Svg responsive width with adjustable height - css

been having a hard time to come up with a good solution to have a responsive svg that will adopt the screen width plus an adjustable height. I tried setting width to 100% and height to something like 200px but no luck.
header.svg {
width: 100%;
max-height: 200px;
height: 200px;
<svg width="321px" height="141px" viewBox="0 0 321 141" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="Symbols" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="header-copy-" fill="#262626">
<g id="header-copy-2">
<path d="M0,0.31823636 L321,0.31823636 L321,132.556396 C267.894961,138.185465 214.394961,141 160.5,141 C106.605039,141 53.1050387,138.185465 0,132.556396 L0,0.31823636 Z" id="Rectangle-Copy-12"></path>
I also tried adding a 100% width to the header element.

Firstly, your selector is incorrect, it should be header svg not header.svg. The SVG is a child of the header...the header does not have the class of .svg.
Secondly, I'd recommend removing the height and width from the SVG. It's not needed since you have set an appropriate viewbox.
Now, it seems you want the width of the SVG to be 100% of the page but the height to be limited to a set value.
To do this you will have to set the preserveAspectRatio attribute of the SVG to none.
Viewbox & PreserveAspectRatio
header {
background: pink;
svg {
max-height: 100px;
width: 100%;
margin: auto;
display: block;
<header class="wide">
<svg viewBox="0 0 321 141" version="1.1" xmlns="" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<g id="Symbols" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="header-copy-" fill="#262626">
<g id="header-copy-2">
<path d="M0,0.31823636 L321,0.31823636 L321,132.556396 C267.894961,138.185465 214.394961,141 160.5,141 C106.605039,141 53.1050387,138.185465 0,132.556396 L0,0.31823636 Z" id="Rectangle-Copy-12"></path>


How to modify the size of a <g> (SVG element)?

I can not seem to succeed at modifying the size of my element that is rendered inside a recharts graph as X axis. I want it to be 20px height and width. I couldn't even succeed by making modifications in the console css to the element. Could anyone help me out?
Here's the element:
style={{ cursor: 'pointer', }} width="20px" height="20px"
<g transform={`translate(10,10)`} fill="green" stroke="green">
d="M8,0 C3.58862306,0 0,3.58862306 0,8 C0,12.4113769 3.58862306,16 8,16 C12.4113769,16 16,12.4113769 16,8 C16,3.58862306 12.4113769,0 8,0 Z M12.0546875,6.3046875 L7.72131347,10.6379394 C7.59130859,10.7679443 7.42065431,10.833374 7.25,10.833374 C7.07934569,10.833374 6.90869141,10.7679443 6.77868653,10.6379394 L4.61206056,8.47131347 C4.35131837,8.21069338 4.35131837,7.78930663 4.61206056,7.52868653 C4.87268066,7.26794434 5.29394531,7.26794434 5.5546875,7.52868653 L7.25,9.22399903 L11.1120606,5.36206056 C11.3726807,5.10131837 11.7939453,5.10131837 12.0546875,5.36206056 C12.3153076,5.62268066 12.3153076,6.04394531 12.0546875,6.3046875 Z"
As #enxaneta recommended, a negative viewBox offset like viewBox="-0.5 -0.5 17 17" is a straight forward solution.
Alternatively, you could scale your <g> (or your path) like so:
border: 1px solid #ccc
<svg class="svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<g transform="scale(0.94117647)" transform-origin="8 8" stroke-width="1" fill="green" stroke="green">
<path d="M8,0 C3.58862306,0 0,3.58862306 0,8 C0,12.4113769 3.58862306,16 8,16 C12.4113769,16 16,12.4113769 16,8 C16,3.58862306 12.4113769,0 8,0 Z M12.0546875,6.3046875 L7.72131347,10.6379394 C7.59130859,10.7679443 7.42065431,10.833374 7.25,10.833374 C7.07934569,10.833374 6.90869141,10.7679443 6.77868653,10.6379394 L4.61206056,8.47131347 C4.35131837,8.21069338 4.35131837,7.78930663 4.61206056,7.52868653 C4.87268066,7.26794434 5.29394531,7.26794434 5.5546875,7.52868653 L7.25,9.22399903 L11.1120606,5.36206056 C11.3726807,5.10131837 11.7939453,5.10131837 12.0546875,5.36206056 C12.3153076,5.62268066 12.3153076,6.04394531 12.0546875,6.3046875 Z" ></path>
Edit: correct scaling value
As #Carsten Massmann has pointed out it should be:
The scaling factor 0.94117647 is the result of
16/17 (original svg width / svg width + stroke-width)
transform-origin="8 8" ensures we're scaling from the center of our viewBox.
Another workaround might be to set overflow to visible to avoid any cropping:
border: 1px solid #ccc
<svg overflow="visible" class="svg" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path stroke-width="1" fill="green" stroke="green" d="M8,0 C3.58862306,0 0,3.58862306 0,8 C0,12.4113769 3.58862306,16 8,16 C12.4113769,16 16,12.4113769 16,8 C16,3.58862306 12.4113769,0 8,0 Z M12.0546875,6.3046875 L7.72131347,10.6379394 C7.59130859,10.7679443 7.42065431,10.833374 7.25,10.833374 C7.07934569,10.833374 6.90869141,10.7679443 6.77868653,10.6379394 L4.61206056,8.47131347 C4.35131837,8.21069338 4.35131837,7.78930663 4.61206056,7.52868653 C4.87268066,7.26794434 5.29394531,7.26794434 5.5546875,7.52868653 L7.25,9.22399903 L11.1120606,5.36206056 C11.3726807,5.10131837 11.7939453,5.10131837 12.0546875,5.36206056 C12.3153076,5.62268066 12.3153076,6.04394531 12.0546875,6.3046875 Z" ></path>
Caveats: your icon will be displayed larger than your original design and might cause layout inconsistencies when used with other elements that fit the 16x16 boundaries.
If it will be useful to you, I found svg similar to yours and I demonstrated how you can add styles
svg {
background: #479840;
border-radius: 50%;
path {
filter: invert(99%) sepia(99%) saturate(2%) hue-rotate( 205deg)
brightness(110%) contrast(100%);
<svg height="44" viewbox="0 0 24 24" width="44" xmlns="">
<path d="m10 15.586-3.293-3.293-1.414 1.414L10 18.414l9.707-9.707-1.414-1.414z"></path></svg>

