Check if a function is called inside another function - r

Let say I have the function
mean_wrapper <- function(x) {
How can I check if the mean function is called?
An use case is for instance If I want to check this behavior in a unit test.
I make another exampe to be clearer. Let consider this function:
read_data <- function(file_name) {
read_csv(file_name) %>%
The aim of read_data is to read a CVS file and validate it. validate_data performs some checks on the data. It raises an error if one of them fail, otherwise returns the input object.
I want to test both functions but I don't want replicate the same tests I wrote for validate_data in the case of read_data. Anyway I have to check that the latter function has been called in read_data, so I wolud like to write a test that does this for me.

You could trace mean:
trace(mean, tracer = quote(message("mean was called")))
#Tracing mean(x) on entry
#mean was called
#[1] 3
#Untracing function "mean" in package "base"
Instead of a message you can use anything (e.g., assignment to a variable in the enclosing environment) as tracer.


R: IF object is TRUE then assign object NOT WORKING

I am trying to write a very basic IF statement in R and am stuck. I thought I'd find someone with the same problem, but I cant. Im sorry if this has been solved before.
I want to check if a variable/object has been assigned, IF TRUE I want to execute a function that is part of a R-package. First I wrote
FileAssignment <- function(x){
x <- parse.vdjtools(x)
} else { print("Nope!")}
I assign a filename as x
I run the function
I use print("yes!") and print("Nope!") to check if the IF-Statement works, and it does. However, the parse.vdjtools(x) part is not assigned. Now I tested the same IF-statement outside of the function:
FILENAME1 <- parse.vdjtools(FILENAME1)
This works. I read here that it might be because the function uses {} and the if-statement does too. So I should remove the brackets from the if-statement.
FileAssignment <- function(x){
x <- parse.vdjtools(x)
else { print("Nope!")
Did not work either.
I thought it might be related to the specific parse.vdjtools(x) function, so I just tried assigning a normal value to x with x <- 20. Also did not work inside the function, however, it does outside.
I dont really know what you are trying to acheive, but I wpuld say that the use of exists in this context is wrong. There is no way that the x cannot exist inside the function. See this example
# All this does is report if x exists
f <- function(x){
cat("Found x!", fill = TRUE)
# All will be found!
Investigate file.exists instead? This is vectorised, so a vector of files can be investigated at the same time.
The question that you are asking is less trivial than you seem to believe. There are two points that should be addressed to obtain the desired behavior, and especially the first one is somewhat tricky:
As pointed out by #NJBurgo and #KonradRudolph the variable x will always exist within the function since it is an argument of the function. In your case the function exists() should therefore not check whether the variable x is defined. Instead, it should be used to verify whether a variable with a name corresponding to the character string stored in x exists.
This is achieved by using a combination of deparse() and
if (exists(deparse(substitute(x)))) { …
Since x is defined only within the scope of the function, the superassignment operator <<- would be required to make a value assigned to x visible outside the function, as suggested by #thothai. However, functions should not have such side effects. Problems with this kind of programming include possible conflicts with another variable named x that could be defined in a different context outside the function body, as well as a lack of clarity concerning the operations performed by the function.
A better way is to return the value instead of assigning it to a variable.
Combining these two aspects, the function could be rewritten like this:
FileAssignment <- function(x){
if (exists(deparse(substitute(x)))) {
} else {
In this version of the function, the scope of x is limited to the function body and the function has no side effects. The return value of FileAssignment(a) is either parse.vdjtools(a) or NULL, depending on whether a exists or not.
Outside the function, this value can be assigned to x with
x <- FileAssignment(a)

How to remove a function from an R script?

