Incremental change from predictor variable in R - r

Sample Data
1 2016 94.49433733 2 81.28
5 2016 95.38104534 4 139.6944
7 2016 95.43885385 1 69.11
8 2016 94.91936704 1 7.23
9 2016 95.21859776 3 152.31
10 2016 95.15797535 1 86.32
11 2016 95.1830432 2 38.24
13 2016 94.01256633 2 33.3
Given the sample data and using R, I want to build a sequence that gives me the incremental impact from my predictor variable (C).
Expected Table (increment by 0.5):
I am looking to understand for every delta change (increase) in C, what happens to D?
Here is what I tried with transform and apply
transform(df, volumen=unlist(tapply(C, D, function(x) c(0, diff(x)))))

fit <- lm(D ~ C, data = my_sample_data) #Fits a linear model
my_sequence <- seq(from = 85, to = 85.35, by = 0.05 ) # first column
result <- fit$coefficients[1] + my_sequence * fit$coefficients[2] #2nd column
df <- data.frame(C = my_sequence, ANSWER = result) #Makes a table


Sum certain rows given 2 constraints in R

I am trying to write an conditional statement with the following constraints. Below is an example data frame showing the problem I am running into.
Row <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
La <- c(51.25,51.25,51.75,53.25,53.25,54.25,54.25)
Lo <- c(128.25,127.75,127.25,119.75,119.25,118.75,118.25)
Y <- c(5,10,2,4,5,7,9)
Cl <- c("EF","EF","EF","EF","NA","NA","CE")
d <- data.frame(Row,La,Lo,Y,Cl)
Row La Lo Y Cl
1 1 51.25 128.25 5 EF
2 2 51.25 127.75 10 EF
3 3 51.75 127.25 2 EF
4 4 53.25 119.75 4 EF
5 5 53.25 119.25 5 NA
6 6 54.25 118.75 7 NA
7 7 55.25 118.25 9 CE
I would like to sum column "Y" (removing all values from that row) if "Cl" is NA with the corresponding "Lo" and "La" values that are close (equal to or less than 1.00). In effect, I want to remove NA from being in the data frame without losing the value of "Y", but instead adding this value to its closest neighbor.
I would like the return data frame to look like this:
Row2 <- c(1,2,3,4,7)
La2 <- c(51.25,51.25,51.75,53.25,55.25)
Lo2 <- c(128.25,127.75,127.25,119.75,118.25)
Y2 <- c(5,10,2,9,16)
Cl2 <- c("EF","EF","EF","EF","CE")
d2 <- data.frame(Row2,La2,Lo2,Y2,Cl2)
Row2 La2 Lo2 Y2 Cl2
1 1 51.25 128.25 5 EF
2 2 51.25 127.75 10 EF
3 3 51.75 127.25 2 EF
4 4 53.25 119.75 9 EF
5 7 55.25 118.25 16 CE
recent edit: If NA row is close to one row in terms of Lo value and same closeness to another row in La value, join by La value. If there are 2 equally close rows of Lo and La values, join by smaller La value.
Thank you for the help!
Here is a method to use if you can make some distance matrix m for the distance between all the (La, Lo) rows in your data. I use the output of dist, which is euclidean distance. The row with the lowest distance is selected, or the earliest such row if the lowest distance is shared by > 1 row.
w <- which($Cl))
m <- as.matrix(dist(d[c('La', 'Lo')]))
m[row(m) %in% w] <- NA
d$g <- replace(seq(nrow(d)), w, apply(m[,w], 2, which.min))
d %>%
group_by(g) %>%
summarise(La = La[!],
Lo = Lo[!],
Y = sum(Y),
Cl = Cl[!]) %>%
# # A tibble: 5 x 4
# La Lo Y Cl
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>
# 1 51.2 128. 5 EF
# 2 51.2 128. 10 EF
# 3 51.8 127. 2 EF
# 4 53.2 120. 9 EF
# 5 54.2 118. 16 CE

How to prevent R from rounding in frequency function?

