NAT on TCP connections - networking

When we establish a TCP connection from PC1 to Server and send data through this connection, how does the Router know to which of the two PCs (PC1 and PC2) should it communicate on the way back from Server to PC1?
How does ping (ICMP) know to which internal node it should send the answer?

NAT (Network Address Translation) is stateful. It creates a translation table that has the layer-3 and layer-4 protocols and addresses. By looking up the return traffic addresses in the translation table, the NAT process can determine which inside addresses should be placed in the packet.
Per the edit to your question, asking about ICMP (it is very bad form to change the question in order to ask a different question because it can invalidate the perfectly acceptable answers already given):
It is all the same as TCP or UDP. NAT creates a state table that is dynamically built as traffic passes from inside to outside. NAPT will allow you to overload a single IP address with traffic from multiple inside addresses, and it will translate the return traffic by looking up where to send it in its state table.
With NAPT, besides looking at and translating the IP address, NAPT looks at the layer-4 protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP) and translates the layer-4 addresses (TCP or UDP port numbers or ICMP identifies), too, storing the translations in its translation table. When return traffic is destined to a particular layer-3 and layer-4 address combination, from a particular layer-3 and layer-4 address combination, the NAPT process finds that in its translation table, and it can see where to send the traffic on the inside.
NAT is very resource intensive, and it breaks the IP paradigm of end-to-end connectivity, where every host is uniquely identified by its own IP address, which is why it is called a kludge (or worse). NAT was developed to extend the life of IPv4 until IPv6, with its nearly unlimited addressing, can become ubiquitous.
RFC 2663, IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations:
4.1.2. Network Address Port Translation (NAPT)
NAPT extends the notion of translation one step further by also
translating transport identifier (e.g., TCP and UDP port numbers, ICMP
query identifiers). This allows the transport identifiers of a number
of private hosts to be multiplexed into the transport identifiers of a
single external address. NAPT allows a set of hosts to share a single
external address. Note that NAPT can be combined with Basic NAT so
that a pool of external addresses are used in conjunction with port
For packets outbound from the private network, NAPT would translate
the source IP address, source transport identifier and related fields
such as IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP header checksums. Transport identifier
can be one of TCP/UDP port or ICMP query ID. For inbound packets, the
destination IP address, destination transport identifier and the IP
and transport header checksums are translated.
A NAPT router in figure 2 may be configured to translate sessions
originated from N-Pri into a single external address, say Addr-i.
Very often, the external interface address Addr-Nx of NAPT router is
used as the address to map N-Pri to.

There is a large pool of resources describing NAT (Network Address Translation), which is available if you search "nat explained". A great resource is What is NAT and how it work tutorial.
The most important detail is that commonly we use NAPT (commonly used as PAT - Port Address Translation) (Network Address and Port Translation), alongside NAT.
When a device needs to use the Internet, it must open a local (source port) and send the IP request to the other end. For example, a notepad with source IP address needs to communicate with a web server at
It fires up random source port 1234 and requests information from target port 80 (HTTP - Web page).
This goes through the networks NAT device, which stores the information with the next information that it computes, and sends the request as (its own IP public IP) and a new source port, for example 2345.
The web server responds to the NAT device, which in turn finds the correlated information (source port 2345 targets The notepad receives the information and displays it to the user.

The router adds information to the request header sent to the server that allows it to look up the sender when the reply is received. This is usually accomplished by using a table stored in the router's memory that maps the PC's address to the token added to the header.


How NAT is able to change port numbers?

Based on my knowledge , I believe following statements are true.
Router can only redirect packet and can interact upto network(internet layer) only.
NAT maps the private ip to public ip. It uses a NAT table in which source private ip is mapped to public ip and also source port is changed with new source port.
My question is regarding NAT function for port . How NAT , that works in router can change something that relates to transport layer(port)?
i.e when the private system sends the source port , how NAT is able to change it with new port before sending it to internet.
I am missing something or maybe I am wrong somewhere . Would appreciate the help.
NATs intercept outgoing IP packets (including UDP and TCP) from nodes on the NAT's internal network and can modify the source IP and source port in the UDP and TCP header in place. It will update other fields in the header as well (i.e. checksum).
Similarly, for incoming packets, the NAT will change the destination IP/port after finding an entry in its port mapping table that was created from a previous outbound packet or connection.
As to "how" - it just does. It literally reconstructs a new UDP/TCP/IP header using the exact same payload of what it received. The NAT is registered as the gateway device on the LAN, so all packets bound for the internet will be sent to the NAT's MAC address - if what you are wondering is how the NAT captures the packets to begin with.

