How to preserve input ids when editing lists in ASP.NET MVC? -

I'm working with ASP.NET MVC 4, but I on't think that matters for the purpose of this question.
I have a relatively complex model for my edit view. Like this:
public class Recipe_model
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Recipe_Ingredient_model> Ingredients { get; set; }
where Ingredients is
public class Recipe_Ingredient_model
public int RecipeID { get; set; }
public int? UnitID { get; set; }
public double? Quantity { get; set; }
public Ingredient_model Ingredient { get; set; }
which itself contains the Ingredient model.
When I make a form for this, the built-in Html.EditorFor() doesn't work for anything past the properties of the Recipe_model, so I'm using partial views to display the editor for each of the sub-models.
That works fine as far the interface goes, but when I submit the form to the controller and try to bind to the Recipe_model automatically using
public ActionResult Edit(Recipe_model model)
return View(model);
it fails because the ids of the input elements in the partial views do not conform to the correct pattern (I think ParentModel_Property).
Short from hard-coding the ids in the partial view or binding manually from the FormCollection in the controller, is there some way to get the correct ids generated in the partial view so that the model will bind automatically on submit?

This is common problem. Instead of simple partials, use EditorTemplates (special folder for models) and binding will work automatically.
For example look at this question: Updating multiple items within same view

in addition to the answer given by #WebDeveloper
you can also try and create a custom model binder though a little more complex but will add to the ease of posting and binding form value to the objects in long run
have a look here
you will have to manually take all the form values and bind them to the model once and then you will be able to use the #HtmlFrom methods on the razor to do anything and you will get all the value inside the objects inside the action methods as you like.


When to use BindAttribute?

I'm learning mvc and wonder when we need to use BindAttribute.
The first case (using Bind):
public class Book
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public IActionResult Create([Bind(nameof(Book.Name), nameof(Book.Author))] Book model)
return Ok();
The book Id would be generated on server side. So, client side has nothing to do with it, every actions try to change/make the id is prevented.
The second case (not using Bind):
public class BookViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Author { get; set; }
public IActionResult Create(BookViewModel model)
return Ok();
Because the second model doesn't contain Id property, we don't need to prevent from creating or changing.
I prefer the second. It's easy to manage model.
Is there a case we must use Bind attribute?
We use bind when we want that some properties of complex property are ignored when received on server. It could be for safety or other reasons.
When this action is executed the MVC model binder will use the request parameters to populate the user parameter's properties, as you may already know. However, the Bind attribute tells the model binder to only populate properties with names specified.
So in this case only the Username, FullName and Email properties will be populated. All others will be ignored.
See here for more details:
If you have situation when you only have to ignore one parametar from binding you could use Exclude property:
public Entity Name {get; set;}
Bind is used to increase security and unauthorized data to be posted on server . In your model class , suppose you have content property also. if the content property is not needed in the future. Then it would be difficult for you to remove all the occurrences of that property. Here you can use bind property like this
or you can bind only selected properties to be posted on server by including the properties like this
public ActionResult create([Bind(Include = "Name,Author")] Modelclass modelclass)
//Do something here
You can learn more about it here
Second approach is more suitable instead writing all the properties and bind them but there are some situations where you must bind user like you have a roles property or IsAdmin property in your model then you might not want that user somehow posts the IsAdmin or roles properties to the server . That's where you can use Bind attribute

View use of Model and ViewModel in ASP.NET

I'm learning about ASP.NET and working in an application and I don't seem to understand the difference between the Model and the ViewModel. When in a View the information you want is taken from the Model you call using #model. If you want to make a dropdown list you will display the information you get from there right? When using #Html.Action you call a method of the Controller where you create a ViewModel object with the same {get; set} methods and the same information as the Model. So why using this if it's the same as the Model? Or it isn't?
Probably my question doesn't make 100% sense, keep in mind I'm still new to ASP.NET. What I need to understand is the difference between the Model and the ViewModel.
I found this post: ASP.NET MVC Model vs ViewModel, but I need the answer to be more specific.
Let's say that you have 2 models Blog and Category:
public class Blog
public string BlogTitle{ get; set; }
public string Body{ get; set; }
public class Category
public string CategoryTitle{ get; set; }
A ViewModel is a solution for showing both of these on a single view. It is an alternative to using ViewBag, but in my opinion a much better one, because it allows you to strongly type the model properties.
In this case if you wanted to show a Blog post and list of categories you would create a view model
public class BlogCategoriesViewModel
public Blog Blog { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Category> Categories { get; set; }
And in your view:
#model Project.ViewModels.BlogCategoriesViewModel
#foreach (var item in Model.Categories)
In the View the ViewModel in this case is basically a collection of 2 submodes. A ViewModel also lets you add properties to your view which aren't directly mapped to domain entities.
Hope that helps