I used the freq function of frequency package to get frequency percent on my dataset$MoriskyAdherence, then R gives me percent values with rounding. I need more decimal places.
The result is:
The Percent values are 35.5, 41.3,23.8. The sum of them is 100.1.
The exact amounts should be 35.5, 41.25, 23.75.
What should I do?
I used sprintf,,formatC, and some other function to deal with it.But...
The function freq returns a character data frame, and has no option to adjust the number of decimal places. However, it is easy to recreate the table however you want it. For example, I have written this function, which will give you the same result but with two decimal places instead of one:
freq2 <- function(data_frame)
df <- frequency::freq(data_frame)
lapply(df, function(x)
n <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x$Freq))
sum_all <- as.numeric(x$Freq[nrow(x)])
raw_percent <- suppressWarnings(100 * n / sum_all)
t_row <- grep("Total", x[,2])[1]
valid_percent <- suppressWarnings(100*n / as.numeric(x$Freq[t_row]))
x$Percent <- format(round(raw_percent, 2), nsmall = 2)
x$'Valid Percent' <- format(round(valid_percent, 2), nsmall = 2)
x$'Cumulative Percent' <- format(round(cumsum(valid_percent), 2), nsmall = 2)
x$'Cumulative Percent'[t_row:nrow(x)] <- ""
x$'Valid Percent'[(t_row + 1):nrow(x)] <- ""
Now instead of
#> Building tables
#> |===========================================================================| 100%
#> $`x:`
#> x label Freq Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
#> 2 Valid High Adherence 56 35.0 35.0 35.0
#> 3 Low Adherence 66 41.3 41.3 76.3
#> 4 Medium Adherence 38 23.8 23.8 100.0
#> 41 Total 160 100.0 100.0
#> 1 Missing <blank> 0 0.0
#> 5 <NA> 0 0.0
#> 7 Total 160 100.0
you can do
#> Building tables
#> |===========================================================================| 100%
#> $`x:`
#> x label Freq Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
#> 2 Valid High Adherence 56 35.00 35.00 35.00
#> 3 Low Adherence 66 41.25 41.25 76.25
#> 4 Medium Adherence 38 23.75 23.75 100.00
#> 41 Total 160 100.00 100.00
#> 1 Missing <blank> 0 0.00
#> 5 <NA> 0 0.00
#> 7 Total 160 100.00
which is exactly what you were looking for.
Two (potential) solutions:
Solution #1:
Make changes inside the function freq. This can be done by retrieving the function's code with the command freq (without round brackets), or by retrieving the code, with comments, from
My hunch is that to obtain more decimals, changes must be implemented at this point in the code:
# create a list of frequencies
message("Building tables")
all_freqs <- lapply_pb(names(x), function(y, x1 =, maxrow1 = maxrow, trim1 = trim){
makefreqs(x1, y, maxrow1, trim1)
Solution #2:
If you're only after percentages with more decimals, you can use aggregate. Let's suppose your data has this structure: a dataframe with two variables, one numeric, one a factor by which you want to group:
Var1 <- sample(LETTERS[1:4], 10, replace = T)
Var2 <- sample(10:100, 10, replace = T)
df <- data.frame(Var1, Var2)
Var1 Var2
1 B 97
2 D 51
3 B 71
4 D 62
5 D 19
6 A 91
7 C 32
8 D 13
9 C 39
10 B 96
Then to obtain your percentages by factor, you would use aggregatethus:
aggregate(Var2 ~ Var1, data = df, function(x) sum(x)/sum(Var2)*100)
Var1 Var2
1 A 15.93695
2 B 46.23468
3 C 12.43433
4 D 25.39405
You can control the number of decimals by using round:
aggregate(Var2 ~ Var1, data = df, function(x) round(sum(x)/sum(Var2)*100,3))

Trying to add breakpoint lines from strucchange to a plot by "lines" command [duplicate]

