Send email with Inbound rule - alfresco

i am new to alfresco share and i want to perform an action when users add a document. The action is to send email to all site members with the link of added document.
I know that there is something called email template, any ideas how to write such a template from inbound rules?
Informations: Alfresco Version: 4.2 community

This is easily done by setting up a rule. First, see the doc about how to set up a rule on a folder:
As part of that, you'll specify the "Send an email" action. When you select that action you will also select an email template to use from a list of out-of-the-box email templates.
If you want to change the template or add a new one, you'll find them in the Data Dictionary under "Email Templates" and then "Notify Email Templates".


how to send form data in orchard CMS

I'm using a form in my orchard website. How i can sent the form data to an email
My form is like
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit"name="submit" value="submit">
Orchard has built-in ways to do this. If you enable the Dynamic Forms, Email Messaging and Email Workflows Activities modules you can build forms and send emails with the submitted values, without writing a single line of code.
When you enable the Email Messaging module you will be prompted to configure the email settings. The only mandatory settings are Sender email address and host name. You can enter any email address here and use localhost for testing purposes.
If you want to show the form on every page, you don't need to edit the Layout.cshtml file. In fact there's rarely a reason to do so. Instead, go to the Widgets menu in the dashboard and add a new Form Widget to the default layer. Which zone you place it in is entirely up to you. In the editor of the widget you can build a form by dragging Dynamic Form elements to the layout.
Once you have your form set up, you can create a new workflow through the Workflows menu that sends an email every time your form is submitted. Simply start off with a Dynamic Form Submitted trigger to begin the workflow and link it to a Send Email activity. You can reference the form values in any of the email fields by using tokens, e.g.:
<div>Name: {FormSubmission.Field:Name}</div>
You can find step by step guides on dynamic forms and workflows in the official documentation:
Just ignore the part on Custom Forms when you get to Workflows, since those are outdated.

How to modify Email Confirmation message - Firebase

I am using email & password authentication provided by Firebase.
Below is the message the user gets, when they confirm their email address. Is there any way to customize the below message.
I would like to add a link to this message so that the users can be directed to the website. Can someone please suggest, how I could achieve this.
You can customize this page by setting up a custom email action handler.
From there:
To customize your Firebase project's email action handler, you must create and host a web page that uses the Firebase JavaScript SDK to verify the request's validity and complete the request. Then, you must customize your Firebase project's email templates to link to your custom action handler.
But you should really just follow the link and read the entire page on the Firebase site as it contains a great description and sample code.
This page explains it very well.
The only thing I dont like is that the email message body cannot be customized. Allowing a Mandrill integration would be awesome imo.

Magnolia CMS - Public user registration Notification

I am using Admin-supervised registration (Never) strategy as Public user registration. With this approach, Admin needs to enable the user, but admin is not getting an email. Is this the expected behaviour or admin should get an email to notify new user has been registered. If that is not out of the box feature, How can I enable admin to get an email when the user is registered ?
Also, I would like to know can I mix and match Registration after mail notification and Admin to enable. Then we can make sure provided email is correct as well and Admin to control to access.
For getting the notification, you can simply add custom strategy that would wrap the ootb provided one and send email on top ... or you can add observer on the users workspace and configure it to call MailCommand upon new disabled user being created in the repo. Whichever of the two suits you better.
As for combining two of the existing strategies, the simplest way to achieve that is by writing your own that will indeed do combination of the two provided out of the box. Since each of the functionalities you desire is there, it should be rather simple to combine them in one class.

Customize Mail Invite Form (Share)

When inviting an external user by email (via Share), we want to customize the script of invitation. We need to change the username to user's email and add a custom field (Telephone).
Is that possible?
Alfresco Community: 4.2
According to this link (simple googling) it is located under
Company Home > Data Dictionary > Email Templates > invite-email.html.ftl
path in Alfresco.
However, if you fail to see changes after modifying e-mail template within previous file in Alfresco, check file in share webapp under path

How Can I Send Emails To Registered Members in MyDatabase?

I'm Using Sql Server 2008.
I've a created a database named "Sankal_Residency"
There is a Table named "Member_Details" in which I have stored all members Email Id.
So now I want to send them Mail (LIke .Pdf, .Doc,) or any simple message like new letter
for a selected persons and also all the registered members.
How to achieve this?
You can use sp_send_dbmail stored procedure to send e-mail.
You first need to create a profile and account for sending e-mails.
The account would be associated to profile and the profile is used as a parameter while sending e-mail.
The basic parameters that you will need to provide are:
#profile_name: Name of the profile that you have created in Database Mail
#recipients: If you want to include all recipients in a single e-mail, use semi-colon separated e-mail IDs
#subject: The subject of e-mail
#body: The content of e-mail
Depending on content of e-mail and attachments, you may want to use #body_format and #file_attachments parameters.
In order to create Database Mail profile and accounts, refer to the following link:
If you are preferring the ASP.NET for sending emails, this link would be useful for it:
Tutorial in above link will send email to email addresses stored in the database one by one using foreach loop.
And if you want to attach the file with the email, simply use Attachment collection like this:
mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(Server.MapPath("~/image.jpg")));
In above example, I have attach a file called "image.jpg", located in the root of the ASP.NET website. By this method, you can attach multiple files with one email.
