How can I rotate a css cursor - css

Here is what you need to do in order to have a clear view of what I want
Go on this editor
create a shape
select it
rotate it
place your mouse on one of the resize control point then click
you'll see the cursor rotated with the angle of the shape.
I can't find any CSS properties to achieve this kind of thing, how could this be done?

You can't and it doesn't. It just displays the different resize icons. See for example:

I needed a rotating arrow cursor for a carousel. Here's what I came up with:
Start by hiding the default cursor in css:
body * {
cursor: none;
add the image of the cursor you'd like to use to html:
<div id="cursor">
<img alt="Cursor Arrow" src=""/>
This image needs to track cursor position:
let currentCursorPos;
let cursorEl = document.querySelector("#cursor");
window.addEventListener("mousemove", event => {
currentCursorPos = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }; = `translate(${currentCursorPos.x}px, ${currentCursorPos.y}px)`;
Now you can rotate the #cursor img as needed.

Yes, in modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) you can use an SVG encoded as a data URI as the CSS cursor:
cursor: url("data:image/svg+xml, ... ") 16 16, auto;
Encoding the SVG can be tricky, but is well documented here:
The trick is then modifying the encoded SVG's transform property on the fly:
<svg viewBox="32 32"><g transform="rotate(45, 16, 16)">...</g></svg>
For instance, in the above example you'd swap out 45 for your desired angle.


How to create vertical "pages" where each page is height of the viewport using Bootstrap and Angular?

I am using Angular 1.3 and Bootstrap 3.2. I want to create a single webpage that does exactly this: i.e. I want to be able to have vertically stacked divs that are the height of the viewport. I'm thinking of making a directive that watches the browser height/width and updates the style accordingly.
Any other ideas? Any tips for implementing with a directive?
This is the perfect use case for vh and vw.
Simply set:
.wrapper {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
And it will work out the box. If you have to support any old browsers you can easily do a quick JS fall back.
CSS will get you part of the way, but you will need JS to update your 100% height on resize
and scrollTop points etc. And you will also need a way to animate the scroll anyway. This isn't exactly what I would do but it explains the basic idea.
$($window).on('resize', function() {
$scope.winWidth = $(window).width();
$scope.winHeight = $(window).height();
$scope.getSectionStyle = function(){
return {width:$scope.winWidth, height:$scope.winHeight} ;
<section id="sectionId" ng-style="getSectionStyle()"
To animate the scroll I just use jQuery like. If you're a angular purist there is $achorScoll but it has no animating at this point so you need to do some extra factory or directive like
$rootScope.scrollTo = function(_to){
$("html, body").delay(300).animate({scrollTop:_to},{ easing: "easeOutExpo"}, 2000);
To get _to you just find the elements offset().top something like :
var offset = $('#sectionId').offset();

Bootstrap popover - move it to the left/right side

I want to relocate my bootstrap popover in the left side, i.e. I want to move the whole popover in the left side, while the white arrow would stay in one place.
I would like to have the effect which is on website, when you click blue icon you see popover but its content is relocated while the white arrow is located under the user.
I know that I can use something like this:
.popover {
top:0 !important;
Unfortunately, it relocates the whole popover altogether with white arrow.
What I have now (popover is on the right side and there's no place between screen edge and my popover)
What I want to have (small distance between popover and monitor's edge):
“I want to change the position of content of this popover so that this
arrow will be placed further on the left„
When the popover is shown the arrow position is calculated in Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow based on width/height and placement. You can force a specific position with this CSS :
.popover .arrow {
left: 90px !important; /* or 45% etc */
But that will affect all popovers. Popovers is injected and removed to and from the DOM, and there is by default no way to target visible popovers individually. If you want to style the arrow on a specific popover, a workaround is to hook into the event, detect which popover that is being shown, and style the arrow for that popover if needed. Example :
.on('', function() {
var $popover = $('.popover')[0];
switch ($(this).attr('id')) {
case 'a' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '10px');break;
case 'b' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '40%');break;
case 'c' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '180px');break;
default : break;
To get this to work, there must be only one popover shown at a time (see fiddle). It can be worked out with multiple visible popovers also, but then we need to add some HTML to the popover content.
see demo ->
As what I have understood so far, you want to achieve the popover to the left of the button.
Please check this Plunker Link
HTML Code:
<div class="pull-right">
<button type="button" mypopover data-placement="left" title="title">Click here</button>
Angular Code:
var options = {
content: popOverContent,
placement: "bottom",
html: true,
trigger: 'focus'
I have edited the answer as per the images that you have shown.
If this is not is answer, then please comment below.
Regards D.

