Two Or more HTTP calls based on some conditions using zip operator of Rx Java - retrofit

I am trying to fire 3 HTTP Api calls using Android RxJava through zip operator.
My problem is, while triggering 3 API's, for one API,I need to check whether the user is logged in or not. If user is not logged in I should not trigger three API calls(I should have to trigger only two API calls). If User is logged in then I have to trigger 3 API calls. Any built in methods to trigger two or three API calls based on conditions?

Here's an example that should work pretty well. Let me know if your method to check if a user is logged in is asynchronous and I will post a followup answer:
public Observable<Type> getUserData(){
if(getCurrentUser() != null){
return, api2(), api3(), (1, 2, 3) -> {
*Combining Function*
return, api2(), (1, 2) -> {
*Combining Function*


Prevent firebase function from overwriting existing data

I am moving the process of creating users in my application to a firebase function for a couple of reasons but I am running into an issue:
I have a /users ref and a /usernames, when a user is created I persist their info in users and usernames (which is publicly accessible to see if a username is available) as a transaction so the username is added immediately when a user is created and my security rules prevent overriding existing data.
However, with firebase functions these security rules are bypassed so there could be a case where 2 users signup with the same username and one person's data will be overriden by the other
is there a way to prevent overriding existing data from cloud functions? (ideally without having them go through the security rules)
I ran into a similar issue and the best solution i found was using the transaction method that firebase offers.
assuming you have a usernames ref you could do something like this:
db.ref('usernames').child(theUsername).transaction(function (usernameInfo) {
if (usernameInfo === null) {
return {
...anObjectOfUserData // or could just return true
// if the data is not null it means the username is used
// returning nothing makes the transaction do no updates
}, function (error, isComitted, snap) {
// Use isCommitted from the onComplete function to determine if data was commited
// DO NOT USE the onUpdate function to do this as it will almost certainly run a couple of times

I can't get "Find personal time entry in progress" using clockify API

I will try to get those users whose time tracking start currently in clockify
and I'm trying to use the following API endpoint to get the user:
How to get user list using this endpoint?
I have made custom logic for check user is currently working or not
I have made a loop that checks the user is in progress or not.
public getClockifyBaseWorkerStatus(clokifyApiKey: string) {
let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('X-Api-Key', clokifyApiKey ? clokifyApiKey : environment.clokifyApiKey);
return this.http.get<any>(`${environment.clockifyWorkSpace}/timeEntries/inProgress`, { headers })
.pipe(map((data) => { return data; }));
so, in this function, I have pass different clokifyApiKey and check the status of the user is currently working or not.
I hope this answer will help other people in the future.
The GET /workspaces/{workspaceId}/timeEntries/inProgress only returns your own currently running timer, not the entire workspaces, per the API docs ( So you can't get a list of active timers in the workspace other than for yourself. From what I can tell it is not possible to get a list of users with active timers.

PullAsync Silently fails

I'm using .Net backend Azure Mobile Services on a Windows Phone app. I've added the offline services that Azure Mobile Services provides to the code for using SQLite.
The app makes successful Push calls (I can see the data in my database and they exist in the local db created by Azure Mobile Offline Services).
In PullAsync calls, it makes the right call to the Service (The table controller) and Service calculates the results and returns multiple rows from the database. However, the results are lost on the way. My client App is getting an empty Json message (I double checked it with fiddler).
IMobileServiceSyncTable<Contact> _contactTable;
/* Table Initialization Code */
var contactQuery = _contactTable.Where(c => c.Owner == Service.UserId);
await _contactTable.PullAsync("c0", contactQuery);
var contacts = await _contactTable.Select(c => c).ToListAsync();
Any suggestion on how I can investigate this issue?
The code above is using incremental sync by passing query ID of "c0". Passing null to PullAsync for the first argument disables incremental sync and makes it return all the rows, which is working as expected.
await _contactTable.PullAsync(null, contactQuery);
But I'm still not able to get incremental sync to return the rows when app is reinstalled.
I had a similar issue with this, I found that the problem was caused by me making different sync calls the same table.
In my App I have a list of local users, and I only want to pull down the details for the users I have locally.
So I was issuing this call in a loop
userTbl.PullAsync("Updating User Table", userTbl.CreateQuery().Where(x => x.Id == grp1.UserId || x.Id == LocalUser.Id)
What I founds is that by Adding the user Id to the call I over came the issue:
userTbl.PullAsync("User-" + grp1.UserId, userTbl.CreateQuery().Where(x => x.Id == grp1.UserId || x.Id == LocalUser.Id)
As a side note, depending on your id format, the string you supply to the query has to be less than 50 characters in length.
The .NET backend is set up to not send JSON for fields that have the default value (e.g., zero for integers). There's a bug with the interaction with the offline SDK. As a workaround, you should set up the default value handling in your WebConfig:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.DefaultValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling.Include;
You should also try doing similar queries using the online SDK (use IMobileServiceTable instead of sync table)--that will help narrow down the problem.
This is a very useful tool for debugging the deserialisation: use a custom delegating handler in your MobileServiceClient instance.
public class MyHandler: DelegatingHandler
protected override async Task SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage message, CancellationToken token)
// Request happens here
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
// Read response content and try to deserialise here...
return response;
// In your mobile client code:
var client = new MobileServiceClient("", new MyHandler());
This helped me to solve my issues. See for more details.

SignalR generate multiple executions

I'm building a search engine using SignalR to deliver partial responses in real time to the client.
The problem occurs when the first search is not over, and the client modifies the value of the textbox (txtTab) and click the button (btnSearch) again. The results of the two queries are mixed because the server keeps the two concurrent executions.
I need that when the client clicks the search button the previous execution is canceled.
Tried using hub.stop () and hub.disconnect (), but I can not.
Sorry my bad english :)
var busca = $.connection.hubBusca;
busca.client.atualizaResultados = function (arr) {
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('#btnSearch').click(function () {
if ($('#txtTab').val() != '') {
Luiz Fernando
I would suggest creating an additional server and client method to handle the final search (which happens when #btnSearch is clicked).
Instead of invoking busca.server.iniciar invoke something like busca.server.terminar.
I would also suggest setting some sort of boolean flag before calling busca.server.terminar to disable busca.client.atualizaResultados so no preliminary search results interfere with the final search results.
Then in HubBusca.Terminar you could call Clients.Caller.finalesResultados which would not be disabled unlike Clients.Caller.atualizaResultados.
In this way you can ensure that your final search results which are sent to the finalesResultados method will not be replaced by results sent to the atualizaResultados client method.
Sorry for my bad Spanish method names. I used Google Translate.

When is the "null" publish ready?

Having the following code on the server:
Meteor.publish(null, function(){
// Return some cursors.
will according to the documentation have the following effect: the record set is automatically sent to all connected clients.
How can I on the client side determine if all the documents published by this function has been received? If I would use a subscription instead, it would provide me with a ready callback, letting me know when all the documents been received. What's the matching way here? Or are the documents already received at the client when my client side code starts to execute?
I'm afraid there's no way to have a ready callback for so called universal subscriptions you mentioned above. Just have a look at this part of Meteor's code, where the publish and subscription logic is defined on the server. For convenience I'm copy/pasting the code below:
ready: function () {
var self = this;
if (self._isDeactivated())
if (!self._subscriptionId)
return; // unnecessary but ignored for universal sub
if (!self._ready) {
self._ready = true;
The _subscriptionId is only given to named subscriptions, which are those that you would manually define using Meteor.subscribe method. The subscriptions corresponding to null publish functions, doesn't have their own _subscriptionId, so as you can see from the code above, the server is not event trying to send the ready message to the client.
