I'm having some problems resetting a textarea field after a POST request.
This is my component code
<template lang="pug">
h2 Add new Task
button.btn.btn-primary(#click="createNewTask") Add Task
export default {
data() {
return {
task: {
taskContent: ''
methods: {
createNewTask() {
if (this.task.taskContent.length > 0) {
// Sending data to the server
this.$http.post('https://vue-taskmanager.firebaseio.com/task.json', this.task)
.then(response => {
// Adding the new task to the main template list
this.$emit('taskWasCreated', this.task);
// Resetting textarea content
this.task.taskContent = '';
}, error => {
} else {
alert("Sorry you can't create an empty task");
This is the parent component
<template lang="pug">
import { EventBus } from './main.js';
import UserRegistration from './components/user/UserRegistration.vue';
import TasksWrapper from './components/TasksWrapper.vue';
import NewTask from './components/NewTask.vue';
import Footer from './components/Footer.vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
tasksArr: [
'Just something to see'
methods: {
addTask(task) {
// Listening on Events from Task.vue
created() {
// Delete task from array
EventBus.$on('taskWasDeleted', (taskIndex) => {
this.tasksArr.splice(taskIndex, 1);
// Delete task from db
this.$http.delete('https://vue-taskmanager.firebaseio.com/task.json', this.task)
.then(response => {
}, error => {
// Fetch tasks from db
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then(task => {
const resultsArray = [];
for (let key in task) {
this.tasksArr = resultsArray;
components: {
'app-taskswrapper': TasksWrapper,
'app-newtask': NewTask,
'app-footer': Footer,
'app-userregistration': UserRegistration
As you can see inside the response callback function I reset the task.taskContent value but the problem is that the string is sent to the db without problems while is not updated in the root component where I have an array storing all these strings.
I was thinking about using a watcher but I don't know if it's a good solution, do you have any suggestions?
Link to the github repo https://github.com/Polenj86/vue-taskmanager
It's clear what is happening now that you've posted your parent component.
You are storing the task object in the parent's array. This is not going to be a copy of the task, it's going to be a reference of the same task that you are about to clear. So when you later set this.task.taskContent = '' you are changing the task in the parent array too.
Consider this:
var task_holder_array = []
var task = {name: "mark"}
console.log("array before: ", task_holder_array)
task.name = ""
console.log("array after: ", task_holder_array)
You need to somehow create a new task object to push into the parent's array. There are a lot of ways you could do this. For example:
this.$emit('taskWasCreated', {name: this.task.name});
Or you could just pass the task name string to the parent and let the parent create the object.
I have this custom hook which fetches the query.me data from graphql. The console.log statement shows that this hook is running a number of times on page load, but only 1 of those console.logs() contains actual data.
import { useCustomQuery } from '../api-client';
export const useMe = () => {
const { data, isLoading, error } = useCustomQuery({
query: async (query) => {
return getFields(query.me, 'account_id', 'role', 'profile_id');
console.log(data ? data.account_id : 'empty');
return { isLoading, error, me: data };
I then have this other hook which is supposed to use the id's from the above hook to fetch more data from the server.
export const useActivityList = () => {
const { me, error } = useMe();
const criteria = { assignment: { uuid: { _eq: me.profile_id } } } as appointment_bool_exp;
const query = useQuery({
prepare({ prepass, query }) {
query.appointment({ where: criteria }),
suspense: true,
const activityList = query.appointment({ where: criteria });
return {
isLoading: query.$state.isLoading,
The problem I am facing is that the second hook seems to call the first hook when me is still undefined, thus erroring out. How do I configure this, so that I only access the me when the values are populated?
I am bad with async stuff...
In the second hook do an early return if the required data is not available.
export const useActivityList = () => {
const { me, error } = useMe();
if (!me) {
return null;
// or another pattern that you may find useful is to set a flag to indicate that this query is idle e.g.
// idle = true;
const criteria = { assignment: { uuid: { _eq: me.profile_id } } } as appointment_bool_exp;
In a vuejs component which dynamically retrieves data with firebase I would like to unsubscribe when I quit the component.
