Pod to GCE Instance Networking in GKE - networking

I have a GCP project with two subnets (VPC₁ and VPC₂). In VPC₁ I have a few GCE instances and in VPC₂ I have a GKE cluster.
I have established VPC Network Peering between both VPCs, and POD₁'s host node can reach VM₁ and vice-versa. Now I would like to be able to reach VM₁ from within POD₁, but unfortunately I can't seem to be able to reach it.
Is this a matter of creating the appropriate firewall rules / routes on POD₁, perhaps using its host as router, or is there something else I need to do? How can I achieve connectivity between this pod and the GCE instance?

Network routes are only effective within its VPC. Say request from pod1 reaches VM1, VPC1 do not know how to route the packet back to pod1. To solve this, just need to SNAT traffic from Pod CIDR range in VPC2 and heading to VPC1.
Here is a simple daemonset that can help to inject iptables rules to your GKE cluster. It SNAT traffic based on custom destinations.
Of course, the firewall rules need to be setup properly.

Or, if possible, you can create your cluster(s) with VPC-native and it will work automatically.


How are external ips supposed to work in OpenShift (4.x)?

I'm looking for some help in understanding how external ips
are supposed to work (specifically on OpenShift 4.4/4.5 baremetal).
It looks like I can assign arbitrary external ips to a service
regardless of the setting of spec.externalIP.policy on the cluster
network. Is that expected?
Once an external ip is assigned to a service, what's supposed to
happen? The openshift docs are silent on this topic. The k8s docs
Traffic that ingresses into the cluster with the external
IP (as destination IP), on the Service port, will be routed to one
of the Service endpoints.
Which suggests that if I (a) assign an externalip to a service and
(b) configure that address on a node interface, I should be able to
reach the service on the service port at that address, but that
doesn't appear to work.
Poking around the nodes after setting up a service with an external ip, I don't see netfilter rules or anything else that would direct traffic for the external address to the appropriate pod.
I'm having a hard time findings docs that explain how all this is
supposed to operate.

Private connection between GKE and Compute Engine on Google Cloud

I have a compute engine instance with persistent file storage that I need outside of my GKE cluster.
I would like to open a specific TCP port on the Compute Engine instance so that only nodes within the GKE cluster can access it.
The Compute Engine instance and GKE cluster are in the same GCP project, network, and subnet.
The GKE cluster is not private and I have an ingress exposing the only service I want exposed to the internet.
I've tried creating firewall rules of three different types that do not work:
By shared service account on both Compute Engine instance and K8s nodes.
By network tags - (yes I am using the network tags as explicitly specified on the VM instance page).
By IP address, where I use network tag for target and private IANA IP ranges,, and for source.
The only thing that works is the last option but using for source IP range.
I've looked at a few related questions such as:
Google App Engine communicate with Compute Engine over internal network
Can I launch Google Container Engine (GKE) in Private GCP network Subnet?
But I'm not looking to make my GKE cluster private and I have tried to create the firewall rules using network tags to no avail.
What am I missing or is this not possible?
Not sure how I missed this, fairly certain I tried something similar a couple months back but must have had something else misconfigured.
On the GKE cluster Details page, there is a pod address range. Setting the firewall source range to GKE pod address range gave me the the desired outcome.

Expose pod to a particular pre-determined IP address

I'm looking to expose individual pods HTTP. The trick here is that the pod in question needs to know its externally valid IP address, and so in order to configure that ahead of time, I have to have certainty on the external IP address that I'm exposing it by.
Currently I'm trying to expose in this way:
kubectl expose pod my-pod --type=LoadBalancer --name=lb-http --external-ip=$IP --port=80 --target-port=30000
But I'm thinking that the --external-ip flag isn't operating as I intend, as my GKE cluster ends up with a different endpoint IP address.
Is there a way to expose an individual pod to a particular pre-determined IP address?
Not possible via LoadBalancer type service. However you can use nginx ingress controller to expose all of your pods on same static IP and apply ingress rules for path and host based routing.This doc demonstrates how to assign a static-ip to an Ingress on through the Nginx controller.
You can achieve the same with GKE ingress as well. Here is the doc on how to do that.
You can't pre-assign an IP. It will go create a new GCP LB and then stash the IP/hostname in the Status substruct. Then you take that and put it in your config file or whatever.

How to get the traffic between pods in Kubernetes

There are already tools out there which visualize the traffic between pods. In detail the state the following:
Linkerd tap listens to a traffic stream for a resource.
In Weave Scope, edges indicate TCP connections between nodes.
I am now wondering how these tools get the data because the Kubernetes API itself does not provide this information. I know that Linkered installs a proxy next to each service but is this the only option?
The component that monitors the traffic must be either a sidecar container in each pod or a daemon on each node. For example:
Linkerd uses a sidecar container
Weave Scope uses a DaemonSet to install an agent on each node of the cluster
A sidecar container observes traffic to/from its pod. A node daemon observes traffic to/from all the pods on the node.
In Kubernetes, each pod has its own unique IP address, so these components basically check the source and destination IP addresses of the network traffic.
In general, any traffic from/to/between pods has nothing to do with the Kubernetes API and to monitor it, basically the same principles as in non-Kubernetes environments apply.
You can use SideCar Proxy for it or use prometheus-operator which internally uses grafana dashboards. in there you can monitor each and everything.
My advice is to use istio.io that injects an envoy proxy as a sidecar container on each pod, then you can use Prometheus to scrape metrics from these proxies and use Grafana for visualisation.

How to create firewall for kubernetes cluster in google container engine

This may be an extremely simple question, but I can't seem to figure out how to only allow my kubernetes cluster to be accessible ONLY from my office IP.
In my firewall rules I see my rules for the gke nodes to be 2 internal ips and my office ip.
I also see a firewall rule for an external ip range that I don't see in my external IP addresses. That IP address also doesn't appear in my load balancer IPs...
Finally I have a loadbalancing firewall rule that allows the external IP ranges from the load balancing tab, which are my kubernetes ingress rules.
Long story short, how do I only allow my kubernetes cluster to be only accessible from my office IP?
This isn't currently possible in Google Container Engine.
You don't see any firewall rules for your cluster control plane because it isn't running inside your cloud project. Therefore the endpoint for your cluster won't show up in your networking views and you cannot add firewall rules to restrict access to it.
This is a shortcoming that the team is aware of and we hope to be able to provide a solution for you in the future.