This is my first time with strucchange so bear with me. The problem I'm having seems to be that strucchange doesn't recognize my time series correctly but I can't figure out why and haven't found an answer on the boards that deals with this. Here's a reproducible example:
# time series
nmreprosuccess <- c(0,0.50,NA,0.,NA,0.5,NA,0.50,0.375,0.53,0.846,0.44,1.0,0.285,
dat.ts <- ts(nmreprosuccess, frequency=1, start=c(1996,1))
Time-Series [1:21] from 1996 to 2016: 0 0.5 NA 0 NA 0.5 NA 0.5 0.375 0.53 ...
To me this means that the time series looks OK to work with.
# obtain breakpoints
bp.NMSuccess <- breakpoints(dat.ts~1)
Which gives:
Optimal (m+1)-segment partition:
breakpoints.formula(formula = dat.ts ~ 1)
Breakpoints at observation number:
m = 1 6
m = 2 3 7
m = 3 3 14 16
m = 4 3 7 14 16
m = 5 3 7 10 14 16
m = 6 3 7 10 12 14 16
m = 7 3 5 7 10 12 14 16
Corresponding to breakdates:
m = 1 0.333333333333333
m = 2 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889
m = 3 0.166666666666667
m = 4 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889
m = 5 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889 0.555555555555556
m = 6 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889 0.555555555555556 0.666666666666667
m = 7 0.166666666666667 0.277777777777778 0.388888888888889 0.555555555555556 0.666666666666667
m = 1
m = 2
m = 3 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 4 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 5 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 6 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 7 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RSS 1.6986 1.1253 0.9733 0.8984 0.7984 0.7581 0.7248 0.7226
BIC 14.3728 12.7421 15.9099 20.2490 23.9062 28.7555 33.7276 39.4522
Here's where I start having the problem. Instead of reporting the actual breakdates it reports numbers which then makes it impossible to plot the break lines onto a graph because they're not at the breakdate (2002) but at 0.333.
plot.ts(dat.ts, main="Natural Mating")
lines(fitted(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1), col = 4, lwd = 1.5)
Nothing shows up for me in this graph (I think because it's so small for the scale of the graph).
In addition, when I try fixes that may possibly work around this problem,
fm1 <- lm(dat.ts ~ breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1))
I get:
Error in model.frame.default(formula = dat.ts ~ breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, :
variable lengths differ (found for 'breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1)')
I get errors because of the NA values in the data so the length of dat.ts is 21 and the length of breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1) 18 (missing the 3 NAs).
Any suggestions?
The problem occurs because breakpoints() currently can only (a) cope with NAs by omitting them, and (b) cope with times/date through the ts class. This creates the conflict because when you omit internal NAs from a ts it loses its ts property and hence breakpoints() cannot infer the correct times.
The "obvious" way around this would be to use a time series class that can cope with this, namely zoo. However, I just never got round to fully integrate zoo support into breakpoints() because it would likely break some of the current behavior.
To cut a long story short: Your best choice at the moment is to do the book-keeping about the times yourself and not expect breakpoints() to do it for you. The additional work is not so huge. First, we create a time series with the response and the time vector and omit the NAs:
d <- na.omit(data.frame(success = nmreprosuccess, time = 1996:2016))
## success time
## 1 0.000 1996
## 2 0.500 1997
## 4 0.000 1999
## 6 0.500 2001
## 8 0.500 2003
## 9 0.375 2004
## 10 0.530 2005
## 11 0.846 2006
## 12 0.440 2007
## 13 1.000 2008
## 14 0.285 2009
## 15 0.750 2010
## 16 1.000 2011
## 17 0.400 2012
## 18 0.916 2013
## 19 1.000 2014
## 20 0.769 2015
## 21 0.357 2016
Then we can estimate the breakpoint(s) and afterwards transform from the "number" of observations back to the time scale. Note that I'm setting the minimal segment size h explicitly here because the default of 15% is probably somewhat small for this short series. 4 is still small but possibly enough for estimating of a constant mean.
bp <- breakpoints(success ~ 1, data = d, h = 4)
## Optimal 2-segment partition:
## Call:
## breakpoints.formula(formula = success ~ 1, h = 4, data = d)
## Breakpoints at observation number:
## 6
## Corresponding to breakdates:
## 0.3333333
We ignore the break "date" at 1/3 of the observations but simply map back to the original time scale:
## [1] 2004
To re-estimate the model with nicely formatted factor levels, we could do:
lab <- c(
paste(d$time[c(1, bp$breakpoints)], collapse = "-"),
paste(d$time[c(bp$breakpoints + 1, nrow(d))], collapse = "-")
d$seg <- breakfactor(bp, labels = lab)
lm(success ~ 0 + seg, data = d)
## Call:
## lm(formula = success ~ 0 + seg, data = d)
## Coefficients:
## seg1996-2004 seg2005-2016
## 0.3125 0.6911
Or for visualization:
plot(success ~ time, data = d, type = "b")
lines(fitted(bp) ~ time, data = d, col = 4, lwd = 2)
abline(v = d$time[bp$breakpoints], lty = 2)
One final remark: For such short time series where just a simple shift in the mean is needed, one could also consider conditional inference (aka permutation tests) rather than the asymptotic inference employed in strucchange. The coin package provides the maxstat_test() function exactly for this purpose (= short series where a single shift in the mean is tested).
maxstat_test(success ~ time, data = d, dist = approximate(99999))
## Approximative Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics
## data: success by time
## maxT = 2.3953, p-value = 0.09382
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## sample estimates:
## "best" cutpoint: <= 2004
This finds the same breakpoint and provides a permutation test p-value. If however, one has more data and needs multiple breakpoints and/or further regression coefficients, then strucchange would be needed.

