TideSDK, windows app run from external drive, no install - tidesdk

I have successfully translated a web app into a desktop app using TideSDK. I'm attempting to make this app run without being installed, so it may run from an external drive. On MAC this works just fine, I'm able able to "Package with Runtime", copy the app to an external drive, and the app works as expected.
When I package the app on Windows, it runs properly when tested inside the /packages folder, but when I copy it to an external drive, it does not appear to connect with the database or perform TideSDK operations ( Ti.UI.createMenu() ) that should be happening when I open my app.
Do Windows apps packaged with TideSDK have to be installed on the C:/ drive? Does the API expect the app to be on the C:/ drive in order to function? Is it possible to do what I am attempting to do on Windows via TideSDK?

hmmm. When u do a package with runtime in tideSDK for MAC
It actually generates two files
.app # .app file will have all its dependencies inside the same file(Actually .app file is also a folder, u can check this in editor like sublime)
.dmg file( Consider it like the compressed file .app)
However in windows, It generates one installer file and folder(named by app name)
This folder has its all the dependencies for the app to run.
So if you want to run the app you have to copy the complete folder
To answer your question,
At this point I don't think tideSDK has a feature to create a single .exe file that can run from external drive
I hope that helps.


Shiny server on EC2: URL lists folder content instead of displaying app

[Sorry, newbie here!]
I've just installed R server, shiny server on an ubuntu EC2 instance. I have left the shiny-server.conf intact, except that I added: preserve_logs true;. The sample app was working fine.
I have removed /srv/shiny-server/index.html and /srv/shiny-server/sample-apps.
I have linked my app files from my /home/myapp directory to /srv/shiny-server/myapp. The app files consists of a single apps.R, a footer.html, and a small dataset .Rds, and a www/style.css file.
When I navigate to http://[myip]:3838/ the only thing is the directory listing; the only folder is : myapp. When I click to http://[myip]:3838/myapp/ , I see the directory listing as well. That is, I see the content, and I can download each of them. BUt I see no evidence of the app running. If I click on apps.R, my browser downloads the file.
PS: the app works fine when tested in Rstudio, or deployed on Shinyapps.io
If anyone from the future reads this, I wish you heard the loud headslap when I realized my app single-file should be called app.R, not apps.R (which makes a lot of sense in retrospect).

How to source control Elasticsearch

I'm just starting work on a website which I want to integrate Elasticsearch into. In my development environment, I will need to install ES so that I and other devs can quickly get started with minimum effort.
We're using ASP.NET for the website (so I know all the devs will be running the website on Windows) and Git for source control.
Previously, on a another project, I have followed the installation guide and simply source controlled the following folders in ES:
please note, the above folders were for ES 2.x so may slightly differ from 5.x
I then created a simple .bat file which devs run when they start working on the project:
cd %~dp0\elastic\bin\
start elasticsearch
cd %~dp0
All the script does is run ES.
However, I wonder if I should even be source controlling these files. Perhaps it would be better if I had a .bat file which would download a fresh copy of ES when a developer starts work?

How to use the Desktop App converter (Desktop Bridge)

Just started on the process of converting my app to the windows store.
Having some hard time trying to figure out how to use the desktop app converter when the program comes in a zip package with additional files that needs to be included (Not just the EXE)
What i mean is typically speaking the users would download the zip file from the website and then extract it and run the EXE file. However in that zip file there's things like Drivers and Languages, I suppose i can make an MSI but i wanted to see if this was possible.
Anyone knows a way to just convert the ZIP file using the desktop app converter?
Thank you!
The Desktop App Converter has an option to create a Windows App Package (.appx) from a regular folder. So you just need to unzip your ZIP file and point the DAC at the folder, specifying what EXE should be the entry point: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/porting/desktop-to-uwp-run-desktop-app-converter#no-installer-conversion - note however, that you can't deploy drivers with a Windows App Package (.appx).

Converted UWP... Nothing Happens

I have converted a Win32 Application to UWP using MakeAppX and it doesn't seem to run. When I click the icon in the start menu literally nothing happens except a busy icon briefly appears on the cursor.
I completed the same process with Notepad++ and all it's DLLs and that worked fine (using the exact same manifest file, just changing the exe)
My questions are:
Where does the UWP save files that it creates/temporary files etc? If I run an executable and it generates files next to it, where would that be when you run a UWP?
Can I set that location in the AppxManifest?
Is there anyway to see if it has run correctly or not?
Could this be a file permissions issue? My application needs to write to 'C:\MyFolder' & creates a folder with a load of files next to the executable upon startup and that doesn't happen.
So looking into this a bit more I came across this blog which discusses preparing for conversion. I think the above file accesses probably contravene the following:
Your app writes to the install directory for your app. For example, your app writes to a log file that you put in the same directory as your exe. This isn't supported, so you'll need to find another location, like the local app data store.
This looks like a fairly halting issue, am I correct in that assumption?
If your app is writing to the install directory you will need to change that code to write to your local app data folder instead, as the preparation guide calls out.
Write operations to the install directory are not allowed in order to ensure the ability for the app deployment stack to perform seamless, differential updates and clean uninstalls of your app.
Btw, to debug through your app launch failures you can do the following in Visual Studio: Debug -> Other Debug Target -> Debug Installed App Package -> select your app from the list of installed apps.

shared library path inconsistent from one host to another

I built my qt app so that all the Qt modules it uses are contained in the same directory as the executable. It works on the machine I used to build the app and I made sure to test this by removing those shared libraries everywhere except in the current directory of the app. Doing a ldd shows that its looking for those libraries in the current directory and putting the executable by itself fails to open the exectuable. So this is all good but when I transfer this directory to a host machine it still cant find those libraries. what could be the problem?
Is "." in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the 2nd machine?
Do you have the correct permissions on the library files?
