Integrating social networks into wordpress native comments - wordpress

I've been looking for the 'perfect' comment system for a wordpress blog I'm working on.
First, there is Disqus/intensedebate/etc... :
Pros: Easy to set up, somewhat customize-able (to a limit), removes load from your server, social.
Cons: Syncing with wordpress can sometimes be a problem, external bugs can ruin your comment flow, there's no fallback for javascript-less users, lots of embedded code.
Then, Wordpress native comments:
Pros: Deeply integrated with the blog, highly customize-able, saves the huge junk of javascript thats being embedded into your blog, easier to provide fallback options
Cons: Not native-ly social, ???
For me, Wordpress comments would seem like the best option.
The only problem is the social integration.
My questions is ;
what do I do with the data I receive by the users AFTER they log into a social network? (I already know how to create the login gate and get the required info back...)
I thought about simply saving their; email, name, picture (which you get from the social network) like what's being done when people comment without a social network...
The problem is I don't have any experience with the wordpress database and I have no idea where to start. Normally my best bet would be to use the wordpress codex but I couldn't find much there.
P.S; Please, no plugins!
There are amazing plugins out there but I love to learn to do stuff by myself.
If someone could just throw some useful links to me or theoretically what needs to be done, I'd be super thankful!

I was looking for the same 'solution', but couldn't find a proper answer (like 5 months ago). I recommend the Nextend series of plugins, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Maybe you can look at the code inside this great plugins. Here's the Nextend Facebook Connect
For me is the 'cleanest and unintrusive' way of implementing a social connection for the comments in Wordpress, because you can handle the users as you wish, and the comments template works in the way you want to work.
You can look in here to take a look to the implementation.
An article that maybe can help you a little maybe with that you can write the 'Social Info' to the Wordpress db.


Taxonomy and custom content in wordpress

I'm trying to do something fairly simple: I would like to be able to create a game site which would act as a database. When clicking on a game name the page would display:
Game name and description + other details.
The game developer name (which would like to the game developer page which would have its own set of details)
Game publisher name (which would like to the game publisher page which would also have its own set of details.)
Latest news related to this game
Latest media related to this game
All of this in a tabbed interface like for example: (you can click on review / news / images / etc in the menu)
This seems a very simple taxonomy/custom content set-up of any CMS to be honest but I have been struggling to find the logic behind it.
My questions are:
If wordpress is the right tool for such a site, is it as simple a taxonomy/content type?
If wordpress isn't the right tool, which one would you recommend?
Yes, WP is good choice.
Wordpress is very powerfull software and you can easly change it and adapt it. As you mentioned you can use custom taxonomy (how many you want) and/or custom post types. It's pretty easy to implement.
Fantastic community will help you with problems and huge amount of ready made plugins. Lots of them works out of the box :)
Please remember about security - wordpress is secure as long as you do not have password admin/admin ;) Be sure to have login name other than obvious one (admin, administrator, etc) and remember to change table prefixes in database. It is good also to hide your wp version, and your servers data :)
Yes, wordpress is good choice :)

Suggestions for deciding on a WCMS for a hockey website?

I need to make a website for my hockey club. My main purpose for this site is allowing people to sign in and post articles and training schedules in their section. Eg Mens, Womens, Juniors and Masters. I want to have some kind of upload manager that will allow them to choose where they post the info too (eg, Mens, Masters and Homepage).
This is the main functionality I'm looking for at the moment.
The clubs previous website used Joombla which I have hated. I found it to be way to restrictive. Its on a old version of it so there are probably many improvements in the new version but from what I've read it seems like it still has a lot of restrictions in how content is managed. I am open to trying it again tho.
I've used Wordpress before and liked it but that was on a small scale projects and I'm not sure it really fits what I'll be trying to do here, since it mostly deals with blog posts and I'll need to have functionality to upload and display files.
I've had a look around at some other ones like Squarespace and Silverstripe. I'm really liking the simplicity of silverstrip(one thing I hate about Joombla is the clutter on the opening page) and am leaning towards it right now if I can find a nice way to have people post news to multiple pages at once.
If anyone has any suggestions they'd be very welcome. I know html, css, javascript and a bit of php. I'm learning Ruby atm so wouldn't be against using it so I could learn more but it might be a bit much for a sports website.
First off, its nice to see someone that likes hockey too :) You can't use Squarespace, you'll need an Apache server for what you want. You will need some way to store information, so you'll need a MySQL database, probably some advanced knowledge of PHP (I'm assuming you don't know how to connect to databases and do some other functions). Wordpress is too limited, so you can't use that. I have never used Silverstripe personally, but it seems like the best of your options here. You'll probably need some more knowledge of PHP before you attempt to make a members system.