Save two Entities from one View

How to save two Entities from one View. Suppose I have two Entities Party and Person with One to Many relation. Now I need to save both Entities from Party View. I am using ASP.NET MVC4.
public partial class Cm_Opt_Pty_Party_S
public Cm_Opt_Pty_Party_S()
this.Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S = new HashSet<Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S>();
public int Pty_ID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> Pty_PARTYTYPECODE { get; set; }
public string Pty_FULLNAME { get; set; }
public string Pty_GOVTID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> Pty_GOVTIDTC { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> Pty_GOVTIDSTAT { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S> Cm_Opt_Psn_Person_S { get; set; }
What you can do is create a ViewModel This class would contain the relevant properties needed to create both entities.
Then you base your View on the ViewModel instead, and pass that to the controller.
When you want to save the entities, you can build up the separate entities and save them.
I have a better understanding of your issue, so editing this answer to show the solution I would use.
Your Controller will deliver the Party object to your view for displaying the Party information. Using a loop you can display the items contained in the collection.
#foreach(var m in Model.Persons)
When you want to add more items into the collection, you will need to render a partial view or new view containing a form for adding a Person. It will be strongly typed as Person model and the Controller action recieving the post will be expecting a Person
If for example a Person just had a FirstName,Surname and PartyId the form would use these helpers in your view
You then submit that back to your controller, and have logic for adding the person to the collection. Then return the view with Party model containing the newly added Person in the Persons collection.
Using #Ajax.BeginForm or some custom Jquery/Javascript you could handle this async to prevent page refreshing during the process.
If you don't want to do it this way, another option is EditorTemplates. See here for example: ASP.NET MVC LIST and Create in same view

ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor- Get data from custom editor

I have an experience in work with ASP.NET forms, but new to MVC.
How can I get data from shared views on postback?
In ASP.NET Forms I can write something like this:
ASP.NET Forms:
Model code:
public class MyModelItem
// Just TextBox is enough for editing this
public string SimpleProperty { get; set; }
// For this property separate NestedItemEditor.ascx is required
public MyModelNestedItem ComplexProperty { get; set; }
public class MyModelNestedItem
public string FirstProperty { get; set; }
public string SecondProperty { get; set; }
Control for editing MyModelNestedItem is separate ASCX control NestedItemEditor.ascx
This is just for example, MyModelNestedItem can be much more complex, I just want to give idea what I mean.
Now when I showing this item for editing, I'm showing one asp:TextBox and one NestedItemEditor.ascx. On page postback I'm gathering data from both and that's it.
Problem with MVC:
When I'm trying to implement this scenario with MVC, I'm using customized EditorFor (through using UIHint and creating shared view). So this shared view Views\Shared\EditorTemplates\MyModelNestedItem.cshtml can now display data that is already in MyModelNestedItem property but I have no idea how to make it return new entered data.
When parent controller recieves a post request, data seems to be in Request.Form, but which is civilized way to reach it? Sure, the best solution will be if data will fetch automatically into the MyModelItem.ComplexProperty.
The action which is called on post needs to be something like:
public ActionResult Index(MyViewModel mdl)
Then all the properties of the model which have input controls (or hidden inputs) on the form will have the data which was entered on the form (or passed to it or modified by javascript, in the case of hidden inputs).
This assumes that MyViewModel is the model referenced in your view.
Writing an ActionResult method in the controller with the complex type simply worked for me:
public class Topic
public Topic()
public DetailsClass Details
public class DetailsClass
public string TopicDetails
The view:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Submit","Default"))
#:<input type="submit" />
The controller:
public ActionResult Index()
Topic topic = new Topic();
return View( topic);
public ActionResult Submit(Topic t)
return View(t);
When submited, the Topic t contains the value i ented within the editor (Assuming You have a custom editor for the complex type, DetailsClass in my sample)

Add items to a list in the a model that contains multiple lists in ASP.Net MVC 2

Ok, so this one has had me stumped for a few hours today. After trying to muster up a couple solutions, I can't seem to get it just right.
I have a model, which contains some primitive properties and some lists.
In the view, I need to be able to update any one of these lists (add / remove / update) without hitting the database and saving the changes. The save action will only happen when the save button is clicked on the page. There will be multiple forms on the page.
The forms are as follows....
The main form will just have name/description fields.
The other forms will contain the fields needed for the types in the lists.
Example Model
public class Model
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public List<Type1> { get; set; }
public List<Type2> { get; set; }
public List<Type3> { get; set; }
After more failed attempts, I decided to do it this way:
I throw the Model into a Session variable. Then in the view I have two forms, one for each list. The forms submit to an action that retrieves the model from the session variable, inserts the record to the appropriate list, and returns the same view with the updated model.
Since using AJAX isn't a requirement, this works just how i need it to.
