Pass Arguments from VBS to R - r

I have an R-script, which runs a VBS.
VB-Script should pass arguments back to R.
I created the codes, but passed argument is still NA.
path <- "C:\\Users\\PD\\Desktop\\Dashboard Citi R\\test\\scripcik.vbs"
shell(shQuote(normalizePath(path)), "cscript", flag = "//nologo")
dim myArr
Dim shell
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
chartpath6 = "C:\Users\PD\Desktop\Dashboard Citi R\test\bazy\" & myDate(now) & ".accdb"
chartpath5 = "C:\Users\PD\Desktop\Dashboard Citi R\test\bazy\" & myDate(now)-1 & ".accdb"
myArr = Array(chartpath6,chartpath5)
for i = 0 to 1
sub ReportFileStatus(filespec)
Dim fso, msg
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then
msg = filespec & " exists."
msg = filespec & " doesn't exist."
End If
msgbox msg
End sub
Function myDate(dt)
dim m,y
m = right("0" & datePart("m",dt),2)
y = datePart("yyyy",dt)
myDate= y & m
End Function
Dim path
path = "Rscript C:\Users\PD\Desktop\Dashboard Citi R\test\runR.R " & msg

If the variable you try to send is a text message, you can write it to a txt file and loop from R until value of the text file not null or empty (I nerver tried to code with R) and then use the value of the text file.
(I also tried wscript.echo "MYTEXT" and run it from command line but it poped a msgbox).


Shell using path pulled from cell in workbook using VBA

My code runs a model in R directly from Excel.
I want to simplify installation so instead of:
path = """C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.1\bin\Rscript.exe"" C:\Users\diego\OneDrive\Otros\Escritorio\ProgramacionSemanal\ProgramacionSemanal.R"
I want to retrieve Rscript.exe and ProgramacionSemanal.R path directly from cell values in the same workbook.
I tried to replicate what I had before using the cell values:
Sub RunRscript()
Dim shell As Object
Set shell = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim waitTillComplete As Boolean: waitTillComplete = True
Dim style As Integer: style = 1
Dim errorCode As Integer
Dim path As String
pathRscript = Sheets("Configuracion").Range("B17")
pathForecast = Sheets("Configuracion").Range("B11")
path = """""""" & pathRscript & """""" & " " & pathForecast & """"
errorCode = shell.Run(path, 0, waitTillComplete)
It was a matter of "". Here's my solution:
path = """" & pathRscript & """" & " " & pathForecast & """"

How can I pass an array from VBA to R using a shell

I'm trying to pass an array from Excel VBA to R using a shell. It works with a single argument, but my code crashes in VBA if I try to pass an array to R.
My VBA code:
Sub test()
Dim oShell As Object
Dim oExec As Object
Dim oOutput As Object
Dim waitTillComplete As Boolean: waitTillComplete = True
Dim style As Integer: style = 1
Dim errorCode As Integer
Dim path As String
Dim var1
Dim var2
Set oShell = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
var1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Offerte").Range("B9").Value
var2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Offerte").Range("B10:B11").Value
path = """C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.1\bin\x64\rscript.exe""" & """S:\Test2.R """ & " " & var1 & " " & var2
errorCode = oShell.Run(path, style, waitTillComplete)
End Sub
My R code:
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
var2 <- args[2]
It works if I only use var 1, but with var 2 I get the following message:
type mismatch
Does anyone know if it's possible to send an array from Excel to R (without using a csv file or a for loop)?

Keep Getting an "object required" Error. Tried troubleshooting for a while to no avail.

