Sorry about my English.
I put the fullCalendar 3.4.0 in my project, installed the latest version of moment under install-package from visual studio 2015.
I forgot something ? Here in Brazil, we utilize 24 hours format (00:00-23:59).
Error at start:
jQuery.Deferred exception: eventProps.start is undefined normalizeEventTimes#http://localhost:49523/Scripts/fullcalendar.js:13629:24
TypeError: eventProps.start is undefined
I discovered the propblem. I unistalled the moment installed from install-package on visual studio 2015, and used the moment.min.js that come from fullcalendar.3.4.0 zip file.
I am working to fix an old plug that need some minor text changes.
I am using Visual studio 2022. When I compiled the C# code, this line of code is marked as having an error.
using Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector;
Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'Connector' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling'
My .Net Framework is 4.6.2 and the version of the Nuget Package Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.CoreAssembly is
Appreciate some guidance, on how I can resolve this.
Thank you so much.
I tried different version of Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.CoreAssembly . None of them worked
I checked a couple of tutorials and then dove in to Refactor>Migrate to AndroidX. I imported ActivityCompat, ContextCompat and DrawableCompat.
But now I am stuck getting a compile completed because of this error:
AAPT: C:\Program Data\Android\QiewProjects\DBQiew\app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values-v31\values-v31.xml:3: error: resource android:color/system_neutral1_1000 not found.
C:\Program Data\Android\QiewProjects\DBQiew\app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values-v31\values-v31.xml:4: error: resource android:color/system_neutral1_900 not found.
C:\Program Data\Android\QiewProjects\DBQiew\app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values-v31\values-v31.xml:5: error: resource android:color/system_neutral1_0 not found.
It continues on for about 21 missing items. It appears AndroidX is looking for color files that are missing.
I have spent hours looking for a similar posting, but there aren't any. I have even tried Invalidate caches/Restart but that changed nothing.
Please point me to an explanation to find the missing files or disable the hunt for them. BTW I am using Studio 4.1.2 and compile and target SDK versions 29.
It turned out I had to revise the compile and targetSDK versions from 29 to 31.
It was not mandatory, but I also upgraded the following versions in app/build.gradle:
androidx.appcompat.appcompat:1.0.0 -> 1.4.1
androidx.core.core:1.0.0 -> 1.7.0
androidx.constraintlayout.constraintlayout:1.1.2 -> 2.1.3
I am using PointCloudLibrary 1.8.0 RC2 and Visual Studio 2013. When I compiled my project, the following error appeared:
error C4996: 'pcl::SAC_SAMPLE_SIZE': This map is deprecated and is
kept only to prevent breaking existing user code. Starting from PCL
1.8.0 model sample size is a protected member of the SampleConsensusModel class C:\Program
Files\PCL_1_8_0\PCL\include\pcl-1.8\pcl\sample_consensus\model_types.h 100 1
I tried to set "SDL check" to No but this error persists.
I have tried 2013 and 2015
when building a cordova app for windows phone I get the following error.
Severity Description Project File Line
Error 'System.Environment' does not contain a definition for 'OsvCommonersion' [F:\SDKMobile\MobileConsole2\bld\Debug\platforms\wp8\MobileConsole.csproj] MobileConsole2 Device.cs 72
I can't find any docs on this
I moved the node_modules out of the project directory and no longer get this error
I am trying to upload an assembly in Tridion Content Manager through the following post build event of a project in Visual Studio:
C:\Users\\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\\\bin\Debug\name of dll
Config.xml has been created through cmd as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userName>domain\user id</username>
When I try to build the DLL , it is giving the following error.
Error 1: Unexpected argument: Unexpected argument Studio C:\Users\\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\\\bin\Debug\name of dll\EXEC name of DLL
Error 2: The command " C:\Users\\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\\\bin\Debug\name of dll" exited with code 1. name of DLL
Can someone help in solving the issue.
Make sure that you use 'Space' and not the 'Enter' button in between the command.
Great to see the help by Huston.
you may also try a visual Studio Add-In which allows to upload dll(s) into Tridion in a more easy way
This is my post-build event:
E:\Tridion\bin\client\TcmUploadAssembly.exe e:\Tridion\bin\client\config.xml "$(TargetPath)" /folder:tcm:43-61362-2