how to send form data in orchard CMS -

I'm using a form in my orchard website. How i can sent the form data to an email
My form is like
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit"name="submit" value="submit">

Orchard has built-in ways to do this. If you enable the Dynamic Forms, Email Messaging and Email Workflows Activities modules you can build forms and send emails with the submitted values, without writing a single line of code.
When you enable the Email Messaging module you will be prompted to configure the email settings. The only mandatory settings are Sender email address and host name. You can enter any email address here and use localhost for testing purposes.
If you want to show the form on every page, you don't need to edit the Layout.cshtml file. In fact there's rarely a reason to do so. Instead, go to the Widgets menu in the dashboard and add a new Form Widget to the default layer. Which zone you place it in is entirely up to you. In the editor of the widget you can build a form by dragging Dynamic Form elements to the layout.
Once you have your form set up, you can create a new workflow through the Workflows menu that sends an email every time your form is submitted. Simply start off with a Dynamic Form Submitted trigger to begin the workflow and link it to a Send Email activity. You can reference the form values in any of the email fields by using tokens, e.g.:
<div>Name: {FormSubmission.Field:Name}</div>
You can find step by step guides on dynamic forms and workflows in the official documentation:
Just ignore the part on Custom Forms when you get to Workflows, since those are outdated.


Send email with wordpress

I am trying to create a cafe shop where people can order some items without registration. They should fill a form about their name, phone, email after that order something. The owner of a cafe needs to receive mail about orders after that deliver users order. My question is - is it possible to do that without registration and do I need woocoomerce for sending email to owner or I can do that without woocommerce, if it is possible then how?
I searched and find ways only with woocommerce.
if you want only send email after the complete form, you can use plugin contact form 7.
This is url to plugin
This can be done with wp_mail once the form has been submitted
Any form plugin in WordPress should be able to handle that task. You can, for example, use Caldera Form and then use Caldera's built-in processors.
Caldera Forms comes with 4 processors. One of those being Auto Responder – Sends an email on form submission. The Auto Responder processor would be a good fit for handling your task.
Read more about Caldera form processors

Send email with Inbound rule

i am new to alfresco share and i want to perform an action when users add a document. The action is to send email to all site members with the link of added document.
I know that there is something called email template, any ideas how to write such a template from inbound rules?
Informations: Alfresco Version: 4.2 community
This is easily done by setting up a rule. First, see the doc about how to set up a rule on a folder:
As part of that, you'll specify the "Send an email" action. When you select that action you will also select an email template to use from a list of out-of-the-box email templates.
If you want to change the template or add a new one, you'll find them in the Data Dictionary under "Email Templates" and then "Notify Email Templates".

Orchard CMS - Workflow Send Message to Email List

I would like to send an email notification to a distribution list every time I publish a post on my Orchard CMS blog. The list of emails is contained as a list of custom content items that get created as users submit a custom form to subscribe to emails. I know how to use the workflows feature to send an email notification whenever a content item is created to a fixed list of emails, but I would like to be able to send emails to a list derived from an email field value for instances of a custom content item. Is there an existing way to do this in Orchard, or will I have to write a module to do so?
You will have to write your own Action and a Token to do that.
Your Token will be the Distribution List and the Action of Sending of the mail.
Check orchard.Workflows.Activities, Orchard.Email.Rules (thats the send Email action)

Can the CMS editors set up a specific page to require authentication - Sitecore

I was wondering if it is possible to make it so the editors within sitecore can set it so you require a username/login to only one specific page. - No password required - password required and set within CMS by the editors.
This is explained extensively in the Security Administrator's Cookbook that is supplied by Sitecore.
This is what you need to do, in a few short steps:
Create a user group with the User Manager (on the Extranet domain, that's how it's called by default, could be different in your installation)
Add users to the group
Go to the Security Editor, select the item(s) you want to protect, and disallow Read rights for the Anonymous user (this makes it impossible for not-loggedin users to view it)
Enable Read rights on your item(s) for your new user group
Make sure to read the cookbook so you know how to use security inheritance properly. That will save you a lot of time in the future.
Actually it's possible with no coding if you have Web forms for Marketers installed. It's not an enterprise ready login with e-mail activation etc. but it works. First, you should of course set up access rights and roles as mentioned in this answer by Ruud plus you need WFFM ready with forms styled and a placeholder configured to accept forms.
Go to WFFM and create a registration form (username as single-line text field, password as password-confirmation field)
as save action add "Create User" (configure correct domain/role there) (you could also add a "User Login with Password action and log the user in directly after registration)
add the registration form to a public page
create a login form (username as single-line text field, password as password field); again map the data to the username, password and domain set up for your extranet)
add the login form to a public page
enjoy :)
Note: this requires you to have write access to the user tables (by default set up in the core database). Make sure your security requirements are compliant with that. And as already mentioned this will not give you a basic e-mail validation up on registration.

how can one override default registration email in a hook form alter registration?

The main site sends a registration email and I do not want that email to be sent to this new registration as it should have its own custom email. I am having a hard time with this because every time a user registers either on main registration or this custom registration, they get the same mail. How can i keep my custom registration mail separate?
In the administrative interface, you can disable the feature to send email when a user registers. Then, you can just use drupal_mail() and hook_mail() to send your own custom email after the user has registered.
To do that, you will need to use hook_form_alter(), and alter the registration form to redirect to a custom menu callback. After you do that, you can send any email (or do anything else) you want.
Simple way:
