Can I connect to NetSuite data via ODBC without having SuiteAnalytics? - odbc

Just starting a job with a company that uses NetSuite. I am new to NetSuite, and my background is in SQL and C# - I'd like the ability to access the data outside of the UI and wondering if there's a way to do that without asking management to purchase SuiteAnalytics. Their NetSuite consultants of course say I don't need that kind of access but I've already heard the consultants say some reports would be too hard to do - which I know I could easily accomplish with ODBC access and a little code. If I could do it at no extra cost I will truly be a hero.

There are at least two ODBC drivers available that connect using the SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services API which removes the requirement to purchase SuiteAnalytics.
CDATA : NetSuite ODBC Driver
DevArt : ODBC Driver for NetSuite

No, you cannot connect via ODBC without the module.


what is a great progress query tool

I am new to Progress. Previously I worked with Oracle, MSSQL and MYSQL. What is a great progress query tool, free or paid? I want to be able to write simple SQL queries.
In oracle i am using Toad,Pl/sql developer tool to connect oracle. Any thing in Progress 4gl?
Thank you
You can use any random SQL query tool that you like if the SQL engine has been exposed by the DBA. You just need login credentials and permissions just as you would for any SQL db.
Since you want to write SQL queries you should be looking for SQL access not 4GL tools. There is a very, very limited SQL subset embedded within the 4GL but that was created in the 80s and is little more than a marketing gimmick. For anything but trivial SQL you want to use the SQL-92 engine. Which means the DBA needs to have started a SQL broker, provided a port # for you and has granted appropriate permissions.

Access Databases and ASP.NET?

I apologize if this question is not appropriate; however, I personally do not have Microsoft Access installed on my machine, so I am not able to test it first hand.
To my understanding, an Access database is a local database that is stored on a personal machine rather than a remote server. I am in the planning phase of a project will involve two basic interfaces - one for a regular user and another for the admin who will be running reports and the like. Personally, I would rather just use either an SQL Server or MySQL database all the way and just write some stored procedures or whatever is necessary to do the reporting.
However, the end administrative user may want to use Access. With this is mind, I am curious how I should approach the problem. As I stated earlier, I am not familiar with Access databases; however, I do not believe it is realistic to host one on a server and allow many users to access this database through a web interface. Is this correct or not? If it is possible, what is the general procedure for setting such an application up?
If not, what are my alternatives? Is there an easy way to sync a remote SQL server or MySQL database with Access database hosted on one's PC?
Thanks much.
I do not believe it is realistic to host one on a server and allow
many users to access this database through a web interface. Is this
correct or not?
You have a number of options including hosting the access database in a network folder.
See also "Using Access Data on an ASP.NET Web Page"

push notification from DB2

i want to implement push notification from DB2.
I have two Database servers, Server#1 is DB2 and Server#2 is oracle 11g. I have a situation where, whenever some data is inserted in DB2 I need to insert that data in Oracle as well.
I want to inquire whether Push notification from DB2 is the right option available or is there any other suitable way to look forward to.
Or more simply I just need to know whether there is any event available in DB2 when a row is inserted in it like SQL Dependency feature in SQL Server.
DB2 offers several options of getting data to another server. Here are some I can think of:
SQL Trigger to react on insert/update/delete and to possibly send out a notification
SQL Replication feature - this is based on triggers
Q Replication would capture the changes and send them over
Event Publishing would notify of change events, probably closed to what you are looking for
Start here in the Q Replication and SQL Replication overview to read about the features and differences.

Azure SQL Standard Geo Replication & Disaster recovery

i'm configuring Standard Geo Replication for our Azure SQL database and need to validate Disaster recovery, but still have couple doubts and cannot find more details:)
I configured Standard Geo Replication and added Secondary database.
If i want to do DR Drill, i can just stop replication, make the second database as primary and re-point my ASP.NET applications to the new database server. Just change SQL server name.
My questions are:
What if Microsoft has some issues with data center, do they automatically just re-points DNS from main SQL to secondary so i don't need to do anything, and it would be done silently and everything would work, without my change?
I was trying to find out, if there is some kind of notification, that i can configure if SQL has an issue and i can stop replication and do this process by myself. Or will microsoft somehow notify us? email,... or only SQL AZURE dashboard?
What could be the case, that i need to do DR manually? Main SQL would stop working and AZURE cannot take care of that because...?
thanks a lot for your answers
We had this issues recently, we did not receive any email's or notification.
Luckily only SQL-Azure was affected. Hence we stopped the replication and updated connection string to point to secondary.
No they do not automatically re-point DNS from primary to secondary for databases
We have external services that keeps track of our systems and notifies us when things are not right.
We had to do a manual DR.
Would love to know if any one has a workflow in place to automate it or point to the right direction.
Hope that helps.

Database changing for .net application

i m having two databases in different environments but both are having same data.Presently my application connecting one database .I need to disconnect that database and i want to connect another database .Is it possible to connect to another database? If Its possible then what are things i have to modify in the application code.
Is it possible to connect to another database?
If it is possible then what are things I have to modify in the application code.
You need to change the Data provider APIs especially if you are working with the database specific API e.g Ms-Sql server (SqlClient) or (oracle).
For further, read - Data Access Application Block and .NET Data Access Architecture Guide.