In the firebase documentation indicates that you must use the unsubscribe() function; to stop listening to the collection.
Unfortunately, this function cannot be used directly because it is declared undefined.
Here is the component code:
import db from "../../firebase/init";
let subscribe;
export default {
// ...
beforeDestroy() {
// Don't work form me !!!
methods: {
async getMyCollection() {
try {
subscribe = await db.collection("myCollection");
subscribe.onSnapshot(snapshot => {
snapshot.docChanges().forEach(change => {
// Do something
} catch (error) {
thanks for the help
Its because you have not defined the unsubscribe anywhere. Please check the code below.
import db from "../../firebase/init";
let unsubscribe;
export default {
// ...
beforeDestroy() {
methods: {
async getMyCollection() {
try {
unsubscribe = await db.collection("myCollection")
.onSnapshot(snapshot => {
snapshot.docChanges().forEach(change => {
// Do something
} catch (error) {
I'm trying to publish the newly added post, but the fields author and voteCount which are custom fields and reference another type were not being publish so that I got undefined on those fields.
My schema:
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String!
content: String
voteCount: Int!
author: User!
votes: [Vote!]!
createdAt: Date!
updatedAt: Date!
type Subscription {
Post(filter: PostSubscriptionFilter): PostSubscriptionPayload
input PostSubscriptionFilter {
mutation_in: [_ModelMutationType!]
type PostSubscriptionPayload {
mutation: _ModelMutationType!
node: Post
enum _ModelMutationType {
Mutation: {
addPost: async (
{ title, content },
{ ValidationError, models: { Post }, user },
) => {
if (!user) {
throw new ValidationError('unauthorized');
const post = new Post({
author: user.id,
await post.save();
pubsub.publish('Post', { Post: { mutation: 'CREATED', node: post } });
return post;
Subscription: {
Post: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator('Post'),
Post: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
id: root => root.id || root._id,
author: async ({ author }, data, { dataLoaders: { userLoader } }) => {
const postAuthor = await userLoader.load(author);
return postAuthor;
voteCount: async ({ _id }, data, { models: { Vote } }) => {
const voteCount = await Vote.find({ post: _id }).count();
return voteCount || 0;
votes: async ({ _id }, data, { models: { Vote } }) => {
const postVotes = await Vote.find({ post: _id });
return postVotes || [];
And the subscription in React client:
componentWillMount() {
subscribeToNewPosts() {
document: gql`
subscription {
Post(filter: { mutation_in: [CREATED] }) {
node {
updateQuery: (previous, { subscriptionData }) => {
// const result = Object.assign({}, previous, {
// allPosts: [subscriptionData.data.Post.node, ...previous.allPosts],
// });
// return result;
return previous;
The field voteCount is undefined:
While using queries or mutations, it get published normally, what should I do? Thank you.
The error you're seeing doesn't necessarily mean that voteCount is null -- rather it means you're trying to destructure an undefined value instead of an object. The path tells you this error occurred while attempting to resolve voteCount. You utilize destructuring within your resolve function in two places -- once with the root object and again with context. There should be a root object with you to work with, so I imagine the issue is with context.
When you set up context for a typical GraphQL server, you do so by utilizing middleware (like graphqlExpress) to essentially inject it into the request you're making. When you use subscriptions, everything is done over websockets, so the middleware is never hit and your context is therefore null.
To get around this, I think you'll need to inject the same context into your subscriptions -- you can see an example of how to do that here.
