Gallery for art show - wordpress

So, I need to create a photo gallery for a client. However, I do not have access to the code base yet (I know :/ ) and will not for a while. There's also nobody technical onsite, so they wouldn't be able to implement what I send them if I hand code the project. I was thinking of creating the gallery using something like WordPress/Tumblr/SquareSpace etc. and having them just link through their original site. I'm aware that there are a lot of issues concerning building this, but what do you think the best way to tackle this is?


How can I make a dynamic Resume or CV creator website with wordpress

I want to create a website where people can come and create and download CV or Resumes according to their information. I want to make this with WordPress. How can I do that? Please help me
Welcome to SO, your question is a little broad and not really what SO is about. It's more about solving specific issues here, however I will try to point you in the right direction.
With WordPress what you're referring to is a theme with certain functionality. The starting point for this is either developing your own or purchasing one.
Developing your own starts with the WordPress documentation
Alternatively to purchase one you can use a number of sites such as ThemeForest.
In terms of the specific functionality of creating/downloading CVs you'll want to start with developing (or purchasing) a plugin
All of this requires knowledge of PHP, MySQL and at the minimum HTML and CSS. With those three you should be able to create what you need.
Once you get started and come across any challenges please come back with those and the community can help you get past them and learn.

Wordpress: fit for per-region website? Another better CMS?

I'm looking to help a friend who needs a website for his project. I know wordpress a little, but there might be better options.
The needs are:
- have a splash screen prompting for region (like this site)
- have some pages available only for a given region.
- allow the non-it guy to update the contents.
Wordpress is the only one I know as web design isn't my specialty. I'd have gone for a template like Avada, but again, better leads are more than welcome.
Thanks in advance for your inputs!
Ok, the downvote really helped me and certainly will help other users as there's no comment whatsoever explaining why this post is bad. Don't give leads or guidance by the way.
So, whatever. I found a solution to this. The following plugin works like a charm:
A simple purchase gives total control and removes the watermark. The best part regarding my need was the capability to write custom callback code as explained in this article.

Suggestions for deciding on a WCMS for a hockey website?

I need to make a website for my hockey club. My main purpose for this site is allowing people to sign in and post articles and training schedules in their section. Eg Mens, Womens, Juniors and Masters. I want to have some kind of upload manager that will allow them to choose where they post the info too (eg, Mens, Masters and Homepage).
This is the main functionality I'm looking for at the moment.
The clubs previous website used Joombla which I have hated. I found it to be way to restrictive. Its on a old version of it so there are probably many improvements in the new version but from what I've read it seems like it still has a lot of restrictions in how content is managed. I am open to trying it again tho.
I've used Wordpress before and liked it but that was on a small scale projects and I'm not sure it really fits what I'll be trying to do here, since it mostly deals with blog posts and I'll need to have functionality to upload and display files.
I've had a look around at some other ones like Squarespace and Silverstripe. I'm really liking the simplicity of silverstrip(one thing I hate about Joombla is the clutter on the opening page) and am leaning towards it right now if I can find a nice way to have people post news to multiple pages at once.
If anyone has any suggestions they'd be very welcome. I know html, css, javascript and a bit of php. I'm learning Ruby atm so wouldn't be against using it so I could learn more but it might be a bit much for a sports website.
First off, its nice to see someone that likes hockey too :) You can't use Squarespace, you'll need an Apache server for what you want. You will need some way to store information, so you'll need a MySQL database, probably some advanced knowledge of PHP (I'm assuming you don't know how to connect to databases and do some other functions). Wordpress is too limited, so you can't use that. I have never used Silverstripe personally, but it seems like the best of your options here. You'll probably need some more knowledge of PHP before you attempt to make a members system.

Integrating social networks into wordpress native comments

I've been looking for the 'perfect' comment system for a wordpress blog I'm working on.
First, there is Disqus/intensedebate/etc... :
Pros: Easy to set up, somewhat customize-able (to a limit), removes load from your server, social.
Cons: Syncing with wordpress can sometimes be a problem, external bugs can ruin your comment flow, there's no fallback for javascript-less users, lots of embedded code.
Then, Wordpress native comments:
Pros: Deeply integrated with the blog, highly customize-able, saves the huge junk of javascript thats being embedded into your blog, easier to provide fallback options
Cons: Not native-ly social, ???
For me, Wordpress comments would seem like the best option.
The only problem is the social integration.
My questions is ;
what do I do with the data I receive by the users AFTER they log into a social network? (I already know how to create the login gate and get the required info back...)
I thought about simply saving their; email, name, picture (which you get from the social network) like what's being done when people comment without a social network...
The problem is I don't have any experience with the wordpress database and I have no idea where to start. Normally my best bet would be to use the wordpress codex but I couldn't find much there.
P.S; Please, no plugins!
There are amazing plugins out there but I love to learn to do stuff by myself.
If someone could just throw some useful links to me or theoretically what needs to be done, I'd be super thankful!
I was looking for the same 'solution', but couldn't find a proper answer (like 5 months ago). I recommend the Nextend series of plugins, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Maybe you can look at the code inside this great plugins. Here's the Nextend Facebook Connect
For me is the 'cleanest and unintrusive' way of implementing a social connection for the comments in Wordpress, because you can handle the users as you wish, and the comments template works in the way you want to work.
You can look in here to take a look to the implementation.
An article that maybe can help you a little maybe with that you can write the 'Social Info' to the Wordpress db.

How do I reduce over 1000 links programatically in a jump menu?

Ok, so maybe my search syntax is wrong here, this could have very well been covered in stackoverflow but i've been unable to find anything after hours of searching. Be warned, I am a novice developer when it comes to this type of stuff and would appreciate any guidance, help or pointers to accomplish the goal. I'm open to suggestions of any type! :)
So, I have a site
On this site we have a popular feature called a "jump menu" which allows a user to quickly navigate directly to the page which contains the anime series they would like to see an episode in. Essentially we have every series on the site (over 1000) broken down in an a-z list. When a user hovers over a letter, the menu will drop down and display all series that begin with that letter. A user can then go to the series they'd like to view and click on it to go directly to the page.
The issue with this is SEO. We are being penalized due to the number of links on the page. What we need to accomplish is the same (or better) functionality while reducing the links loaded in the page. If we could come up with a way to create the menu and have the link itself not be served until its clicked on I believe that would resolve the issue.
What is the best strategy for doing this? I am no expert by any means, but I was thinking that putting all the links in mySQL and then calling the link as its clicked would be ok, but a friend cautioned me that it would cause a performance hit. I have also reviewed material which indicates you can do the same thing using an array to store the links and then call them as they are needed using PHP. I grasp the concept of doing that but could use a stub type example to get me started.
The site is built on Wordpress with a completely custom template / theme.
Someone has commented that the topic wasn't researched. Unfortunately I've spent lots of time researching it, the problem is that I think I'm using the wrong terminology to describe what I need to find. If anyone would care to give me the terminology or a good place to conduct further research (even a few keywords!) I will be MORE than happy to go do that.
Thank you for any help or tips to information I can learn from!
Try using ajax so that the links are not visible in the actual source code and while clicking the a,b,c links it will call a separate php file and display the output from the db on the fly. I hope this will resolve your issue. Thanks