Before pseudo element not showing up on path element

Hi i am trying to create a 'pin' on a SVG map of the whole world, the SVG is build with path elements, my thought was to use a before or after element and show the pin accordingly.
Apparently it is not showing on the path element, i can see it in the debugger/console and if i put it on a div element it works fine and shows up, i have cut out all countries except the first one in the SVG for simplicity.
content: url('pin.svg');
background-size: 30px 30px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: left top;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
z-index: 10;
font-size: 1px;
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
left: -999px;
top: -999px;
/*display: none;*/
display: block;
top: 0;
left: 0;
<svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" style="stroke-linejoin: round; stroke:#000; fill: none;" viewBox="0 0 2000 1001" id="svg2" inkscape:version="0.48.4 r9939" sodipodi:docname="world.svg">
<defs id="defs4">
<style type="text/css" id="style6">path { fill-rule: evenodd; }</style>
<g id="countries">
<path id="AF" data-name="Afghanistan" data-id="AF" class="map-pin active" d="m 1369.9,333.8 -5.4,0 -3.8,-0.5 -2.5,2.9 -2.1,0.7 -1.5,1.3 -2.6,-2.1 -1,-5.4 -1.6,-0.3 0,-2 -3.2,-1.5 -1.7,2.3 0.2,2.6 -0.6,0.9 -3.2,-0.1 -0.9,3 -2.1,-1.3 -3.3,2.1 -1.8,-0.8 -4.3,-1.4 -2.9,0 -1.6,-0.2 -2.9,-1.7 -0.3,2.3 -4.1,1.2 0.1,5.2 -2.5,2 -4,0.9 -0.4,3 -3.9,0.8 -5.9,-2.4 -0.5,8 -0.5,4.7 2.5,0.9 -1.6,3.5 2.7,5.1 1.1,4 4.3,1.1 1.1,4 -3.9,5.8 9.6,3.2 5.3,-0.9 3.3,0.8 0.9,-1.4 3.8,0.5 6.6,-2.6 -0.8,-5.4 2.3,-3.6 4,0 0.2,-1.7 4,-0.9 2.1,0.6 1.7,-1.8 -1.1,-3.8 1.5,-3.8 3,-1.6 -3,-4.2 5.1,0.2 0.9,-2.3 -0.8,-2.5 2,-2.7 -1.4,-3.2 -1.9,-2.8 2.4,-2.8 5.3,-1.3 5.8,-0.8 2.4,-1.2 2.8,-0.7 -1.4,-1.9 z" style="fill:#f2f2f2;fill-rule:evenodd"></path>
I also tried a more simple way by just adding an element inside the SVG after all the path elements, but this breaks the whole SVG.
Anyone able to help me out here, is it not possible in SVG path elements? and if so, what other options am i left with?
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="Layer_1" style="enable-background:new 0 0 512 512;" viewBox="0 0 512 512" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
<g id="XMLID_4245_">
<path class="st0" d="M389.3,208.7c0-73.6-59.7-133.3-133.3-133.3c-73.6,0-133.3,59.7-133.3,133.3 c0,32.6,12.1,62,31.5,85.1l55.3,75.4l46.6,67.5l101.8-142.9C377.2,270.7,389.3,241.2,389.3,208.7z" id="XMLID_4247_"></path>
<path class="st0" d="M311,170.9L311,170.9c-12.1-11.6-31.7-11.6-43.8,0l-10.9,10.5L245.3,171 c-12.1-11.6-31.7-11.6-43.8,0c-12.1,11.6-12.1,30.4,0,42l54.7,52.5L311,213C323.1,201.4,323.1,182.6,311,170.9z" id="XMLID_4246_"></path>
As I've commented you can't have a before pseudo element for a path. However in your case you can have a symbol for the pin and use it at the end of your document. This way it will stay above all the other paths. (a z-index won't work either in SVG).
