Shortcut for deleting the current file in Atom - atom-editor

In you can delete a file from the tree-view; right-click on the file and delete. Is it possible to do the same also using a shortcut for the current file?


How can I ask jupyter to automatically revert when file has changed on disk

Hello I am using jupyter-lab with the jupytext extension.
This extension allows you to --sync different format so that you can edit say a Rmd file that will automatically be converted to ipynb
This ipynb file is loaded in jupyter
To update the file opened in jupyter I have to click on "save", I then get the following message
I then have to click on revert to update from disk.
Is there a way so that the file on disk is automatically "reloaded" each time it changed or say every second and that It s "reverted" automatically ?

Find in files does nothing

After the latest Windows 10 upgrade cleared all of my Textpad settings, I have been feeding them all back in again.
However, Find in files now does nothing at all.
The List option in the keyboard mapping setup also does nothing.
Same for Compare Files.
I assume there is something wrong with the overall command output settings...
Where do these commands actually run?
Do they need a specific directory to use?
Are there settings I could check?
I have version 7.6.3
Quit TextPad
In the appdata directory, you have a GUIState-xxxx.xml file. Rename it to GUIState-xxxx-saved.xml or whatever you want.
Launch Textpad
Quit Textpad
A brand new GUIState-xxxx.xml file should appear.
Open it and look for the <DockingPane> node
Copy in clipboard the <Pane-4 ...> about the "Find in files" entry
Open your saved GUIState file and paste to replace the same entry in it.
Delete the brand new file and rename back your saved file to its original name
Launch Textpad
This should work ! (That's worked for me)

How to save Jupyter notebooks from GitHub

When I download an ipynb file using the RAW button in GitHub it displays the text (json) in the browser.
Should I just copy this text into a file and name it xxx.ipynb? What's the best way to do it?
First click on Raw
Then, press ctrl+s to save it as .ipynb (Note that you'll have to manually type '.ipynb' after the file name to make this work, as files from GitHub are saved as text files as default.)
Open jupyter notebook
Go to location where you saved .ipynb file
Open file, you will see the code
Hope this helps
Here is the Lifesaver Extension developed by me for both
The project is open-sourced here.
The extension not only opens github hosted notebooks in Colab but also in nbviewer!
And you can open the github repo from Colab and nbviewer
And go to nbviewer from Colab and github
Works all 3 ways!!
A new feature of opening new notebooks in one-click is already developed in the master branch, just need to push it to the extension platforms :)
Firefox extension
Chrome extension
The following steps worked for me:
Click on Raw in git repository.
Save the file. The file was saved as *.ipynb.txt format for me.
Then, in the jupyter directory tree (not in local directory), I selected, removed the .txt at the end and renamed the file as *.ipynb.
Finally I was able to run the file as jupyter notebook.
Note that, when I tried to rename the *.txt file in local directory to *.ipynb, it did not work. This had to be renamed in directory in jupyter itself.
True to 2020:
Click Download
Wait for JSON to finish loding in your browser
Ctrl S (save as .txt file)
remove .txt extension
Run locally
I saved the file following the instructions from this post. My destination however was a folder on google drive. I opened google drive on my browser and located the file. From there, I renamed the name of my file by just removing the txt extension, leaving the ipynb extension. That worked for me.

WebStorm clear the read only flag for css files, on a scss file watcher (using node-sass) on TFS

We are using TFS for source control, and we just started to use scss. I've added in webstorm the file watcher for scss. But the problem is after we commit our changes, all the files are receiving "Read-only" status.
In Visual Studio or in WebStorm if you modify the file it automatically removes the read only status and checks out that file. How can I do it so when I save an scss files to remove the css status and check out that file automatic so I wouldn't be forced to do it manually every time.
In Visual Studio it does automatically with the plugin Web Compiler and I want to do it also in WebStorm, because is much more easy to work in WebStorm than in Visual Studio.
The answered you gaved me Cece is for clear the RO status for the file I'm editing, in this case the scss file. My request was to remove the RO status for the file that is compiled by the node-sass in this case the css file.
I've created a batch file for the moment with this script:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe" checkout %2
node-sass --output-style=compact --source-map-embed=true %1 %2
and the Webstorm program is linked with this batch file instead of node-sass and is working perfectly.
Check Changing Read-Only Status of Files in WebStorm:
To enable explicit removal of read-only status:
In the Confirmation page of the Version Control settings, check the option Show "Clear Read-Only Status" Dialog.
Changing writable status by icon:
You can make a file writable using the lock icon in the Status bar. Open the desired file in the editor, and click the lock, as shown below:

Disable atom opening previous files when running atom . command inside a directory

I frequently dislike how atom by default will open files I was previously working on when I run atom . inside of a project directory. How can I get atom to open with a blank editor with the file tree on the side and that's it?
You can disable this feature by appending restorePreviousWindowsOnStart: false line to your Atom config file which is opened by Edit/Config... menu item.
See here for more details.
Short answer is you cant
Currently the behavior is automatic with no setting. Until that changes, you can open atom via the icon and then open the folder you want from the file menu.
