Determine the total number of hits on an Elastic Beanstalk application - http

I'm running a flask app on AWS's Elastic Beanstalk. I'm wondering if there's any way for me to determine the total number of hits that my website has received. Does anyone know whether this is possible?

I use Google Analytics ( to track my websites' traffic. It's pretty simple to use. You add your website to your Analytics account, and it gives you a javascript snippet that you can paste onto a web page.
The general practice is to paste the snippet into a base template so it appears everywhere on your website.


UTM tracking across sub-domains

I have a main website (e.g. ) with static pages mostly developed on and I have a full application hosted on AWS on a sub-domain, e.g.
For tracking the traffic coming from different social media channels, we are building UTMs. My understanding is that the UTM tracking doesn't work when you hop between the sub-domains. Can you please suggest some clever options?
One option for us is to re-do the Wix website in WordPress and host WordPress ourselves on AWS next to our WebApp to completely avoid the domain hoping. But if we have a more elegant solution while keeping the Website, it would be preferred.
You can use a simple parameter in querystring (i.e. then in Analytics count unique page with that parameter in the URL.

Will firebase hosted websites show up in search results?

I'm pretty new to firebase hosting and wanted to know if the static websites hosted using firebase will show up in search results with the domain name provided by Firebase. For example the website hosted as '' or '' will show in the search results after getting a good number of hits or should I go for a custom domain?
Yes they will show up in search results. There is not much difference than other hostings you could use beside the free website URLs and
Your SEO has not much to do if it is hosted on Firebase or elsewhere. Just try to do your best following the Google instructions.
I would also recommend a custom domain because it would improve your overall SEO performance.

How webmails work with Google cloud hosting? Also how can I setup newsletter solution with MailWizz WordPress plugin in GCH?

I have been building a WordPress website and I am using Google Cloud Hosting as my hosting solution. I am very new in using the Google cloud hosting and I found it's not easy to understand things as I'm even not anyone with IT skill but previously worked with Cpanel hosting several times.
I am trying to establish similarities between GCloud and CPanel hosting but still failing. Researching a lot and I have a way to setup GCloud in CPanel but not sure if it will work and I am not doing that.
However, I want to create and access webmails (eg. for my personal and business uses. I am aware that I can create them with Zoho or any other mail servers with some costs but I am looking for a single tap solution keeping everything in one place. Hence, I am preferring Google cloud itself.
I am going to use MailWizz for Newsletters which will be also hosted in my own storage/server. It's just that MailChimp gives us email server but we need our own for email list/templates and data. But how can do all these? Can I create and access all these in Google cloud hosting?
If there is anyone to give me a solution regarding all these considering the preferences (I am not likely to use any other email hosting) this will be awesome and help me to make a decision for my upcoming websites. Thanks in advance.
R. K. Mahin
GCP by default does not allow outbound connections for the port 25. 1
However there other approaches to achieve this too:
You got SendGrid, MailGun and Google Apps. They provide solutions which doesn't require SMTP access from a GCE instance.
There is also an alpha feature you can try to request called Cloud Mail. You can request to get your project whitelisted through Google Cloud Support.
If you can configure MailWizz to use other port than 25, you wont get into any trouble. You can create your own instance groups with a MailWizz server and a Load Balancer. GCP even got a Marketplace where you can find a lot of solutions to work with Wordpress and automatically create your own environment.

Google Analytic Tracking for an entire server?

We currently use google accounts for our site Setting up the tracking on our landing pages is no big deal. But, we have tons of "collections" on our server, which as a public service, we allow a ton of users to host their own website installs (usually wordpress or wikis). Here is an example of a collection
These installs exist on a server, each install is a subfolder. Is there a way we can track the activity of these subfolders (or installs) without having to inject tracking code into each of their HTML files? We have a lot of contributors, so injecting code could get messy.
Thanks so much for your time and help.
There are ways, depending on the server's programming language, to create google analytics requests every page load (i.e. whenever page requests are fired). Tracking an entire site is not possible if the HTML files are served statically, because GA wouldn't know a page load happened.

count website traffic

hey, i was just wondering how would I go about monitoring or measuring the number of hits my website gets. I want to do this from code as opposed to downloading a plug in to the page. It is an website. Any tutorial or code suggestions would be nice. thanks in advance.
You want to check out Google Analytics, they are awesome, and one line of code to add!
It's what I use for all the websites I manage!
You could also have a look at installing AWStats, which works by reading your web servers logs. All you need to do it change the logging settings on your server (IIS if your using Windows Server), install AWStats, which runs as a separate website, and schedule the collation of stats with a scheduled task.
Advantages: More in depth stats, particularly with visitors IP address which Google does not collect.
Disadvantages: More effort to get up and running.
The best way to monitor traffic and other important metrics is to use Google Analytics. Not only can you see historical numbers for your site, but you can monitor traffic in real-time. Additionally, you can track conversions (sales) from ads or outside links.