network sniffer - detect subnet mask in non-DHCP network

I'm writting a simple network sniffer that should be able to reconstruct network structure.
When an interface has set up a DHCP, I can easily read interface settings such as client IP address, subnet mask, DNS server etc. by catching a DHCP packet and analysing it.
When an interface has a static IP, I'm catching ARP Announcement packet to get static IP address and then ARP request from the gateway, to get geteway IP address. I'm also saving MAC addresses.
My problem is: how to get subnet mask from one or more static IPs in the network and the gateway address. Or by caching some packets. I didn't see packets that could have such informations.
I also need DNS address, but it's less important.
The program should work in OpenWRT (C++).
My problem is: how to get subnet mask from one or more static IPs in the network and the gateway address.
Possibly, you can't.
If the sniffed network uses DHCP then you can monitor the DHCP requests (which should be broadcast) for their subnet mask and router fields which mirror the server's offer.
Without DHCP, all you can do is take an educated guess. If your passive sniffer registers broadcasts from addresses through, you know that the prefix length is at most /27. It could also be anything shorter, down to /16, with potential addresses being (currently) absent or silent. The prefix could be even short than /16 if the network admin is ignoring RFC 1918. With public addresses you're mostly on your own.
If you can scan actively you could send ARP requests and see which ones get answered - you'd also see nodes that don't originate any traffic/broadcasts.
The gateway is also just a guess. In a network with mostly Internet-bound traffic, the default gateway is most likely the one being ARPed most often. If the network traffic is mostly server-centric, ARP requests for their addresses outnumber the ones for any gateway.
Your sniffer is severely limited when it is just attached to a switch and listening to broadcast packets only. If the sniffer manages to listen to all traffic on the network (via a monitoring/mirroring switch port) then you can easily identify the gateway by its MAC address that packets for arbitrary IP addresses is sent to and vice versa.
As above, if you can actively send probe packets you could test the gateway(s) with packets that they accept (and hopefully forward) and which ones they reject.

What is Difference between IP address and Port Number in Networking?

What is Difference between IP address and Port Number in Networking?
IP address is address of the system in the Network.
Port is address of the service within the System.
So IP address + Port defines address of the particular service on the particular system.
Think about how many application layer protocols exist (HTTP, FTP,DNS, SSH, etc). Now think about how many task/process/programs exist within your device trying to communicate over the internet. Would it be possible just one address, the IP address, to be able to handle all these different assignments and types of protocols alone? The answer is no.
The IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. The port number is used so the data is directed to the correct location within this device.
The IP and the port number form the structure IP:port number, for example, and the port number can hold 65536 numbers, with the following division:
0 to 1023 - Well known port numbers. Only special companies like Apple QuickTime, MSN, SQL Services, Gopher Services and other prominent services have these port numbers.
1024 to 49151 - Registered ports; meaning they can be registered to specific protocols by software corporations.
49152 to 65536 - Dynamic or private ports; meaning that they can be used by just about anybody.
IP address is use to identify a host or a group of hosts in a network
while port number is used to identify a particular service running in a host
Port number is used to identify an application/services which you want to talk to on your system. Some predefined ports like 80 = HTTP server, 23 = Telnet.
You identify a host uniquely (globally) by its IP address. So if I ever wanted to access your laptop via telnet then I'd use the IP address given to you by your ISP and the port 23
A MAC address is a layer-2 address. It is used by some layer-2 protocols, e.g. ethernet and Wi-Fi. There are 48-bit and 64-bit MAC addresses. Some layer-2 protocols use different addressing.
An IP address is the address of the layer-3 IP protocol. Different layer-3 protocols use different addressing, e.g. IPv4, IPX, and IPv6 each have different addressing.
A port number is a layer-4 address used by some layer-4 protocols, e.g. TCP and UDP. Some layer-4 protocols use different addressing, or none at all.
To allow for many processes within a single Host to use TCP
communication facilities simultaneously, the TCP provides a set of
addresses or ports within each host. Concatenated with the network
and host addresses from the internet communication layer, this forms a
socket. A pair of sockets uniquely identifies each connection. That
is, a socket may be simultaneously used in multiple connections.
You may want to learn more about the network layers.
A socket is like a telephone (i.e. end to end device for communication)
IP is like your telephone number (i.e. address of your socket)
Port is like the person you want to talk to (i.e. the service you want to order from that address)
In networking, generally a socket is (IP+Port)
IP address: Ip address is a address of your system, it assign when your system connects to internet.There are two types of ip address available here among first one is dynamic which invokes at your system in online. Second one is static, which assign when your system get in offline.
port address Port address is an Id of server such as your using apache server that get port number default 8080 is id of apache server,If you can change server port number.
IP address is your system domain name or socket address of specific system like
but the port number is the number of specific location or folder where to you want to write your file or any file transfer like: 3308
The IP address of your computer (host) is the mix of the network ID of the ISP/any other provider (uniquely provided by the ICANN group) and the host name (provided by the Network administrator). The Network ID is unique for all the network and among two networks, we can have same host names but on the same network, the host names can not be the same. So, this is how the host can be identified on the network and data can be transferred. But on the same host multiple applications will be running and once the data reach to the host, we need an identifier to recognize which application data is this TCP Segment/UDP datagram.
The Port number is 16 bits (possibly 65K application can run) and assigned by the Network operating system when the application process creates the sockets. On the Server side, the port numbers are well defined numbers (HTTP- Port #80, SMTP- Port#25). The port number is transport layer addressing (L4) and goes in the header of TCP/UDP.