If you are using a symbol with a viewBox attribute you can give the <use> element a position (x and y attributes) and a size (width and height attributes)
<svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" style="stroke-linejoin: round; stroke:#000; fill: none;" viewBox="1280 320 100 100" id="svg2" >
<defs id="defs4">
<style type="text/css" id="style6">path { fill-rule: evenodd; }</style>
<symbol id="map-pin-after" viewBox="0 0 30 30">
<circle cx="15" cy="8" r="8" /> <polygon points="15,30 22.7,10 7.3,10 15,30"/>
<g id="countries">
<path id="AF" data-name="Afghanistan" data-id="AF" class="map-pin active" d="m 1369.9,333.8 -5.4,0 -3.8,-0.5 -2.5,2.9 -2.1,0.7 -1.5,1.3 -2.6,-2.1 -1,-5.4 -1.6,-0.3 0,-2 -3.2,-1.5 -1.7,2.3 0.2,2.6 -0.6,0.9 -3.2,-0.1 -0.9,3 -2.1,-1.3 -3.3,2.1 -1.8,-0.8 -4.3,-1.4 -2.9,0 -1.6,-0.2 -2.9,-1.7 -0.3,2.3 -4.1,1.2 0.1,5.2 -2.5,2 -4,0.9 -0.4,3 -3.9,0.8 -5.9,-2.4 -0.5,8 -0.5,4.7 2.5,0.9 -1.6,3.5 2.7,5.1 1.1,4 4.3,1.1 1.1,4 -3.9,5.8 9.6,3.2 5.3,-0.9 3.3,0.8 0.9,-1.4 3.8,0.5 6.6,-2.6 -0.8,-5.4 2.3,-3.6 4,0 0.2,-1.7 4,-0.9 2.1,0.6 1.7,-1.8 -1.1,-3.8 1.5,-3.8 3,-1.6 -3,-4.2 5.1,0.2 0.9,-2.3 -0.8,-2.5 2,-2.7 -1.4,-3.2 -1.9,-2.8 2.4,-2.8 5.3,-1.3 5.8,-0.8 2.4,-1.2 2.8,-0.7 -1.4,-1.9 z" fill="#f2f2f2"></path>
<use xlink:href="#map-pin-after" stroke="none" fill="red" width="30" height="30" x="1310" y="327"/>
An update where I'm using the OP's pin:
Since the new pin is not a square, and in order to preserve the aspect ratio, I had to recalculate the height of the pin.
<svg viewBox="1280 320 100 100" >
<symbol id="map-pin-after" viewBox="111 60 290 397">
<g id="XMLID_4245_" fill="none" stroke="#454545" stroke-width="18" stroke-mitterlimit="10">
<path d="M389.3,208.7c0-73.6-59.7-133.3-133.3-133.3c-73.6,0-133.3,59.7-133.3,133.3 c0,32.6,12.1,62,31.5,85.1l55.3,75.4l46.6,67.5l101.8-142.9C377.2,270.7,389.3,241.2,389.3,208.7z" ></path>
<path d="M311,170.9L311,170.9c-12.1-11.6-31.7-11.6-43.8,0l-10.9,10.5L245.3,171 c-12.1-11.6-31.7-11.6-43.8,0c-12.1,11.6-12.1,30.4,0,42l54.7,52.5L311,213C323.1,201.4,323.1,182.6,311,170.9z" ></path>
<g id="countries">
<path id="AF" data-name="Afghanistan" data-id="AF" class="map-pin active" d="m 1369.9,333.8 -5.4,0 -3.8,-0.5 -2.5,2.9 -2.1,0.7 -1.5,1.3 -2.6,-2.1 -1,-5.4 -1.6,-0.3 0,-2 -3.2,-1.5 -1.7,2.3 0.2,2.6 -0.6,0.9 -3.2,-0.1 -0.9,3 -2.1,-1.3 -3.3,2.1 -1.8,-0.8 -4.3,-1.4 -2.9,0 -1.6,-0.2 -2.9,-1.7 -0.3,2.3 -4.1,1.2 0.1,5.2 -2.5,2 -4,0.9 -0.4,3 -3.9,0.8 -5.9,-2.4 -0.5,8 -0.5,4.7 2.5,0.9 -1.6,3.5 2.7,5.1 1.1,4 4.3,1.1 1.1,4 -3.9,5.8 9.6,3.2 5.3,-0.9 3.3,0.8 0.9,-1.4 3.8,0.5 6.6,-2.6 -0.8,-5.4 2.3,-3.6 4,0 0.2,-1.7 4,-0.9 2.1,0.6 1.7,-1.8 -1.1,-3.8 1.5,-3.8 3,-1.6 -3,-4.2 5.1,0.2 0.9,-2.3 -0.8,-2.5 2,-2.7 -1.4,-3.2 -1.9,-2.8 2.4,-2.8 5.3,-1.3 5.8,-0.8 2.4,-1.2 2.8,-0.7 -1.4,-1.9 z" fill="#f2f2f2" stroke="black"></path>
<use xlink:href="#map-pin-after" stroke="none" fill="red" width="41" height="30" x="1305" y="327"/>

