; }
.. and keeping the validation at the entity level only?
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations weren't designed to validate properties' properties, so doing something like:
public class DetailsPersonViewModel()
public Person Person { get; set; }
Doesn't exist and doesn't make sense. Why ViewModel shouldn't contain the validation for the entity that needs validation.
this edit action fails if there is no default constructor and you'd have to use the first approach.
Correct, but why would a ViewModel or a Entity in a ViewModel not have a parameterless constructor? Sounds like a bad design and even if there is some requirement for this, it's easily solved by ModelBinding. Here's an example:
// Lets say that this person class requires
// a Guid for a constructor for some reason
public class Person
public Person(Guid id){ }
public FirstName { get; set; }
public class PersonEditViewModel
public Person Person { get; set; }
public ActionResult Edit()
PersonEditViewModel model = new PersonEditViewModel();
model.Person = new Person(guidFromSomeWhere);
return this.View(PersonEditViewModel);
#Html.EditFor(m => m.Person.FirstName)
//Generated Html
<input type="Text" name="Person.FirstName" />
Now we have a form that a user can enter a new first name. How do we get back the values in this constructor? Simple, the ModelBinder does NOT care what model it is binding to, it just binds HTTP values to matching class properties.
public class UpdatePerson
public FirstName { get; set; }
public class PersonUpdateViewModel
public UpdatePerson Person { get; set; }
public ActionResult Edit(PersonUpdateViewModel model)
// the model contains a .Person with a .FirstName of the input Text box
// the ModelBinder is simply populating the parameter with the values
// pass via Query, Forms, etc
// Validate Model
// AutoMap it or or whatever
// return a view
I have not yet taken a look at the NerDinner project, however, I generally try to avoid having a ViewModel in the POST of an action and instead, only have the elements of the "form" submitted.
For instance, if the ViewModel has a Dictionary that is used in some kind of dropdown, the entire dropdown will not be submitted, only the selected value.
My general approach is:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var form = _service.GetForm(id);
var pageViewModel = BuildViewModel(form);
return View(pageViewModel);
public ActionResult Edit(int id, MyCustomForm form)
var isSuccess = _service.ProcessForm(id);
//There was an error. Show the form again, but preserve the input values
var pageViewModel = BuildViewModel(form);
return View(pageViewModel);
private MyViewModel BuildViewModel(MyCustomForm form)
var viewModel = new MyViewModel();
viewModel.Form = form;
viewModel.StateList = _service.GetStateList();
return viewModel;

How to preserve input ids when editing lists in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm working with ASP.NET MVC 4, but I on't think that matters for the purpose of this question.
I have a relatively complex model for my edit view. Like this:
public class Recipe_model
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Recipe_Ingredient_model> Ingredients { get; set; }
where Ingredients is
public class Recipe_Ingredient_model
public int RecipeID { get; set; }
public int? UnitID { get; set; }
public double? Quantity { get; set; }
public Ingredient_model Ingredient { get; set; }
which itself contains the Ingredient model.
When I make a form for this, the built-in Html.EditorFor() doesn't work for anything past the properties of the Recipe_model, so I'm using partial views to display the editor for each of the sub-models.
That works fine as far the interface goes, but when I submit the form to the controller and try to bind to the Recipe_model automatically using
public ActionResult Edit(Recipe_model model)
return View(model);
it fails because the ids of the input elements in the partial views do not conform to the correct pattern (I think ParentModel_Property).
Short from hard-coding the ids in the partial view or binding manually from the FormCollection in the controller, is there some way to get the correct ids generated in the partial view so that the model will bind automatically on submit?
This is common problem. Instead of simple partials, use EditorTemplates (special folder for models) and binding will work automatically.
For example look at this question: Updating multiple items within same view
in addition to the answer given by #WebDeveloper
you can also try and create a custom model binder though a little more complex but will add to the ease of posting and binding form value to the objects in long run
have a look here http://patrickdesjardins.com/blog/asp-net-mvc-model-binding
you will have to manually take all the form values and bind them to the model once and then you will be able to use the #HtmlFrom methods on the razor to do anything and you will get all the value inside the objects inside the action methods as you like.

Validation of nested ViewModels

I have two ViewModels (simplified):
public class ParentViewModel
public ParentViewModel
Content = new ChildViewModel();
public ChildViewModel Content { get; set, }
public class ChildViewModel
public string Name1 { get; set, }
public string Name2 { get; set, }
And the following controller post action:
public ActionResult Create(ParentViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// process viewModel -> write something into database
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(viewModel);
Now I am sending the following form values in a post request body to the URL corresponding to that action (manually in Fiddler Request Builder):
This works fine, the Name1 property is filled in viewModel.Content, Name2 is null and the model state is invalid because Name2 is required. So, validation fails as expected.
Xontent.Name1=X or Name1=X or whatever so that nothing gets bound to the viewModel
Now viewModel.Content is not null (because I'm instantiating it in the constructor) but all properties Name1 and Name2 are null. This is expected. What I did not expect is that the model state is valid, so it passes the validation (leading to DB exceptions later because there are non-nullable columns).
How can I improve this code so that validation also works in the second case?
I did three experiments:
I have removed the instantiation of Content in the ParentViewModel constructor, then Content is null in the second example above, but validation still passes.
I have added a [Required] attribute to the Content property (but didn't remove the instantiation of Content in the ParentViewModel constructor). This has no effect at all, the described behaviour of the two tests above is the same.
I have added a [Required] attribute to the Content property and removed the instantiation of Content in the ParentViewModel constructor. This seems to work as I want: In the second test Content is null and validation fails due to the [Required] attribute. It would look like this:
public class ParentViewModel
public ChildViewModel Content { get; set, }
public class ChildViewModel
public string Name1 { get; set, }
public string Name2 { get; set, }
I would conclude now that instantiating the Content child property in the ParentViewModel constructor is the source of the problem and that the model binder itself must instantiate the child properties (or not, if there are no matching form fields in the request) in order to have a properly working server side validation.
I have child property instantiation in several other view model constructors and didn't notice this problem until now. So, is this generally a bad practice? Are there other ways to solve the problem?
ModelState.IsValid tells you if any model errors have been added to ModelState.
The default model binder will add some errors for basic type conversion issues such as passing a non-number for something which is an "int". You can populate ModelState more fully based on whatever validation system you're using. I would suggest looking into data annotations to validate the ViewModels since it works well.
This syntax may be wrong or old. ModelState.AddModelError("key", Exception)
paraphrased from
What is ModelState.IsValid valid for in ASP.NET MVC in NerdDinner?
The third solution is fine:
public class ParentViewModel
public ChildViewModel Content { get; set, }
public class ChildViewModel
public string Name1 { get; set, }
public string Name2 { get; set, }
I'm using it now at several places and didn't notice any problems.
