Here is the case. I am using Nrwl NX Monorepo. I have 2 libraries lib-a and lib-b both are publishable libraries created via NX. Now I create a MyClass.ts in lib-a. Naturally under paths in workspace/tsconfig.json paths NX creates an alias to this lib-a ("#workspace/lib-a": ["libs/lib-a/src/index.ts"]). So far so good.
Now we can use this class anywhere within the workspace/monorepo by importing it "import { MyClass } from '#workspace/lib-a';
Unfortunately we can not build lib-b which is importing MyClass. When we try to do it we get the bellow error. So question is how can we build lib-b ?
PS It seems strange that NX monorepo actually don't support such a common scenario linking 2 publishable libs.
"error TS6059: File "d:/workspace/libs/lib-a/src/index.ts" is not under 'rootDir' "d:\workspace\libs\lib-b\src" rootDir is expected to contain all source files"
Try adding
"paths": { "#workspace/*": ["dist/libs/*"] }
into your tsconfig.lib.json files. This should resolve the problem.
Try this solution. Not sure it's official, but in my case it's working well.
3 problems should be resolved:
TypeScript paths
Compiled JS paths
Working directory
First. TypeScript paths is resolved by adding "paths" into workspace/tsconfig.lib.json. NX does it automatically while lib gen. Look answer from Radovan Skendzic.
Second. Problem with compiled JS paths very good described here: Typescript paths not working in an Express project. So you need to install tsconfig-paths into your workspace:
yarn add -D tsconfig-paths
Third. Considering nx run [project]:[target] is working in workspace/ directory you should set CWD to libs/lib-b home directory - to find correct tsconfig.json
So, finally, you have the following executor (add this to your lib-b/project.json) that should work:
"targets": {
"start-dev": {
"executor": "#nrwl/workspace:run-commands",
"options": {
"commands": [
"nodemon -e ts,js --exec ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/index.ts"
"cwd": "libs/lib-b"
Command to run:
nx run lib-b:start-dev
Don't override "baseUrl" and "paths" in any of child tsconfig!
Put all of your "paths" in tsconfig.base.ts!
Try adding lib-a as an implicit dependency of lib-b, add the line below into the libs/lib-b/project.json file and see what happens:
"implicitDependencies": ["lib-a"]
Running nx graph should show you a graph that should look something like this (do not consider the name of the libraries):
After that you should be able to build both libraries, I hope it works with you as well.
Running the .NET Core Pack task, how do I get the outputted NuGet package version to auto-increment itself?
So, for example, if my current version is 1.0.0, then the next time I call the Pack task, I would like to see 1.0.1.
I'm using environment build variables with Build.BuildNumber and getting outputs at the moment of e.g. 20180913-.2.0, etc. I would like to establish to a more traditional versioning system.
From the docs, the variable Rev:.r is the daily build revision count. The accepted "solution" would lead to one day finishing having a version of 1.0.12, then the next day it will be 1.0.1.
If you want a simple incremental and unique semver, use 1.0.$(BuildID).
$(BuildID) is an internal immutable counter for your builds, and thus far cleaner than $(BuildNumber).
BuildID will always be incrementing - no reset.
Thus after a minor bump, you'd end up having say 1.2.123 becoming 1.3.124.
If you want to perform this task well, this can be done using npm version or similar, such as pubspec_version for Dart or Flutter builds.
- script: npm version $RELEASE_TYPE
where $RELEASE_TYPE is a variable you can set based on build (ie: CI, PR etc), having a value of major, minor, patch, prerelease etc.
- script: npm version $RELEASE_TYPE
condition: startsWith(variables['build.sourceBranch'], 'refs/head/release/')
releaseType: minor
Update: Bump Repo Version and Use In Build (using npm)
To have the repo version update, I ended up including npm version as a DevDependency, with it's precommit hook to bump the project version on any commit.
This technique can be applied to other project types, placing them in a subfolder - although can lead to complications with server OS requirements.
To use this version in your build, add this bash script task, which gets and exports the version as a task variable:
v=`node -p "const p = require('./package.json'); p.version;"`
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=packageVersion]$v"
.Net Core Task only version
Unfortunately, no repo-bump.