strucchange not reporting breakdates

This is my first time with strucchange so bear with me. The problem I'm having seems to be that strucchange doesn't recognize my time series correctly but I can't figure out why and haven't found an answer on the boards that deals with this. Here's a reproducible example:
# time series
nmreprosuccess <- c(0,0.50,NA,0.,NA,0.5,NA,0.50,0.375,0.53,0.846,0.44,1.0,0.285,
dat.ts <- ts(nmreprosuccess, frequency=1, start=c(1996,1))
Time-Series [1:21] from 1996 to 2016: 0 0.5 NA 0 NA 0.5 NA 0.5 0.375 0.53 ...
To me this means that the time series looks OK to work with.
# obtain breakpoints
bp.NMSuccess <- breakpoints(dat.ts~1)
Which gives:
Optimal (m+1)-segment partition:
breakpoints.formula(formula = dat.ts ~ 1)
Breakpoints at observation number:
m = 1 6
m = 2 3 7
m = 3 3 14 16
m = 4 3 7 14 16
m = 5 3 7 10 14 16
m = 6 3 7 10 12 14 16
m = 7 3 5 7 10 12 14 16
Corresponding to breakdates:
m = 1 0.333333333333333
m = 2 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889
m = 3 0.166666666666667
m = 4 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889
m = 5 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889 0.555555555555556
m = 6 0.166666666666667 0.388888888888889 0.555555555555556 0.666666666666667
m = 7 0.166666666666667 0.277777777777778 0.388888888888889 0.555555555555556 0.666666666666667
m = 1
m = 2
m = 3 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 4 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 5 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 6 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m = 7 0.777777777777778 0.888888888888889
m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RSS 1.6986 1.1253 0.9733 0.8984 0.7984 0.7581 0.7248 0.7226
BIC 14.3728 12.7421 15.9099 20.2490 23.9062 28.7555 33.7276 39.4522
Here's where I start having the problem. Instead of reporting the actual breakdates it reports numbers which then makes it impossible to plot the break lines onto a graph because they're not at the breakdate (2002) but at 0.333.
plot.ts(dat.ts, main="Natural Mating")
lines(fitted(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1), col = 4, lwd = 1.5)
Nothing shows up for me in this graph (I think because it's so small for the scale of the graph).
In addition, when I try fixes that may possibly work around this problem,
fm1 <- lm(dat.ts ~ breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1))
I get:
Error in model.frame.default(formula = dat.ts ~ breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, :
variable lengths differ (found for 'breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1)')
I get errors because of the NA values in the data so the length of dat.ts is 21 and the length of breakfactor(bp.NMSuccess, breaks = 1) 18 (missing the 3 NAs).
Any suggestions?
The problem occurs because breakpoints() currently can only (a) cope with NAs by omitting them, and (b) cope with times/date through the ts class. This creates the conflict because when you omit internal NAs from a ts it loses its ts property and hence breakpoints() cannot infer the correct times.