I have embedded a React component inside of another where I have applied validation on the parent:
const EmailAddressInput = (props) => {
const { emailList, onKeyUp } = props;
return (
It's placed inside another component like:
let Emailer = (props) => {
const { fields: { passType, invitees },
return (
<legend>Select pass type:</legend>
{ renderPassTypes(eventsState.selectedEvent.AssociatedPassTypes) }
{passType.touched && passType.error && <span className="error">{passType.error}</span>}
<EmailAddressInput { ...invitees } onKeyUp={ () => handleEmailToBarKeyUp(invitees.emailList.value) } />
{invitees.touched && invitees.error && <span className="error">{invitees.error}</span> }
Now, given I want to ensure the EmailAddressInput's emailList is not empty, I added a custom validation rule:
const emailValidator = createValidator({
invitees: [requiredProperty('emailList')],
passType: required,
My validation utility looks like:
export function required(value) {
if (isEmpty(value)) {
return 'Required';
export function requiredProperty(fieldName) {
return function (value) {
return required(value[fieldName]);
export function createValidator(rules) {
return (data = {}) => {
const errors = {};
Object.keys(rules).forEach((key) => {
const rule = join([].concat(rules[key])); // concat enables both functions and arrays of functions
const error = rule(data[key], data);
if (error) {
errors[key] = error;
return errors;
Now when I submit my form with the EmailAddressInput textarea empty, createValidator returns {invitees: 'Required'}. The form submission is halted as expected (hooray!) but the error message is lost.
Errors are added as an errors property of the Redux-Form field object, but invitees isn't a field object, so I guess for that reason the collection of errors isn't being attached.
The field is actually the emailList textarea in EmailAddressInput, but that isn't getting the errors collection attached as the relevant key in the errors collection is different (invitees vs emailList)
Any idea how I can get that error displayed?
The trick was to project the right structure from my validation rule functions:
export function requiredProperty(fieldName) {
return function (value) {
const error = required(value[fieldName]);
if (error) {
return { [fieldName]: error };
My component get some properties via props with the function:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
const { entities: { keywords } } = state
const {locale} = state
return {
keywords: keywords[locale]
I got state keywords using ajax, in the same component:
componentDidMount() {
My component gets rendered twice. First, before the ajax resolves, so in my render method I got undefined:
render() {
const { keywords } = this.props.keywords
Which is the proper way to solve it? I changed componentDidMount to componentWillMount without success.
Right now, based on the real-world example, I have initialized keywords state with an empty object:
function entities(state = { users: {}, repos: {}, keywords: {} }, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.entities) {
return merge({}, state, action.response.entities)
return state
My reducer:
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { routerReducer as router } from 'react-router-redux'
import merge from 'lodash/merge'
import locale from './modules/locale'
import errorMessage from './modules/error'
import searchText from './modules/searchText'
// Updates an entity cache in response to any action with response.entities.
function entities(state = { users: {}, repos: {}, keywords: {} }, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.entities) {
return merge({}, state, action.response.entities)
return state
export default combineReducers({
My action:
import { CALL_API, Schemas } from '../middleware/api'
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty'
// Fetches all keywords for pictos
// Relies on the custom API middleware defined in ../middleware/api.js.
function fetchKeywords() {
return {
endpoint: 'users/56deee9a85cd6a05c58af61a',
schema: Schemas.KEYWORDS
// Fetches all keywords for pictograms from our API unless it is cached.
// Relies on Redux Thunk middleware.
export function loadKeywords() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const keywords = getState().entities.keywords
if (!isEmpty(keywords)) {
return null
return dispatch(fetchKeywords())
All based on the Real world redux example
My Solution
Given initial state to keywords entity. I'm getting json like this through ajax:
{'locale': 'en', 'keywords': ['keyword1', 'keyword2']}
However as I use normalizr with locale as id, for caching results, my initial state is as I describe in the reducer:
function entities(state = { users: {}, repos: {}, keywords: { 'en': { 'keywords': [] } } }, action) {
if (action.response && action.response.entities) {
return merge({}, state, action.response.entities)
return state
What I don't like is the initial if we have several languages, also remembering to modify it if we add another language, for example fr. In this
keywords: { 'en': { 'keywords': [] } }
should be:
keywords: { 'en': { 'keywords': [] }, 'fr': { 'keywords': [] } }
This line looks problematic:
const { keywords } = this.props.keywords
It's the equivalent of:
var keywords = this.props.keywords.keywords;
I doubt that's what you intended.
Another thing worth checking is keywords[locale] in your mapStateToProps() which will probably initially resolve to undefined. Make sure your component can handle that, or give it a sensible default.