How to position my svg image to the center of browser

I generated a simple svg image and loaded it to Chrome. Meant to position it to the center of browser(even when the browser resizing), but so far have failed on this.
Have referred to some articles about viewport/viewbox setting, and some Q&As on this site(;, but haven't got it done. Maybe I missed something, since I am very new to this.
Here is the full code for this svg image:
viewBox="0 -700 1080 1920"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
id="group" >
id="path" />
r="250" />
I expect this image could stay at the center of the browser, even during browser resizing.
I think this is what you want?
The SVG will be position in the center even the browser resized and scroll
#container {
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
position: fixed;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 439.29 439.29" width="100%" height="100%">
<g id="group">
<circle cx="219.64" cy="219.64" r="219.64" style="fill: #ffb721" id="path"/>
<circle cx="219.64" cy="219.64" r="108.32" style="fill: #f71c17" id="path2"/>
Your SVG needs a little modification to center it in the ViewBox.
body {
min-height: 100vh;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.container {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
background-color: rgba(red, .3);
<div class="container">
viewBox="-540 -960 1080 1920"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
id="group" >
id="path" />
r="250" />

SVG sprite on stack don't appear on Safarii

I created SVG sprite, where icons are on stack and displayed when targeting chosen ID. It works ok, but I don't know why, icons not appear on Safari, I can't find explanation in case when you're using SVG as a background. Is any one familiar with this problem?
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="icon" class="icon" version="1.1">
svg .icon {
display: none;
svg .icon:target {
display: inline-block;
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<g id="icon-instagram" class="icon" fill="#fff">
<path fill-rule="nonzero"
d="M17.2808471,0 L6.58644706,0 C2.95468235,0 0,2.95482353 0,6.58658824 L0,17.2809882 C0,20.9128941 2.95468235,23.8675765 6.58644706,23.8675765 L17.2808471,23.8675765 C20.9128941,23.8675765 23.8675765,20.9127529 23.8675765,17.2809882 L23.8675765,6.58658824 C23.8677176,2.95482353 20.9128941,0 17.2808471,0 Z M21.7500706,17.2809882 C21.7500706,19.7452235 19.7452235,21.7499294 17.2809882,21.7499294 L6.58644706,21.7499294 C4.12235294,21.7500706 2.11764706,19.7452235 2.11764706,17.2809882 L2.11764706,6.58658824 C2.11764706,4.12249412 4.12235294,2.11764706 6.58644706,2.11764706 L17.2808471,2.11764706 C19.7450824,2.11764706 21.7499294,4.12249412 21.7499294,6.58658824 L21.7499294,17.2809882 L21.7500706,17.2809882 Z"/>
<path fill-rule="nonzero"