The "obvious" way around this would be to use a time series class that can cope with this, namely zoo. However, I just never got round to fully integrate zoo support into breakpoints() because it would likely break some of the current behavior.
To cut a long story short: Your best choice at the moment is to do the book-keeping about the times yourself and not expect breakpoints() to do it for you. The additional work is not so huge. First, we create a time series with the response and the time vector and omit the NAs:
d <- na.omit(data.frame(success = nmreprosuccess, time = 1996:2016))
## success time
## 1 0.000 1996
## 2 0.500 1997
## 4 0.000 1999
## 6 0.500 2001
## 8 0.500 2003
## 9 0.375 2004
## 10 0.530 2005
## 11 0.846 2006
## 12 0.440 2007
## 13 1.000 2008
## 14 0.285 2009
## 15 0.750 2010
## 16 1.000 2011
## 17 0.400 2012
## 18 0.916 2013
## 19 1.000 2014
## 20 0.769 2015
## 21 0.357 2016
Then we can estimate the breakpoint(s) and afterwards transform from the "number" of observations back to the time scale. Note that I'm setting the minimal segment size h explicitly here because the default of 15% is probably somewhat small for this short series. 4 is still small but possibly enough for estimating of a constant mean.
bp <- breakpoints(success ~ 1, data = d, h = 4)
## Optimal 2-segment partition:
## Call:
## breakpoints.formula(formula = success ~ 1, h = 4, data = d)
## Breakpoints at observation number:
## 6
## Corresponding to breakdates:
## 0.3333333
We ignore the break "date" at 1/3 of the observations but simply map back to the original time scale:
## [1] 2004
To re-estimate the model with nicely formatted factor levels, we could do:
lab <- c(
paste(d$time[c(1, bp$breakpoints)], collapse = "-"),
paste(d$time[c(bp$breakpoints + 1, nrow(d))], collapse = "-")
d$seg <- breakfactor(bp, labels = lab)
lm(success ~ 0 + seg, data = d)
## Call:
## lm(formula = success ~ 0 + seg, data = d)
## Coefficients:
## seg1996-2004 seg2005-2016
## 0.3125 0.6911
Or for visualization:
plot(success ~ time, data = d, type = "b")
lines(fitted(bp) ~ time, data = d, col = 4, lwd = 2)
abline(v = d$time[bp$breakpoints], lty = 2)
One final remark: For such short time series where just a simple shift in the mean is needed, one could also consider conditional inference (aka permutation tests) rather than the asymptotic inference employed in strucchange. The coin package provides the maxstat_test() function exactly for this purpose (= short series where a single shift in the mean is tested).
maxstat_test(success ~ time, data = d, dist = approximate(99999))
## Approximative Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics
## data: success by time
## maxT = 2.3953, p-value = 0.09382
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## sample estimates:
## "best" cutpoint: <= 2004
This finds the same breakpoint and provides a permutation test p-value. If however, one has more data and needs multiple breakpoints and/or further regression coefficients, then strucchange would be needed.