Workaround 1:
- job: versionJob #reads version number from the source file
- powershell: |
$fv = Get-Content versionFile
Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=versionFromFile;isOutput=true]$fv")
displayName: 'version from file'
name: setVersionStep
- job: buildJob # consumes version number, calculates incremental number and set version using assemblyinfo.cs
dependsOn: versionJob
versionFromFile: $[ dependencies.versionJob.outputs['setVersionStep.versionFromFile'] ] # please note that spaces required between $[ and dependencies
buildIncrementalNumber: $[ counter(dependencies.versionJob.outputs['setVersionStep.versionFromFile'],1) ] #can't use $versionFromFile here
- powershell: |
Write-Host ($env:versionFromFile)
Write-Host ($env:versionFromFile + '.' + $env:buildIncrementalNumber)
displayName: 'version from file output'
Workaround 2:
This post describes a couple of others, using version-prefix and automatically applying the BuildNumber as a version-suffix.
I may have figured it out. For anyone tearing their hair out, try this:
Pack Task:
Automatic Package Versioning: Use an environment variable
Environment variable: Build.BuildNumber
Then, up in the top menu where you have Tasks, Variables, Triggers, Options, click Options and set:
Build number format: 1.0$(Rev:.r)
Save and queue. This will produce e.g. 1.0.1.
(Please Correct me if I am wrong, or if this does not work long-term.)
If you're just looking to bump the major, minor or revision version number, using counter operator in a variable is a simple and elegant approach. It will automatically add one to the current value.
Here's what I use:
major: '1'
minor: '0'
revision: $[counter(variables['minor'], 1)] #this will get reset when minor gets bumped. The number after Counter is the seed number (in my case, I started at 1).
app_version: '$(major).$(minor).$(revision)'
If you would like to see a real-world 4-job pipeline that uses this, I have one here
For me it's enough to set Build number format on Options tab to
and add next build argument:
/p:Version=1.$(Build.BuildNumber) /p:AssemblyVersion=1.$(Build.BuildNumber)
In this case we manage major version manually, but minor version and build number will be set automatically. Easy to understand what version you have deployed.
I am using the ado pipeline and a yaml build. What I've done is utilized the pipeline variables, a counter function, and an inline powershell function to create the version number. It auto-increments and has made the entire build process nice.
Another SO Post about something similar
I have a very simple project and I am trying to publish the first version to hex. However I cannot run the hex.publish task.
I get the error ** (Mix) The task "hex.publish" could not be found.
I am following these hex instructions.
My mix.exs file looks like the following.
defmodule Ace.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
[app: :ace,
version: "0.2.0",
elixir: "~> 1.0",
build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
deps: deps]
def application do
applications: [:logger],
mod: {Ace, []}
defp deps do
You might not have hex installed. According to hex usage, please use
mix local.hex
in your terminal or CMD console.
Then mix hex.publish should work.
When I try to publish a new version of my package on hex, it prints the following warning:
WARNING! Excluded dependencies (not part of the Hex package):
Full text of me running the command:
$ mix hex.publish
Publishing usefulness 0.0.5
earmark >= 0.0.0
App: usefulness
Name: usefulness
Description: Useful things
Version: 0.0.5
Build tools: mix
Licenses: Apache 2.0
Maintainers: afasdasd
Elixir: ~> 1.2
WARNING! Excluded dependencies (not part of the Hex package):
Before publishing, please read Hex Code of Conduct:
Proceed? [Yn]
I have no idea what this warning means
Here is what my project.deps in mix.exs consists of:
defp deps do
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.11", only: :dev},
{:earmark, ">= 0.0.0"}
It means you have a dependency in your project that will not be a dependency of your package that you publish to hex. This is normal, projects often have development dependencies for testing, static analysis, generating documentation etc.
Hex lists them so you can have a quick look and make sure you didn't leave out an actual dependency of your code, that would result in a broken package.
ExDoc should most likely not be a dependency of your package. You're good to go. Good work creating your hex package!
When at the sbt CLI I can just type package and everything works fine - two jar files are produced. But I want to make package a dependency of a new task I am creating, so I want to make packaging happen as part of the build script. This is what I have:
lazy val deployTask = TaskKey[Unit]("deploy")
deployTask := { println("deploy happening now!") }
deployTask := {
(Keys.`package` in Compile).value
My reading of the documentation tells me that Compile really means file("src/main/scala"), which is not what I want. It seems that I have to put in <Something>. What do I need to put in instead of <Something> to get package to mean what it means when I type it at the CLI?
At the CLI I should be able to:
show deploy
, but unfortunately it does not do the packaging I expect.
These are the projects:
[info] In file:/C:/dev/v2/atmosphere/
[info] atmosphereJS
[info] atmosphereJVM
[info] * root
So it makes sense that when I run package from the CLI the root project is used.
So another way of asking this question might be: "How do I make package work for root from the deploy task I am creating?"