Undefined class constant 'FOLLOW_SYMLINKS - symfony

after installing symfony 2.6 and when executing an error message is displayed:
FatalErrorException in DirectoryResource.php line 82:
Error: Undefined class constant 'FOLLOW_SYMLINKS'
the error is in the bundle: kriswallsmith
Please help me.
thank you in advance

Which versio of PHP are you running under? 5.2?
This sounds awfully similar to this issue report: https://github.com/caefer/sfImageTransformExtraPlugin/issues/5

The class constant, FOLLOW_SYMLINKS, is part of the RecursiveDirectoryIterator, which according to the PHP.net manual page, was added in 5.3.1 and also 5.2.11. At least version 5.3.9 is usually recommended or required by various frameworks because of various issues in prior versions.
The package is "kriswallsmith/assetic"


how do i get the solution for following error

Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly System.Web.Entity. Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by code, you may get compilation errors."
I got this error when suddenly started visual studio from WindowsOS to mac OS.
Is there any solution, anyone knows for this error?
Simple fix: Use the NuGet package System.Web.Http.Common instead of System.Web.Entity

"it is not an interface in" error updating drupal (from 8.3.2 to 8.3.4)

Trying to update drupal through drush, I get the following error:
phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tags\BaseTag cannot implement
phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag - it is not an interface in
line 21
How can it be solved?
I had this issue, and at the I discovered that upgrading to phpunit 5.7 (from phpunit 4.8) solved it.
Hope it helps anyone.

Fatal Error on wordpress

I came back to my site after a long break and TADAH : Fatal error: Call to undefined function update_post_caches() in /home/web/cote-image/port2016/wp-includes/query.php on line 3818
You can see that on : http://lpb.cerealog.net/cote-image/port2016/.
Have you some answer to help me ?
I remove all the plugins for test but nothing
I think it was an update 4.6.1 to 4.6.3 but i don't have idea.
This issue is caused by W3 Total Cache plugin. You should disable and enable it again or better update it if it is not the latest version. If you still experience the problem try renaming or removing the w3-total-cache folder.
Here is more regarding this issue https://wordpress.org/support/topic/call-to-undefined-function-wp_cache_get/

RabbitMqBundle, always getting error. Symfony2

i've just installed the RabbitMqBundle for Symfony2.
I've followed the example on the page, literally copy&pasted the configuration and i'm always getting this error:
Warning: DOMElement::setAttribute() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
A bit further down the line:
at DOMElement->setAttribute('class', object(Definition)) in XmlDumper.php line 182
Does anyone have an idea? Did i do anything wrong? Just installed via composer etc.
Actually updating from Symfony 2.6.3 to 2.6.8 fixed it!

compilation issue : libvlc exception t is missing

I'm trying to mix Qt and libVLC, I've downloaded libs, tried some tutorials, but I always stop on the same error and I can't find any solution in Google...
Here's the compilation output
error: unknown type name 'libvlc_exception_t'; did you mean 'libvlc_event_t'?
I'm running MacOS 10.8.4
EDIT : the libvlc_exception_t is not even documented on LibVLC Doc
That's why :
doc/ChangeLog-2010: The libvlc_exceptions have been removed from libvlc.