Computing deciles over calendar years and across different columns using R

I have the following dataset that I created using dplyr and the function tbl_df():
date X1 X2
1 2001-01-31 4.698648 4.640957
2 2001-02-28 4.491493 4.398382
3 2001-03-30 4.101235 4.074065
4 2001-04-30 4.072041 4.217999
5 2001-05-31 3.856718 4.114061
6 2001-06-29 3.909194 4.142691
7 2001-07-31 3.489640 3.678374
8 2001-08-31 3.327068 3.534823
9 2001-09-28 2.476066 2.727257
10 2001-10-31 2.015936 2.299102
11 2001-11-30 2.127617 2.590702
12 2001-12-31 2.162643 2.777744
13 2002-01-31 2.221636 2.740961
14 2002-02-28 2.276458 2.834494
15 2002-03-28 2.861650 3.472853
16 2002-04-30 2.402687 3.026207
17 2002-05-31 2.426250 2.968679
18 2002-06-28 2.045413 2.523772
19 2002-07-31 1.468695 1.677434
20 2002-08-30 1.707742 1.920101
21 2002-09-30 1.449055 1.554702
22 2002-10-31 1.350024 1.466806
23 2002-11-29 1.541507 1.844471
24 2002-12-31 1.208786 1.392031
I am interested in computing deciles for each year and each column. For example, the deciles of 2001 for X1, deciles of 2001 for X2, deciles of 2002 for X1, deciles of 2002 for X2 and so on if I have more years and more columns. I tried:
quantile(x, prob = seq(0, 1, length = 11), type = 5) or using apply.yearly() with the quantile() function and an xts object of x (my dataframe above) but none of them do what I actually need to compute. Your help will be appreciated.
You can try the following function:
df<- read.table(header=T,text='date X1 X2
1 2001/01/31 4.698648 4.640957
2 2001/02/28 4.491493 4.398382
3 2001/03/30 4.101235 4.074065
4 2001/04/30 4.072041 4.217999
5 2001/05/31 3.856718 4.114061
6 2001/06/29 3.909194 4.142691
7 2001/07/31 3.489640 3.678374
8 2001/08/31 3.327068 3.534823
9 2001/09/28 2.476066 2.727257
10 2001/10/31 2.015936 2.299102
11 2001/11/30 2.127617 2.590702
12 2001/12/31 2.162643 2.777744
13 2002/01/31 2.221636 2.740961
14 2002/02/28 2.276458 2.834494
15 2002/03/28 2.861650 3.472853
16 2002/04/30 2.402687 3.026207
17 2002/05/31 2.426250 2.968679
18 2002/06/28 2.045413 2.523772
19 2002/07/31 1.468695 1.677434
20 2002/08/30 1.707742 1.920101
21 2002/09/30 1.449055 1.554702
22 2002/10/31 1.350024 1.466806
23 2002/11/29 1.541507 1.844471
24 2002/12/31 1.208786 1.392031')
find_quantile <- function(df,year,col,quant) {
year_df <- subset(df,year==substring(as.character(date),1,4))
a <- quantile(year_df[,col] , quant)
#where df is the dataframe,
#year is the year you want (as character),
#col is the column you want to calculate the quantile (as index i.e. in your case 2 or 3,
#quant is the quantile
For example:
> find_quantile(df,'2001',2,0.7) #specify the year as character
Assuming you have a simple data.frame, first, bin the dates by year:
df$year <- cut(as.Date(df$date), "year")
And then aggregate by year:
foo <- aggregate(. ~ year, subset(df, select=-date), quantile,
prob = seq(0, 1, length = 11), type = 5)
This returns a data frame. But it needs a bit of cleaning. Using unnest from the dev version of tidyr and lapply, you could do the following. Please note that the first row for X1 is for 2001, and the second for 2002.
unnest(lapply(foo[-1],, column)
# column 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
#1 X1 2.015936 2.094113 2.159140 2.561166 3.375840 3.673179 3.893451 4.055756 4.140261 4.553640 4.698648
#2 X1 1.208786 1.307653 1.439152 1.475976 1.591378 1.876578 2.168769 2.270976 2.405043 2.556870 2.861650
#3 X2 2.299102 2.503222 2.713601 2.853452 3.577888 3.876219 4.102062 4.139828 4.236037 4.471155 4.640957
#4 X2 1.392031 1.444374 1.545912 1.694138 1.867160 2.221936 2.675804 2.825141 2.974432 3.160201 3.472853
