"it is not an interface in" error updating drupal (from 8.3.2 to 8.3.4) - drupal

Trying to update drupal through drush, I get the following error:
phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tags\BaseTag cannot implement
phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag - it is not an interface in
line 21
How can it be solved?

I had this issue, and at the I discovered that upgrading to phpunit 5.7 (from phpunit 4.8) solved it.
Hope it helps anyone.


Capsule exception when running Corda nodes

I am trying to run Corda nodes on macOS El Capitan with JDK 1.8.0_60 by following the instructions here: https://docs.corda.net/getting-set-up.html.
I am getting the following error:
CAPSULE EXCEPTION: Could not parse version: -9.0.1 while processing
system property java.home:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not parse version: -9.0.1
How can I fix this?
Although its older thread, i encountered it today and stumbled upon this page and thought to share my findings.
Actually Oracle changed the numbering style from java9 (like 9.0.1) and it seems you have it installed. You will have to point to jdk 1.8.x so make it work until capsule is updated to work with java9.
Running Corda nodes requires a JDK version greater than JDK 8u121. If you upgrade your JDK, this error will disappear.

Suddenly getting error in Wpbakey plugin/ Visual Composer

I am wokring on a theme in wordpress which contains visual composer and it was working perfectly last day. But today when i am trying to edit the page using visual composer frontend it keeps on loading and in backed when i click on save button nothing happens. So i check the chrome console and fond this error. Any help will be appriciated and thanks in advance i am attaching the error below.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'label' of undefined
at Object.defaults (frontend-editor.min.js:3)
at frontend-editor.min.js:7
at Function.m.each.m.forEach (load-scripts.php:97)
at Object.<anonymous> (frontend-editor.min.js:7)
at Object.getDefaults (frontend-editor.min.js:1)
at n.vcAddShortcodeDefaultParams (frontend-editor.min.js:1)
at _ (load-scripts.php:99)
at m (load-scripts.php:99)
at f (load-scripts.php:99)
at Object.u.trigger (load-scripts.php:99)
I am not an expert by any means but i have found the solution by myself so wanted to share the answer if it can help anybody. The problem was the PHP version. After I changed the PHP version of my server form PHP 7.1 to PHP 5.6 it solved the issue.

Upgrading symfony sonata to 3.x

i upgraded symfony-sonata to 3.x and getting error.
Fatal error: Uncaught Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException: The target-entity Application\Sonata\ClassificationBundle\Entity\Category cannot be found in 'App\Sonata\MediaBundle\Entity\Media#category'. in /vagrant/src/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/MappingException.php on line 762
Which. I don't know how to resolve. Any Ideas?
in sonata 2.x everything worked
Why error pointing to Application\ instead of App\ ?
The classification bundle has been made optional recently. Just reinstall it ;)

RabbitMqBundle, always getting error. Symfony2

i've just installed the RabbitMqBundle for Symfony2.
I've followed the example on the page, literally copy&pasted the configuration and i'm always getting this error:
Warning: DOMElement::setAttribute() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
A bit further down the line:
at DOMElement->setAttribute('class', object(Definition)) in XmlDumper.php line 182
Does anyone have an idea? Did i do anything wrong? Just installed via composer etc.
Actually updating from Symfony 2.6.3 to 2.6.8 fixed it!

Undefined class constant 'FOLLOW_SYMLINKS

after installing symfony 2.6 and when executing an error message is displayed:
FatalErrorException in DirectoryResource.php line 82:
Error: Undefined class constant 'FOLLOW_SYMLINKS'
the error is in the bundle: kriswallsmith
Please help me.
thank you in advance
Which versio of PHP are you running under? 5.2?
This sounds awfully similar to this issue report: https://github.com/caefer/sfImageTransformExtraPlugin/issues/5
The class constant, FOLLOW_SYMLINKS, is part of the RecursiveDirectoryIterator, which according to the PHP.net manual page, was added in 5.3.1 and also 5.2.11. At least version 5.3.9 is usually recommended or required by various frameworks because of various issues in prior versions.
The package is "kriswallsmith/assetic"