I made a function mean() taking no arguments. Actually I wanted to calculate mean of some numbers:
mean <- function() {
ozonev <- data[1]
mv <-
As there exists a pre-defined function mean() in R, this code is going into recursion. Also, I tried to rename the main function but the previous mean still exists. can any body help me with how to remove that mean function made by me so as to recover the actual functionality of mean().
> source("solution.R")
> ls()
[1] "colname" "data" "firtr" "fsr" "last" "mean" "meano"
[8] "missv" "rowno" "x" "y"
solution.R is the script and mean is the function. meano is the renamed function.
You should use rm to remove your mean function.
# or, if you have an environment for this
rm(mean, envir = "<your_env>")
But you can't remove the mean from the base package. It's locked for modification.
Try this.
mean <- NULL
(I don’t know exactly why this works. But this works.)
There’s a very easy way of avoiding the recursion: call base::mean explicitly:
mean <- function() {
ozonev <- data[1]
mv <-
Alternatively, you can do something like this:
old_mean <- mean
mean <- function() {
ozonev <- data[1]
mv <-
This has the advantage that it will call any pre-existing mean function that may previously have overridden base::mean. However, a cleaner approach is usually to make a function into an S3 generic, and creating a generic for a certain class.
You can edit the function inside the R script, or inside your interactive R session by typing the command
man <- edit(main)
(Note that you need to reassign the result of edit, as I’ve done here!)

R: How can a function assign a value to a variable that will persist outside the function?

This is probably easy but I am confused as hell with environments. I would like to use a call to a function to assign a value to a variable, but I need to be able to use that variable after the call. However, I assume, the variable created by the function only exist within the function environment. In short, I need something akin to a global variable (but I am a beginner with R).
The following code :
assignvalue = function(varname){
returns Error: object 'test' not found whereas I would like it to be equivalent to
test <- 1
I read something in the documentation of assign about environments, but I could not understand it.
Say foo is a parameter of your function. Simply do this:
assignvalue <- function(foo) {
varname <<- foo
The variable varname will point out to the value "whatever".

find all functions in a package that use a function

I would like to find all functions in a package that use a function. By functionB "using" functionA I mean that there exists a set of parameters such that functionA is called when functionB is given those parameters.
Also, it would be nice to be able to control the level at which the results are reported. For example, if I have the following:
outer_fn <- function(a,b,c) {
inner_fn <- function(a,b) {
my_arg <- function(a) {
I might or might not care to have inner_fn reported. Probably in most cases not, but I think this might be difficult to do.
Can someone give me some direction on this?
A small step to find uses of functions is to find where the function name is used. Here's a small example of how to do that:
findRefs <- function(pkg, fn) {
ns <- getNamespace(pkg)
found <- vapply(ls(ns, all.names=TRUE), function(n) {
f <- get(n, ns)
is.function(f) && fn %in% all.names(body(f))
}, logical(1))
findRefs('stats', '')
#[1] "add1.lm" "aov" "drop1.lm" "lm" "promax"
...To go further you'd need to analyze the body to ensure it is a function call or the FUN argument to an apply-like function or the f argument to Map etc... - so in the general case, it is nearly impossible to find all legal references...
Then you should really also check that getting the name from that function's environment returns the same function you are looking for (it might use a different function with the same name)... This would actually handle your "inner function" case.
(Upgraded from a comment.) There is a very nice foodweb function in Mark Bravington's mvbutils package with a lot of this capability, including graphical representations of the resulting call graphs. This blog post gives a brief description.

Can an R function access its own name?

Can you write a function that prints out its own name?
(without hard-coding it in, obviously)
You sure can.
fun <- function(x, y, z) deparse([[1]])
# [1] "fun"
You can, but just in case it's because you want to call the function recursively see ?Recall which is robust to name changes and avoids the need to otherwise process to get the name.
Recall package:base R Documentation
Recursive Calling
‘Recall’ is used as a placeholder for the name of the function in
which it is called. It allows the definition of recursive
functions which still work after being renamed, see example below.
As you've seen in the other great answers here, the answer seems to be "yes"...
However, the correct answer is actually "yes, but not always". What you can get is actually the name (or expression!) that was used to call the function.
First, using is probably the most direct way of finding the name, but then you need to coerce it into a string. deparse is more robust for that.
myfunc <- function(x, y=42) deparse([[1]])
myfunc (3) # "myfunc"
...but you can call a function in many ways:
lapply(1:2, myfunc) # "FUN"
Map(myfunc, 1:2) # (the whole function definition!)
x<-myfunc; x(3) # "x"
get("myfunc")(3) # "get(\"myfunc\")"
The basic issue is that a function doesn't have a name - it's just that you typically assign the function to a variable name. Not that you have to - you can have anonymous functions - or assign many variable names to the same function (the x case above).