converting .liquid to .php? Shopify Theme to Wordpress

I'm an amateur so be gentle. I own a Shopify store and I am in the process of creating a product forum hosted outside of Shopify in Wordpress, using a subdomain. (Why? Because embedding a forum like, didn't quite work so well)
I want to make the transition as smooth as possible when navigating to the forum; ideally the customer wouldn't even know they have left the store. Problem is, my sexy liquid theme from Shopify doesn't play nice with php and wordpress.
Is there anything out there that will convert liquid, particularly for people without an enormous amount of technical skills, like myself.
Thanks in advance
I'm no liquid zen master myself, but if I wanted to do what you're describing, I'd take a look at the php port of liquid:
Without having looked through that carefully, my guess would still be it's not going to be particularly simple to put together the specific solution you've described.
Fwiw, it looks like you can embed disqus in shopify product pages (and therefore elsewhere, I'd presume):
Presuming that you largely want customers to be able to discuss particular products, working at it from that angle would probably be an easier path. I can think of a lot of ways that could work well (beyond having disqus threads on specific product pages, you could create shopify pages with or without product collections on them to serve more as discussion hubs, and also integrate that all more easily with the native shopify blogging functionality).
Since you are doing nothing here but "Skinning a forum" to look like your Shopify theme, there is no Liquid for you to even deal with. Your forum HAS NO LIQUID. It is what it is. If you want your forum to look like your Shopify store, just copy your CSS over to the theme and hack at the theme of your forum.
Therefore, this question is off-topic and instead should be asking how to take a set of CSS for one application and apply it to another.

What is the best way to enhance SEO of an iFrame of same domain?

My company's website runs through a PyroCMS install that was very expensive to build, but downright impossible to maintain. Also, it was built on a platform that did not use tags so the SEO of our blog is very poor.
I have built a replica of the blog on Wordpress and will be iframe-ing it into the Pyro install on the blog page. They are both hosted on the same server and the wordpress install is within the Pyro install.
My question is this: What do I need to do in order to enhance the SEO with the iFrame? Is there a better way to do this that I didn't think of? Basically, there are some good articles being written andI'd like the niche-ness of the topics to get move up on page rank.
Thoughts? Thanks.
It seems like you've got quite a bit on your plate with this website.
I recently (less then a month ago) signed up a client who's site is built on an equally difficult and very ancient platform. What we did is set up the blog as a page extension The blog was on the WordPress platform and had all of our plugins added in as well (I can send you to a list of these if you would like). Doing it this way has multiple benefits of which the main are:
The blogs PR values is associated to the main index's authority.
Your index gets credit for all of the content being written on the blog.
The clients site I was telling you about, is already on page 2 for a few of their keywords (even though the site itself is no good). Obviously I would like to state that it isn't due to the blog that they are ranking, but it is a key feature as Google wants to see your site growing in pages with relevant, unique, shareable content.
Don't forget about social media and backlinks! Let me know if you have any other questions and please stay away from iFrames for many, many reasons...
Using iFrames will hinder your SEO efforts. Same goes for duplicate content (though dupe content may not apply in this case; I'd need more info). If I were you, I would not pursue this strategy.
I've seen iframed content get indexed as if it was really part of the page it was in, but yuor creating a massive battle for yourself.
One of the biggest issues of using iframes is that every page of your blog will look like it is on the same URL. Have a go. Move around the blog and check the address bar. No change.
This means people cannot bookmark, link to or return to a specific page on your blog. A really bad user experience as well as crippling your ability to acquire natural links to your blog pages.
There are further issues but that should be enough to mean do not use an iframe for a blog.
Answer: to enhance SEO for the iframe, don't use it.
Why do you feel you need an iframe in the first place. Is it to wrap the websites design around the blog. If that's the case, update the blogs template so it naturally looks like the rest of your website.
If it's because you don't like the domain the blog is on. Move it.

Using wordpress as an article directory - what plugins/themes to use?

Anybody using wordpress as an article directory? I don't have time to customize it, so if anybody has done it or using any plugin/theme could you point me to it?
Also, is there any alternative script for article directories?
You can use article directory plugin + theme (optional, you can always build your own theme)
WordPress does this right out of the box. Article Directory... Blog... it's all the same. Figure out your topics/categories and file your posts/articles accordingly. Happy content publishing.
I spent some time looking for a decent directory script for WP myself and never really found anything that was better than merely average.
Your question finally got me motivated enough to make a big list of them, so I made a big post on my blog today with a heap of link index / article site scripts.
Surprisingly I found a pretty decent article/directory solution for wordpress when I was nearly finished. That being said, after looking at dozens and dozens of link/article scripts today, I think there's betters solutions than WP if you're serious about that sort of site.
WSN links, and the article script that same company makes would be my personal choice. The problem with those sorts of sites (compared to a personal blog) is that you're suddenly dealing with lots of other webmasters changing things around on you, so you've really got to have decent tools to check links and make sure it's all OK and what you linked to originally, otherwise you're going to lose surfers.
Hope that helps :)
If you wanna get Teasers or Excerpts on into any sidebars you can use the Category Posts Widget
The link building / article-directory site like
use the Userpro from to handle all there member Signups/Login.
Then you can let people write posts direct in wordpress backend, and approve them or you can use a plugin like "Frontend Publishing Pro" also from, and let users post from front end.
