How to use the Desktop App converter (Desktop Bridge) - desktop-bridge

Just started on the process of converting my app to the windows store.
Having some hard time trying to figure out how to use the desktop app converter when the program comes in a zip package with additional files that needs to be included (Not just the EXE)
What i mean is typically speaking the users would download the zip file from the website and then extract it and run the EXE file. However in that zip file there's things like Drivers and Languages, I suppose i can make an MSI but i wanted to see if this was possible.
Anyone knows a way to just convert the ZIP file using the desktop app converter?
Thank you!

The Desktop App Converter has an option to create a Windows App Package (.appx) from a regular folder. So you just need to unzip your ZIP file and point the DAC at the folder, specifying what EXE should be the entry point: - note however, that you can't deploy drivers with a Windows App Package (.appx).


Jenkins for syncing folder in separate environments

We have a legacy system whose code files are stored in a proprietary (binary) format.
You cannot modify them unless:
You use the proprietary editor, which is awful
You export the code to a text file, do your changes using any text editor, then import the code back to it's original format. Any attempt to modify the binary files outside the official editor will corrupt them.
Also, any developer who want to work on the code in their Windows machines must:
Log into their unix account through terminal.
Use a shell script to convert the binary to text.
Download the text file to Windows through FTP.
Code using their preferred editor.
Upload finished code, again through FTP, to the unix server.
Use another shell script to convert text to binary format.
Now to my question(s):
Let's say the developers has all the code converted to text in a predefined folder in their machines. Is it possible to configure Jenkins to automatically upload any changes made to their unix account and convert back into binary? And vice versa.
I am currently working on this, but my solution implies installing a script/service which will run continuously in the developers' machines.
I would prefer this other solution, with the goal of in the future starting a CI/CD pipeline from it.
Use any version control system to store code in text format.
Developers will pull, do job and push changes, all in text format.
In Jenkins create job, use Build Triggers to convert to binaries on any changes in version control system. Copy binaries where needed.

Converted UWP... Nothing Happens

I have converted a Win32 Application to UWP using MakeAppX and it doesn't seem to run. When I click the icon in the start menu literally nothing happens except a busy icon briefly appears on the cursor.
I completed the same process with Notepad++ and all it's DLLs and that worked fine (using the exact same manifest file, just changing the exe)
My questions are:
Where does the UWP save files that it creates/temporary files etc? If I run an executable and it generates files next to it, where would that be when you run a UWP?
Can I set that location in the AppxManifest?
Is there anyway to see if it has run correctly or not?
Could this be a file permissions issue? My application needs to write to 'C:\MyFolder' & creates a folder with a load of files next to the executable upon startup and that doesn't happen.
So looking into this a bit more I came across this blog which discusses preparing for conversion. I think the above file accesses probably contravene the following:
Your app writes to the install directory for your app. For example, your app writes to a log file that you put in the same directory as your exe. This isn't supported, so you'll need to find another location, like the local app data store.
This looks like a fairly halting issue, am I correct in that assumption?
If your app is writing to the install directory you will need to change that code to write to your local app data folder instead, as the preparation guide calls out.
Write operations to the install directory are not allowed in order to ensure the ability for the app deployment stack to perform seamless, differential updates and clean uninstalls of your app.
Btw, to debug through your app launch failures you can do the following in Visual Studio: Debug -> Other Debug Target -> Debug Installed App Package -> select your app from the list of installed apps.

How to create a installation package from my j2me project with large number of files

I have a project in J2ME, writing in net beans 6.9.1
My project is about opening a mp3 file from with a string format file name that generates with a function (not browsing) and plays it.
I have created this program and it works in simulator.
My problem is, how to send all these 300 files to mobile device?
It should be simple to send between users with Bluetooth in future.
I want to know is there any way to package all files in one file and extract them when installing in mobile device?
Or what is the correct way to to that?
Thanks a lot.
Just copy the files JAR and JAD from "project_dir/dist" into your mobile then install it.
Packaging all those 300 mp3 files in your app will result in large jar file size. As you know most of the Java ME mobile phones have very less memory allocated for installing Java ME apps. It is better to provide an option to download all those files form server to SD card when a person use the app for first time.
As Sabin said, it is not a good solution to have all your audio files inside your application, assuming you are using Mobile RMS (Record Management System) which is very limited in size and capabilities; it is better to add a code to open them from your SD card or stream them from server.

TideSDK, windows app run from external drive, no install

I have successfully translated a web app into a desktop app using TideSDK. I'm attempting to make this app run without being installed, so it may run from an external drive. On MAC this works just fine, I'm able able to "Package with Runtime", copy the app to an external drive, and the app works as expected.
When I package the app on Windows, it runs properly when tested inside the /packages folder, but when I copy it to an external drive, it does not appear to connect with the database or perform TideSDK operations ( Ti.UI.createMenu() ) that should be happening when I open my app.
Do Windows apps packaged with TideSDK have to be installed on the C:/ drive? Does the API expect the app to be on the C:/ drive in order to function? Is it possible to do what I am attempting to do on Windows via TideSDK?
hmmm. When u do a package with runtime in tideSDK for MAC
It actually generates two files
.app # .app file will have all its dependencies inside the same file(Actually .app file is also a folder, u can check this in editor like sublime)
.dmg file( Consider it like the compressed file .app)
However in windows, It generates one installer file and folder(named by app name)
This folder has its all the dependencies for the app to run.
So if you want to run the app you have to copy the complete folder
To answer your question,
At this point I don't think tideSDK has a feature to create a single .exe file that can run from external drive
I hope that helps. Create Excel Worksheet, do i need Excel installed on the server?

I have created an application that uses Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, in my local and testing environments everything worked fine, but the app does not work in the production environment.
Turns out I have Office installed locally, as does the Test server, however, the production server does not have Excel installed.
I really can't go back and change my code, however, I would really not like to have to install Excel on the production server.
Do I have any other options other than installing Office Excel on the production server to get the application working?
Appreciate your assistance.
Office Interop does require that Office be installed on the server.
In the more general case, you do not need Excel to create worksheets, and you should avoid any solution that requires it for web use. That includes office interop: it doesn't scale in a web environment.
See this question for more options:
Generating an Excel file in ASP.NET
Did you try to find some free cost excel components for .NET. For example, these two components have free version for creating excel files:
gembox excel component (xlsx and xls files up to 150 rows)
excel jetcell net component (without restriction writes text to excel files xls and xlsx)
The Excel interop libraries work by opening the Excel application in the background to process the spreadsheet. So without updating your code, you will need to have Excel installed on the server. However using interop is a very slow and error prone solution to working with Excel from ASP.NET, the link Joel gave provides several good alternatives.
