GA: enhanced ecommerce checkout products - google-analytics

I m starting working on Enhanced Ecommerce Especially on the checkout process.
I am using this website as reference.
My question is in the checkout process, why we are obliged to send in every step the entire cart (all the products)?

The technical reason is that, if every step of your checkout is a different page, there is no persistence between pages, so it's your responsibility to push the products on each step. Google Analytics could have technically done this persistence on the server side, but that would mean more work (and memory) for GA servers. Also, sometimes you want to add extra info (in the form of custom dimensions or metrics) but only for specific checkout steps, so this wouldn't really be possible if GA just "remembered" the products for you.


google analytics enhanced ecommerce action not linked?

I add Enhanced Ecommerce in my GA tracking, all steps tracking fine, except CheckOut to Transaction, two action not linked together (has checkout but shows 0%).
P.S. I user third Third-Party Payment and in my test enviroment, staging GA,two action links OK. So I think maybe I miss some GA setting?
I think what's happening here is that you have not added the third party payment gateway to your referral exclusion list. Therefore, every time a user returns to your site after paying, this is triggering a new session in GA (with a new source/medium). This is why you see 1 session with transactions but 0% funnel carry through. Try adding the domain of your payment gateway by following the instructions here.

Can I push page data into marketo manually

We have a site built where our customers come to buy some digital content. But most of the clients use the digital content for marketing campaigns. And employ marketo and many other automation products to track leads.
We have a custom built web analytics tool for our site,which is not robust enough. But our clients just want to know if any leads visited our website and push this event to marketo or any other marketing automation tool. I was wondering if there is a way to read the marketo cookie and send a very simple "site visited" data to marketo so that the client is aware that the prospective lead has read the digital content they brought from us? Does this require a marketo API Key?
We also want to achieve this without embedding any Marketo Munckin codes in our digital content.
Can this be generalized to include other marketing tools?
If you want to get analytic info on how many visitor reached specific target page, you can use Google Analytics in your site and define targets. It will not identify which lead visited. For that you must implement Munchkin Cookie of Marketo.
I think the way this worked for me .
The idea here is to get a unique Marketo-id from client and use just Munchkin.init to register a 'page visited' for that client , who might have filled a landing page data earlier.
And then goahead and read the marketo cookie for that browser as mentioned in their blog here.
This data can also be pushed from backend server with hardcoded script for marketo. This way you can control what data you can send to Marketo and also correlate the user uniquely from Marketo.

Google Analytics | Ecommerce tracking: how to avoid counting page reloads?

I've set up GA ecommerce tracking by putting the required JavaScript code on my order receipt page. However, if the user reloads the page (or arrives to it without actually completing a purchase), won't the order be counted again?
How can I make sure each order is counted once and only once?
First off, your application should probably be designed in a manor that would not allow users to access an "Order Placed" type page directly, they should only be able to get there as a result of shopping cart checkout process. Depending on your server technology, you can usually limit this by only accepting specific HTTP Verbs (methods) such as only allowing POST operations.
Secondly, check out the addTrans()documentation. So if your application allows users to refresh a page that is tracking transactions, then logging the exact same ecommerce data for the same orderId will just overwrite the old data with the new data - which may be the same depending on how your app is structured.
Either way, I strongly recommend not allowing your users to refresh this page if you that is where you are tracking Google Analytics. When an order is placed on our website, we clear out the shopping cart and return the user to an order receipt page with the GA ecommerce tracking. Then, if anybody tried accessing that page again and their cart is empty, the get redirected to the "Orders" page where they can review recently placed orders (no GA ecommerce).
Hope this helps!

How to set up Google Analytics with conversion tracking

I've been tasked with enabling Google Analytics ecommerce tracking on a client's website. I've read Google's documentation on the subject, but it made little reference to tracking conversion data, which is a feature that our client has asked for.
My question is this: on which page(s) do I need to add information regarding items/transactions? We have pages for shopping cart, payment info, confirmation, and receipt. The Google documentation only mentions putting this code on the receipt page, but I feel as though this wouldn't give us the information necessary to track conversions. Is Google Analytics able to track this information simply by virtue of having the general page tracking code on each page, or does transaction info need to be tracked across all of our checkout pages?
You only need the item/transaction tracking code (_addTrans(), _addItem(), & _trackTrans()) on one page, after the purchase has occurred -- in your case it sounds like the receipt page.
You do need to make sure that the general analytics code is on every page, including the checkout and receipt pages, otherwise you can lose the chain of tracking data leading up to the conversion.

Use same GA Account Number to send ecommerce tracking from 2 carts to same GA Account?

Client on same shopping cart platform has different carts and we would like to send ecommerce tracking data to a single Google Analytics Account from both carts. Can we simply use the same Google Analytics Account Number in each instance? Can ecommerce tracking be rolled up in this way?
Yes. You don't need two accounts.
Later if you want to see transactions that happened only on one site you could create an advanced segment for each domain and analyze them separately.
Another idea is to put the cart domain inside the Affiliation field of the transaction. This field is usually left blank but you can use it to store anything.