Display None and Block reinforce CSS3 KeyframeAnimation in Webkit

In my html5 game I'm playing some css3 keyframe animations.
During the animation the user can press a pause button, which sets the div-container (containing children on which the animations are played) to display:none.
After getting back to gameplay and setting the div to display:block, the keyframeanimations are forced to get replayed in Chrome and Safari.
It works fine in Firefox!
I've created a jsfiddle to show the problem .
in firefox the element continues to rotate, in chrome and safari it gets replayed.
I tried to use visibility:hidden, opacity:0 instead, but then I have problems with clickable elements (due to opacity) and visibility isn't recursive in the div-element.
How can i prevent the animation to get replayed in a webkit browser or what would be an alternative to display?
It's a combination of zIndex and Opacity:
old code:
if(visible) {'block';
} else {'none';
new code:
if(visible) {;;
console.log(" ";
} else {;;;
Hide by position: absolute with not visible coords (fiddle):
document.getElementById('rotate').onmouseover = function(){ = 'position: absolute; top: -9999px;left: -9999px;';
document.getElementById('rotate').onmouseout = function(){

Native scrollbars inside absolutely positioned element

I'm having some issues with scrollbars on element with position: absolute. The behavior I'm experiencing is that chrome 21 and firefox 15 displays scrollbars inside the box, resizing it's content thus hiding some of the text, however opera 12 and internet explorer 9 displays it also on the inside, but without resizing it's content and resizing the box instead (which is in my opinion correct, since the box doesn't have width defined). Is there any solution to make this look the same in those 4 browsers?
Edit: as Siva Charan pointed out, it works correctly when overflow-y is set to "scroll" however that shows scrollbar always which is not desired
Edit: my final solution based on answers from Siva Charan and anonymous down voting is lame
function updateAutoScroll(element) {
var $element = $(element);
if (element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight)
$element.css("overflow-y", "scroll");
$element.css("overflow-y", "auto");
The only way to do this dynamically across all browsers is with JavaScript, for simplicity I used jQuery.
// loops through each container
'<div style="padding-right:'+scrollbarWidth()+'px;"/>'
// gets the browsers current scrollbar width
function scrollbarWidth() {
var parent, child, width;
if(width===undefined) {
parent = $('<div style="width:50px;height:50px;overflow:auto"><div/></div>').appendTo('body');
child = parent.children();
width = child.innerWidth() -
return width;
Add overflow-y: scroll; to .container.two
.container.two {
top: 250px;
overflow-y: scroll;
If you are comfortable, you can use text-overflow: ellipsis; and replace to actual space
This is more of a workaround than an actual solution, but it might be good enough. Basically, first wrap the contents of container two in another div, and add some right padding to it. Make sure you also set width: 100% in .item.
Here's a modified version of your demo: little link.
This isn't perfect, but I hope it helped!

how to fill div with full height of page in css? (page is taller than 100%) for ajax loading gif background

ok there are several similar questions but not quite anything that I want.
I have few ajax requests on page and I want to show the image in the center of the screen, and its all working OK.
Just to make it look more prominent, I wanted to place that image on a div with translucent background, so its more obvious for the end users. Now comes the tricky part.
I made the div with css like this:
filter: Alpha(Opacity=40); -moz-opacity:0.4; opacity: 0.4;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #333;
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
This fills the page up alright, or, I should say, this fills the viewport. If I scroll the page down, the page is again normal. I want this div to span the ENTIRE LENGTH of the page, no matter how long the page is.
Here is an example mockup of the problem I made to quickly demonstrate:
As you can see, I took the example of SO for the mockup ;) image 1 shows that its okay when it appears. image 2 shows that it goes up with the page on scroll.
I'm a c# developer and css is as alien to me as ancient latin.
How to make this divLoadingBackground div to fill out the entire length of the page?
Many thanks for any help.
If you need any additional info, please comment!
One thing I dont see in your css is z-index. Fixed, although, fixes this problem, sometimes, based on how other divs are positioned, your divLoadingBackground div could end up in one of the divs.
try adding
z-index: 9999;
or something similar and see if it works.
Would have put this in a comment, but it seems I have too low rep to comment.
Where is the .divLoadingBackground div located in the DOM tree? Since it has fixed position, it shouldn't scroll with the page. This makes me belive that the element is too deeply nested. Try putting it right in the body level of the page and see if that helps.
Also, are you sure that some other css directive isn't changing the position attribute to absolute or something?
Also, make sure to use the right DOCTYPE. That has some impact on fixed position elements.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
Oh, and ofcourse, fixed position isn't supported in IE6 and below.
I believe you will need JavaScript/jQuery to dynamically set the height of the div in question to the height of the page once rendered.
And if you're entering the world of web, it's time to learn that new language "CSS" as well as perpahs-not-quite-as-daunting JavaScript.
When I needed such a functionality some years ago, I examined how Google Calendar did it.
Basically, they use a timer-driven JavaScript file that checks for the height of the window and adjust the height of a contained DIV tag accordingly (or of an IFRAME tag, just any container tag that you like).
Here is a code snippet from a page I worked on:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.height = "100%";
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.height = "100%";
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.minHeight = "100%";
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.minHeight = "100%";
function height()
// --
var ie6WorkaroundIFrameResize = 1;
function height_iframe()
var any = false;
var offset = 300;
var c = document.getElementById("iframecontent");
if ( c!=null )
{ = (GetClientHeight()-offset)+"px";
any = true;
var d = document.getElementById("iframeie6");
if ( d!=null )
{ = (GetClientHeight()-(offset+ie6WorkaroundIFrameResize))+"px";
any = true;
ie6WorkaroundIFrameResize = 0;
if ( any )
setTimeout( 'height_iframe()', 300 );
function GetClientHeight()
return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
Basically, the script regularly checks for the height of the window via the GetClientHeight() function and adjusts the element in concern ("iframecontent") accordingly.
I subtract some offsets of fixed-height headers and footers.
AFAIK you would need to set the size of this divthrough javascript. I would recommend using jQuery, in this way :
//$(document).height() gives the size of the document
//(as opposed to $(window).height() that would give the size of the viewport