How are MAC addresses used in routing packets?

I recently found that packets are encapsulated within ethernet frames. Packets use IP addresses, frames use MAC addresses.
Why aren't IP addresses used in ethernet frames for routing? I understand that when trying to access a basic website, the computer goes to a DNS to find the IP address relevant to the user-entered domain name. How do computers find the correct MAC address?
Really, how are MAC addresses used in routing internet traffic?
IP packets aren't always encapsulated in Ethernet frames. There are other physical media such as ISDN, etc. When packets are routed, IP addresses are used to determine the next hop and the physical address is used to physically identify the interface serving as the next hop. Only the former (determining next-hop) is usually called routing.
To answer your second part, MAC addresses are discovered through ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) in IPv4 & ND6 (Neighbor Discovery) in IPv6.
The destination IP address in the IP header is the final destination. In the process of routing (at each hop), you get the next hop's IP address to (eventually) reach the final destination from the routing table (this could be a default gateway's IP address). To send the packet to the next hop, you need its MAC address. While hopping through intermediate links, the IP address in the IP header don't change - only the MAC addresses change.
Bit late but still here is my answer :) ...
To send data you need two address, the MAC address and the IP address.
Basically the sending host will ARP for a MAC address, this occurs when the local host doesn't know the MAC address of the host it has an IP address for or it will ARP for the default gateway MAC address (if it doesn't already know it) if the IP address in on a different subnet/ network. Once it obtains a MAC address the IP packet is encapsulated in a L2 frame and sent across the media. If the IP packet is meant for a host on a different subnet/ network, it will be sent to the default gateway, this router will de-encapsulate the L2 frame (remove and discard it) check the IP address and will forward it. For the router to do this it needs a MAC address to send it over the media, It will look up the next hop in it's routing table, encapsulate the IP packet with the same source and destination IP address that was sent from the original host into a new L2 frame. This time the MAC address for the source address will be that of the forwarding interface of the router, and the receiving interface of the next hop will be the destination MAC address. This will continue from hop to hop until it reaches the final host, each time the MAC addresses will change, but the original IP address will remain the same.
Here's the key point -- there can be more types of packets than INTERNET traffic. You could be using IPX, which is non-routable. How do clients identify each other? By the MAC address.
Routing != Addressing, which is really where the MAC comes into play.
In order to be routed, the OSI model adds a layer to allow for path discovery to the next gateway. This layer is responsible for routing, but knows nothing about the MAC address.
As a side note, at the hardware level, MAC addresses ARE used by switches, but not for routing. From How Stuff Works:
The switch gets the first packet of data from Node A. It reads the MAC
address and saves it to the lookup table for Segment A. The switch now
knows where to find Node A anytime a packet is addressed to it. This
process is called learning.
In this way, a switch can make sure that traffic is only outputted to the correct port. This isn't accomplishing routing so much as reducing network congestion. Only broadcasts and traffic destined specifically for that MAC address should be sent out the port.
Recently I have been thinking about the same and came upon this question. Here is my answer to this question. Actually MAC address is needed for correctly sending the packet to right destination. This is specially true when packet is needed to sent over a VLAN. There can be multiple switches/routes connected on that VLAN over multiple physical interfaces. However IP Routing is unaware of these physical interface. It only knows about the logical connectivity. For example, route is reachable via VE/VIF0.10(logical VLAN interface) and/or nexthop neighbor is There could be multiple interfaces under VLAN 10. Then to which interface packet is sent out? This is where ARP comes in the picture. ARP helps to discover the MAC address associated with the next-hop IP address. When switch/router learns the nexthop MAC. along with that it learns the physical interface also via which that MAC is reachable. Hence while routing packet, firstly MAC corresponding to the destination IP is searched and then the physical interface associated with that MAC is searched. Finally packet is sent out via that physical interface. The MAC corresponding to that destination IP is used as destination MAC. In absence of this, routed packets will always be flooded in the outgoing VLAN.
Hope this helps.
Answer: MAC addresses are not used in the process of routing of a packet.
segment -> transport layer (TCP ports)
packets -> network layer (IP addresses)
frame -> data link layer (MAC addresses)
bits -> physical layer (electric/optical signals)
Create your own packet/segment visit
There are 2 models (TCP/IP and ISO/OSI)
In detail:
Your app has some data. This is encapsulated by mentioned layers. Encapsulation means that a header with fields is added at each layer. If your data never leave the local network the MAC address will be the same. Once your data needs to be delivered outside your network the frame header is stripped by router and is replaced by router fields.
UPDATE 2021: Some people seems never heard of ISO OSI model and put this answer as incorrect.

