what is a great progress query tool - openedge

I am new to Progress. Previously I worked with Oracle, MSSQL and MYSQL. What is a great progress query tool, free or paid? I want to be able to write simple SQL queries.
In oracle i am using Toad,Pl/sql developer tool to connect oracle. Any thing in Progress 4gl?
Thank you

You can use any random SQL query tool that you like if the SQL engine has been exposed by the DBA. You just need login credentials and permissions just as you would for any SQL db.
Since you want to write SQL queries you should be looking for SQL access not 4GL tools. There is a very, very limited SQL subset embedded within the 4GL but that was created in the 80s and is little more than a marketing gimmick. For anything but trivial SQL you want to use the SQL-92 engine. Which means the DBA needs to have started a SQL broker, provided a port # for you and has granted appropriate permissions.


Can I connect to NetSuite data via ODBC without having SuiteAnalytics?

Just starting a job with a company that uses NetSuite. I am new to NetSuite, and my background is in SQL and C# - I'd like the ability to access the data outside of the UI and wondering if there's a way to do that without asking management to purchase SuiteAnalytics. Their NetSuite consultants of course say I don't need that kind of access but I've already heard the consultants say some reports would be too hard to do - which I know I could easily accomplish with ODBC access and a little code. If I could do it at no extra cost I will truly be a hero.
There are at least two ODBC drivers available that connect using the SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services API which removes the requirement to purchase SuiteAnalytics.
CDATA : NetSuite ODBC Driver
DevArt : ODBC Driver for NetSuite
No, you cannot connect via ODBC without the module.

Is Schema in Oracle is equivalent to Database in Microsoft SQL Server?

I am new to Oracle database and I wanted to create a database in Oracle. I followed this link to create a database:
In Microsoft SQL Server, when we create a database, we use the create database command and the database creation is instantaneous [within fraction of seconds], but the Database Tool as described in link above took couple of minutes to create the database. Is database creation in Oracle this much slower?
Searching more about it, I have a feeling that this database created using above tool in Oracle is not equivalent to the database we create in SQL Server. Rather, the schema/user in oracle is appearing to be equivalent to database in SQL Server. Is it true?
So, If I want multiple databases in Oracle, do I create a single database and then multiple schemas inside that single database? And then are those multiple Schemas are my databases?
I am very much confused about all this. Can someone please refer me to a nice article/book that explains these things in oracle in detail?
For most purposes, yes you would indeed map a SQL server database to an Oracle schema (=user).
The term "database" in Oracle does not mean the same as in SQL Server. An Oracle "database" (from a technical point of view) is more like a SQL Server instance/installation, rather than a "database" in SQL Server.
SQL Server has two levels of namespace: database and schema. Whereas Oracle only has a single level of namespaces: a schema (which has a 1:1 relation to a user)
SQL Server and Oracle both support Schema.
A Schema is like a new database but it is not a new database
Maybe you are confused, Mysql doesn't support schemas but SQL server offers full support for it.
In mysql your database is a schema, to only difference is that it doesn't support multi schemas
For the part of creating multi databases or a single database if multiple schemas it all depend in your specific situation, you should test thinks like performance and how much money you want to spend, a multi database approach can be very expensive unlike a multi Schema approach

How to monitor all real-time queries for oracle database?

I can monitor queries by sessions with Toad(Session Browser). But it is not enough for me. I want to monitor all real-time queries when queries are executed. I used Toad SQL Tracker too, but it didn't show all queries in the database. SQL Tracker only shows me local sql operations. But I want to monitor all real-time sql operations from all sessions on database. Is it possible with any tool or program?
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot.

How to stop sql assistant?

I have run a query in teradata and sql assistant in (Not Responding)
I do not want to loose the query?
What can I do to stop it and keep the query
Open another instance of SQL Assistant and see if the query has been saved to the History.
Ask the DBA to abort your session on your behalf which should return control to SQL Assistant.
Ask the DBA if DBQL has been enabled and how you can retrieve the SQL from the query logs. (You may or may not have direct access to the logging tables.)

Does Azure SQL Database supports encryption?

I've read in multiples websites that Azure doesn't support encryption.
However I'm migrating (more like a backup) an Azure DB to SQL Server using the "Azure SQL Migration Tool" and I'm getting a warning about scripting the views: "Encrypted objects will not be scripted".
Also found this note in their site: Problem fixed in v3.5.5. Basically, Stored Procedures, Views, UDF, Triggers ... any object that can be encrypted is check before hand. The objects that are encrypted are highlighted in yellow with red letters. On the summary page, a list of encrypted objects that will not be scripted will be displayed.
If Azure SQL supports encryption, how can I get the creation script for this view?
Windows Azure SQL Database (database-as-a-service) does not support encryption. However: If you run SQL Server in a Virtual Machine, you should have all features at your disposal, including encryption.
I can't explain what's happening with the migration from SQL Database to SQL Server, regarding creation scripts involving encrypted objects on the target side.
SQL Database still doesn't support encryption, so either you are reading from a SQL Server database, or there is a bug in the Wizard. There are no encrypted database objects in SQL Database as far as I know. If you are sure you are reading from SQL Database, just try creating an encrypted view in it and see what happens. From the MSDN documentation, creating an encrypted view is not supported: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ee336244.aspx.
I am curious to know if you are getting the same error with Enzo Cloud Backup: http://www.bluesyntax.net/backup20.aspx. Just use the free edition.