I keep receiving an object required error on line 32 for "oFileCollection" and am unsure if the cause of the problem is the function not receiving the information from the Case or if the function needs to have the whole argument and code inside of it in order to retrieve the information.
Option Explicit
Dim sDirectoryPath,Search_Days,iDaysOld,CmdArg_Object,lastModDate
Dim oFSO,oFolder,oFileCollection,oFile,oTF, SubFolder
Set CmdArg_Object = Wscript.Arguments
Select Case (CmdArg_Object.Count)
Case 2
sDirectoryPath = CmdArg_Object.item(0)
Search_Days = CmdArg_Object.item(1)
Case Else
WScript.Echo "SearchFiles.vbs requires 2 parameters:" &_
vbcrlf & "1) Folder Path" &_
vbcrlf & "2) # Days to Search"
End Select
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTF = oFSO.CreateTextFile("C:\Old Files.txt")
WScript.Echo Now & " - Beginning " & Search_Days & " day search of " & sDirectoryPath
TraverseFolders oFSO.GetFolder(sDirectoryPath)
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sDirectoryPath)
Set oFileCollection = oFolder.Files
Function TraverseFolders (FolderName)
Set SubFolder = oFileCollection
For Each SubFolder In FolderName.SubFolders
TraverseFolders (SubFolder)
For Each oFile In SubFolder.Files
lastModDate = oFile.DateLastModified
If (lastModDate <= iDaysOld) Then
oTF.WriteLine (oFile.Path)
oTF.WriteLine (oFile.DateLastModified)
oTF.WriteLine ("-----------------------")
End If
End Function
WScript.Echo "Now - Finished"
Here's my quite old example; posted as is unchanged…
Function ShowFolderListPlus analyzes supplied folder and calls itself recursively for all subfolders.
option explicit
Dim MyFolder, MyAgeLimitInDays, objFSO, numDateDiff, sResult
MyFolder = "C:\testC"
MyAgeLimitInDays = 365
sResult = ""
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ShowFolderListPlus( MyFolder)
WScript.Echo "Testing files older/newer than " & Cstr( MyAgeLimitInDays) _
& " days:" & vbNewLine & sResult
Function ShowFolderListPlus( FolderToAnalyse)
Dim objFolder, itemFile, itemFldr, colFileList, colSubFldr, parFolder, sc, sa
sa = String( DepthOfPath( FolderToAnalyse), "-")
sc = FolderToAnalyse & " " & sa & vbNewLine
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder( FolderToAnalyse)
Set colFileList = objFolder.Files
For Each itemFile in colFileList
If StrComp( Right(, 4), ".bat", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'exclude files of specified extension'
numDateDiff = DateDiff("d", itemFile.DateCreated, now)
If numDateDiff > MyAgeLimitInDays Then
sc = sc & sa & "old "
''' objFSO.DeleteFile( itemFile) ''' delete file older than limit
sc = sc & sa & "new "
End If
sc = sc & & " " & numDateDiff & vbNewLine
End If
Set colSubFldr = objFolder.SubFolders
For Each itemFldr in colSubFldr
parFolder = FolderToAnalyse & "\" &
ShowFolderListPlus( parFolder) 'calls the procedure itself recursively'
sResult = sc & sResult
ShowFolderListPlus = sc
End Function
Function DepthOfPath( strPth)
Dim AuxArray
AuxArray = Split( strPth, "\", -1, vbTextCompare)
DepthOfPath = UBound( AuxArray)
End Function
Output sample:
==> cscript D:\VB_scripts\Oldies\Folders\filescolection_in_subfolders.vbs
Testing files older/newer than 365 days:
C:\testC -
-old bar.txt 777
-old foo.txt 777
C:\testC\NewFolder21 --
--old NewTextFile1 1289
--new NewTextFile2 162
C:\testC\a --
C:\testC\43381802 --
--old MailCliеnt.txt 582
--old q44554519.html 538
C:\testC\43381802\bubu ---
---new 3-3-2018-.png 277
---old NewTextDocument.txt 1146
---old output.txt 1146

how to modify vbs to archive event logs

How to modify a VB script to archive event logs? I found one VB script working just fine to archive event logs to a network share folder, but I am not sure where to modify the VB script to:
Only collect system, application and security logs not all logs
How to make these archive logs with month, date and year and save them to the same folder daily and not overwrite them.
You need to change this line ("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile") Example
("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='Application'")
Add in filter for the logs you wish to backup see
This should help you.
See the following altered code for your requirements, will output required logs and save to a different folder each day.
Dim strComputer, objDir2
Dim current: current = Now
Dim strDateStamp: strDateStamp = dateStamp(current)
strComputer = "YourServer"
objDir2 = "Your File Server Path" & strDateStamp
Dim objDir1: objDir1 = "\\" & strComputer & "\c$\EVT"
clearEVTLogs = "No"
Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not filesys.FolderExists(objDir1) Then
If Not filesys.FolderExists(objDir2) Then
End If
strPath = objDir2 & "\"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate, (Backup, Security)}!\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colLogFiles = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where LogFileName='Application' Or LogFileName='Security' Or LogFileName='System'")
For Each objLogfile In colLogFiles
strCopyFile = strDateStamp & "_" & strComputer & "_" _
& objLogFile.LogFileName & ".evt"
strBackupFile = "c:\EVT\" & strDateStamp & "_" _
& strComputer & "_" & objLogFile.LogFileName & ".evt"
strBackupLog = objLogFile.BackupEventLog _
Call copyAFile(objDir1, strPath, strCopyFile)
If clearEVTLogs = "Yes" Then
End If
Function dateStamp(ByVal dt)
Dim y, m, d
y = Year(dt)
m = Month(dt)
If Len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = Day(dt)
If Len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
dateStamp = y & m & d
End Function
Function copyAFile( Byval strSourceFolder, Byval strTargetFolder, _
Byval strFileName)
Dim objFSO, booOverWrite, strResult
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists( strSourceFolder & "\" & strFileName) _
And UCase( strSourceFolder) <> UCase( strTargetFolder) Then
If objFSO.FolderExists( strTargetFolder) Then
strResult = "The destination folder does not exist!"
'copyAFile = strResult
Exit Function
End If
If objFSO.FileExists( strTargetFolder & "\" & strFileName) Then
strResult = "The file exists, overwritten"
booOverWrite = vbTrue
strResult = "The file does not exist, created"
booOverWrite = vbFalse
End If
objFSO.CopyFile strSourceFolder & "\" _
& strFileName, strTargetFolder & "\", booOverWrite
strResult = "The source file does not exist, or " _
& "identical Source and Target folders!"
End If
End Function
Function createDir(strDir)
Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
wscript.echo strDir
If Not filesys.FolderExists(strDir) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDir)
End If
End Function

