How to catch OverQuotaMapError for a Google map? - google-maps-api-3

If my javascript code attempts to load the Google map API more then 25,000 times in a day then Google will write OverQuotaMapError to the window.console.
Is OverQuotaMapError a property or a value in the window.console object?
What is the recommended code to see if this ‘error’ has occurred?
I have a wildland fire map that will likely hit the API load limit later today. When that happens I want to be display an informative message to my users.

Silly me. If you open the google documentation link I posted and scroll to the bottom then you will see a link to advice from Google for how to check for any of these errors via your code.


Know what the user does when a specific error happens using Google analytics?

I have a website that sells products and I'm using google analytics to know some statistics about the website. Sometimes, errors happens for various reasons and purchases doesn't go through. You then have to refresh the page and try again, then everything works. The website displays the message telling the user to refresh and try again. I'm curious how many people actually do that. My question is, is it possible to know what users do when this error happens? Do they refresh and try again? Do they close the tab or do they do something else?
The question is quite broad at this moment, but there are a couple of improvements to your measurement setup, that can help you to investigate this customer behavior.
What I would do, is to implement an event tracking to indicate, that this error has occurred. You can find details about event tracking in this guide. Although I suppose, that your users are not likely to enter the website at this page, it might be a good practice to set the non-interaction flag of the event, as it is not actually generated by a user interaction.
I'd also create tracking for page reload, either by creating an other event for this, or by adding -reload suffix to these repeated pageview URLs. You can find good resources for this on SO as well, e.g. this one.
If you have a special URL for this error page (e.g. purchase-error.html instead of purchase-success.html), it is also easy to track the exit rate specific to this page.
Besides of Google Analytics, you might also want to set up heatmap or screen recording tools to understand this behavior. Hotjar, Lucky Orange are a few examples. (No affiliation.)

Embedding Google Calendar Containing Imported Calendars that are not Public

I am trying embed three calendars (Homeaway, Trip Advisor and Airbnb) onto my website, however none of the three have explicit widget functionality to enable them to be embed.
All three do however allow you to add the calendar's to your own google calendar, so I figured the best way around this would be to add them to google calendar then embed the google calendar onto my website.
I have set the permission settings to 'Anyone can' see all event details after importing these into google calendar.
Upon exporting and adding the iframe to the website, the event calendar produces the following error which I believe is due to the calendars I've imported not being enabled to publically be shared from the source they have been imported: Error Message
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this issue?
I discussed this with a representative from Homeaway and Trip Advisor if anyone was looking for an answer to this same issue.
They have permissions for their calendars set so that this is not possible. Unfortunately linking to their website for the calendar seems to be the best way to do this.

GTM + Gravity Forms Goal tracking in Google Analytics

I have a Gravity Form with a text confirmation page, not a redirect confirmation. I would like to track this form through Google Tag Manager to display a goal conversion in Google Analytics (Universal Analytics).
I've followed the steps here:
No conversions are being recorded. However when using GTM-debug mode, all the triggers are firing, even the gform.submit.success tag is being fired after clicking the submit button.
Could someone please help?
We've had the same issue. The only way we've been able to get GTM to record conversions is to remove validation. We'd rather it validate, but we haven't found any other workarounds.
I have implement that code in multiple site and it is working fine, Since you are not getting conversion then there might be issue with form Goal Creation in google analytics. or some time i have noticed this things happening when google analytics have been implement directly on the site and event tracking setup through tag manager..
if you still need some more help leave comment in comment box of same blog
I saw the excellent and elegant solution by Dinesh but was not able to implement it on the site I was working with. I put a hack together that work correctly. For detailed instructions, please see here.

Google Anlytics monitoring of events doesn't work properly

I've a problem with a function of Google Anlytics monitoring.
I want to track the download of a file on my web site and I wrote the following line:
<a href="/file_download/" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'download', 'click', 'myFile']);">
But it seemes it doesn't work correctly. There are some downloads not shown and it seems to work only in a specific region: only tracks click from Italy, for example.
Can you give me any help or suggestion in order to resolve the problem, please?
Ps. I'm sure there are not tracking downloads because some people contacted me for support on the file and no event of download is shown.
The problem with this implementation is that the page gets unloaded before the event is recorded. To solve you can do one of the following:
Use universal analytics. This implementation uses a function call which will get executed before unload.
Wrap the click in a function which will delay the unloading of the page by several hundred milliseconds.

Analytics receives events, but does not log them in reporting

I've been all over google and SO looking for answers here. I've checked code against google's tracking code suggestions and I've even tested with their sample code. But I cannot get the events to be properly tracked in Google Analytics. My code has been live on the site for some time (~ a month), so this should have overcome any lag on the reports there.
I'm using analytics, the async version, which works fine for page tracking and other 'normal' features. Trying to set up event tracking, I followed the example, and waited a week. Still nothing. I've been debugging and I'm not having any of the 'normal' problems (as far as I can see).
Example tracking code fired:
This triggers an event, which according to ga_debug.js, is fired successfully. Checking the network panel I can see the request and _umt.gif returns status 200.
I've checked the request string in there. All seems good.
But checking GA, there is nothing in the reports. But when you go to GA Realtime > Events, you can see the events being fired!?
I can trigger the events on page or fire them from the console and corresponding events show up in the realtime section, but they have no data (Category, Action or Label).
This is odd, that even firing Google's own example code nothing is showing up.
If anyone has any ideas of where to start debugging for this (or has experience of anything similar), it would be great to hear.
I have been struggling with this issue for three days. I know this thread is old, but I stumbled upon it during my searching. I wanted to post what my personal resolution was in case someone else comes across this.
My Solution:
Here is where I finally found it:
Under: "Using Custom Variables" > "Traditional (ga.js) Snippet" (We are using the ga.js still... for now.)
I had a similar problem and ran into this issue:
In summary, I was setting the userId property via below. Removing that started historical tracking for me.
ga('set', 'userId', username);
This question gets asked a lot and the answer is almost always "Google Analytics standard SLA is 24 hours". The logs are processed in batch behind the scenes. At peak times, this takes a while.
It can take up to 24 hours for the Google Analytics servers to update -- Source: Google Documentation - Check your web tracking code setup