How do two computers connect to same external address through NAT?

If I have two internal computers connecting to the same external IP address through a NAT router, how is the router able to get the traffic to the correct internal computer? It is my understanding that NAT forwards incoming packets to the computer that recently sent outgoing packets to the [incoming packet's] sender's IP address. Since both computers are sending to the same address, does the router forward the packet to both? If that is the case, is it the responsibility of the client software to determine which packets are relevant?
Is it possible if both computers are attempting to connect to the same port?
When you open a socket, you need to address a port of the destination system and open a conjugate listening port on your own system to receive any response. You have to send the destination system your listening port.
Having more than one system using the same modem
When you start a web browser, and go to, your browser obtains/searches for a free non-system conjugate port from the system for listening. Let us say, the conjugate port is 10000. The listener port is for receiving the http stream back from google.
Then your kid sitting next to you incidentally also browses and his/her google session of the play station or xbox-whatever also incidentally is assigned conjugate port 10000.
Both of you are sitting behind a cable modem, and behind the cable modem is your wireless router. And both of your systems are behind the wireless router - All sitting in that sequence, network topology-wise.
To prevent port address collision on the router/modem
Let us say that your cable company DHCP assigns your modem ip4 adress But your wireless router DHCP assigns to your system and to to your kid's system.
When the frame carrying the information of your listener ports passes thro your NAT router, it would translate either one or both listening- ports. Let's say port 15000 for your page and port 16000 for your kid's page.
Your wireless router then sends your requests to google server as coming from and
The google server then responds individually to and and when you wireless router encounters the response, it reaches into the mapping that it has stored and translates to to reach your system but translates to to reach your kid's system.
Running web/game/ftp/etc servers
But what if you have a web server or an ftp server running on your system. What if you have two systems and both have a web server and both web servers are listening on port 80?
Let us say the local ip addresses registered/assigned with your wireless router of your first web server system is and your second web server system is
The wireless router would have a configuration web page usually by default, unless you changed it. There would be a tab to on the page where you could define/reserve application port mappings.
You could register with your wireless router to reserve the mapping => outgoing port 8080 => outgoing port 8088
So that you have to phone your friends your web/game servers are addressable through and respectively,
where the wireless router would preclude its port 8080 and 8088 from its own dynamic NAT usage.
Of course, is as good as only before your ISP DHCP decide to renew the ip4 address of your modem to say, After which you would have to phone/email your friends and say
Hey, the servers' addresses have changed to and respectively. Or you could subscribe to dynamic dns (ddns) service to use a named domain where the ddns service will need you to install a simple heartbeat utility on your system to help them monitor the address variation. DDNS translation is a separate issue/strategy.
NAT modems
Newer ISP contracts supply you with a modem that has NAT. If so, you have to switch off either the one on your modem or the one on your wireless router. You should not use both - what's the point in translating twice because NAT is simply to prevent address collision. When you switch off NAT from your wireless router, it can operate as a hub switch and not a router anymore so that you could connect it to the modem using one of its LAN socket instead of thro its WAN socket.
The router manages "source" ports that are separate for each computer. While you may be connecting to port 80 on the "destination" the router may assign the source port to some high number port.
Wikipedia sums it up as
Network address translation involves
re-writing the source and/or
destination IP addresses and usually
also the TCP/UDP port numbers of IP
packets as they pass through the NAT.
Checksums (both IP and TCP/UDP) must
also be rewritten to take account of
the changes.
Already good answers are provided, but here is another example:
HOST A addr HOST B addr
NAT (what external host sees) is router's global (internet) IP.
Every port number is unique in the NAT table. And of course the router does all the dirty job of modifying the source and destination addresses transparently.
It uses different ports for incoming external traffic, and the NAT then routes the packets on one port to one internal IP address, and the packets from the other port to the other internal IP address... The iniital request from each internal computer, when it goes through the NAT on the way out, establishes which port will be used for the incoming traffic from the external ip address, and it tells the external server what port to send it's traffic back on for that connection.
RFC3022 provides a lot of information on how this works
Since public facing or external IP Address that was given by Internet Service Provider (ISP) has been discussed, I would like to add on this.
You can ask your ISP to have your public IP Address not change. It will become static, so that you do not have to inform your friends to change the IP Address if they want to access your server inside your Network Address Translator (NAT).
As of this writing, static IP Address cost around 100 bucks. Most of the ISP they call it business account.
You can determine your public facing IP Address by googling "what is my ip address".