What is a fast and efficient way to import images by URL?

Would I just use MSXML and import as binary? Or is there another more efficient way?
There are gigs and gigs of JPEGs to fetch.
I have written something in the past, the code below will save remote image on the server disk. It's classic ASP and pretty efficient:
Const CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME = "StoredContents"
Dim strImageUrl
strImageUrl = ""
Call SaveOnServer(strImageUrl, "bill_avatar.jpg")
Sub SaveOnServer(url, strFileName)
Dim strRawData, objFSO, objFile
Dim strFilePath, strFolderPath, strError
strRawData = GetBinarySource(url, strError)
If Len(strError)>0 Then
Response.Write("<span style=""color: red;"">Failed to get binary source. Error:<br />" & strError & "</span>")
strFolderPath = Server.MapPath(CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME)
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not(objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderPath)) Then
End If
If Len(strFileName)=0 Then
strFileName = GetCleanName(url)
End If
strFilePath = Server.MapPath(CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME & "/" & strFileName)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFilePath)
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write("<h3>Stored contents of " & url & ", total of <span style=""color: blue;"">" & LenB(strRawData) & "</span> bytes</h3>")
Response.Write("<a href=""" & CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME & "/" & strFileName & """ target=""_blank""><span style=""color: blue;"">" &_
strFileName & "</span></a>")
End If
End Sub
Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
''# Antonin Foller,
''# RSBinaryToString converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY Or MultiByte string)
''# to a string (BSTR) using ADO recordset
Dim Binary
'' #MultiByte data must be converted To VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
If vartype(xBinary)=8 Then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) Else Binary = xBinary
Dim RS, LBinary
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LBinary = LenB(Binary)
If LBinary>0 Then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary
RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
RSBinaryToString = ""
End If
End Function
Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
''# © 2000 Antonin Foller,
''# MultiByteToBinary converts multibyte string To real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
''# Using recordset
Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
If LMultiByte>0 Then
RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
End If
MultiByteToBinary = Binary
End Function
Function GetBinarySource(url, ByRef strError)
Dim objXML
Set objXML=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
strError = ""
On Error Resume Next
objXML.Open "GET", url, False
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXML.Open "GET", url, False
If Err.Number<>0 Then
strError = "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
End If
On Error Goto 0
Set objXML=Nothing
End Function
Function GetCleanName(s)
Dim result, x, c
Dim arrTemp
arrTemp = Split(s, "/")
If UBound(arrTemp)>0 Then
For x=0 To UBound(arrTemp)-1
result = result & GetCleanName(arrTemp(x)) & "_"
result = result & GetPageName(s)
For x=1 To Len(s)
c = Mid(s, x, 1)
If IsValidChar(c) Then
result = result & c
result = result & "_"
End If
End If
Erase arrTemp
GetCleanName = result
End Function
Function IsValidChar(c)
IsValidChar = (c >= "a" And c <= "z") Or (c >= "A" And c <= "Z") Or (IsNumeric(c))
End Function
Function GetPageName(strUrl)
If Len(strUrl)>0 Then
GetPageName=Mid(strUrl, InStrRev(strUrl, "/")+1, Len(strUrl))
End If
End Function
Just call SaveOnServer sub routine passing the URL and desired file name, you can also omit the file name and in that case, the file name will be taken from the URL itself.
The server folder is defined as constant and will be in the same place as .asp file.
Here is the gist of how to download and save files in script:-
Function DownloadAndSave(sourceUrl, destinationFile)
Dim req : Set req = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
req.Open "GET", sourceUrl, false
Dim stream : Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
stream.Type = 1 ''# adTypeBinary
stream.Write req.ResponseBody
stream.SaveToFile destinationFile, 2
End Function