d="M11.9337882 5.784C8.54258824 5.784 5.78371765 8.54287059 5.78371765 11.9340706 5.78371765 15.3251294 8.54258824 18.0838588 11.9337882 18.0838588 15.3249882 18.0838588 18.0838588 15.3251294 18.0838588 11.9340706 18.0838588 8.54287059 15.3249882 5.784 11.9337882 5.784zM11.9337882 15.9660706C9.7104 15.9660706 7.90136471 14.1573176 7.90136471 11.9339294 7.90136471 9.7104 9.71025882 7.90150588 11.9337882 7.90150588 14.1573176 7.90150588 15.9662118 9.7104 15.9662118 11.9339294 15.9662118 14.1573176 14.1571765 15.9660706 11.9337882 15.9660706zM18.3417882 3.98837647C17.9337882 3.98837647 17.5329882 4.15355294 17.2448471 4.44296471 16.9552941 4.73096471 16.7888471 5.13190588 16.7888471 5.54131765 16.7888471 5.94945882 16.9554353 6.35025882 17.2448471 6.63967059 17.5328471 6.92767059 17.9337882 7.09425882 18.3417882 7.09425882 18.7512 7.09425882 19.1507294 6.92767059 19.4401412 6.63967059 19.7295529 6.35025882 19.8947294 5.94931765 19.8947294 5.54131765 19.8947294 5.13190588 19.7295529 4.73096471 19.4401412 4.44296471 19.1521412 4.15355294 18.7512 3.98837647 18.3417882 3.98837647z"/>
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<g id="icon-facebook" class="icon" fill="#fff">
<path d="M2.93630055,4.93539414 L2.93630055,8.17223941 L0.564884222,8.17223941 L0.564884222,12.1302664 L2.93630055,12.1302664 L2.93630055,23.8921306 L7.80769311,23.8921306 L7.80769311,12.1305943 L11.0766237,12.1305943 C11.0766237,12.1305943 11.3827734,10.2327507 11.5311748,8.15764524 L7.82611347,8.15764524 L7.82611347,5.45138285 C7.82611347,5.04690017 8.35724295,4.50281631 8.88219587,4.50281631 L11.5363128,4.50281631 L11.5363128,0.382285714 L7.92761676,0.382285714 C2.81588497,0.382012415 2.93630055,4.34397487 2.93630055,4.93539414 Z"/>
.icon-instagram {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
background: url("../svg/viva-sprite.svg#icon-instagram") no-repeat;
.icon-facebook {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
background: url("../svg/viva-sprite.svg#icon-facebook") no-repeat;

SVG icon change inside fill color

I have this facebook SVG icon, that I need to be able to change the circle color and the inside color (icon itself). How do I change it from transparent to white?
what I have
what I need
SVG code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<div id="facebook">
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="49.652px" height="49.652px" viewBox="0 0 49.652 49.652" style="enable-background:new 0 0 49.652 49.652;"
<path d="M24.826,0C11.137,0,0,11.137,0,24.826c0,13.688,11.137,24.826,24.826,24.826c13.688,0,24.826-11.138,24.826-24.826
C49.652,11.137,38.516,0,24.826,0z M31,25.7h-4.039c0,6.453,0,14.396,0,14.396h-5.985c0,0,0-7.866,0-14.396h-2.845v-5.088h2.845
The problem is that the <path> in the SVG is just defining the shape of the black part of your icon.
If you want to make the "f" white, there are two options.
add a white shape behind the path so that it shows through the hole.
div {
background-color: orange;
<div id="facebook">
<svg id="Capa_1"
width="49.652px" height="49.652px" viewBox="0 0 49.652 49.652">
<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20" fill="white"/>
<path d="M24.826,0C11.137,0,0,11.137,0,24.826c0,13.688,11.137,24.826,24.826,24.826c13.688,0,24.826-11.138,24.826-24.826
C49.652,11.137,38.516,0,24.826,0z M31,25.7h-4.039c0,6.453,0,14.396,0,14.396h-5.985c0,0,0-7.866,0-14.396h-2.845v-5.088h2.845
Split the path into its two parts: the outside circle, and the "f" shape. Make the "f" shape white.
div {
background-color: orange;
<div id="facebook">
<svg id="Capa_1"
width="49.652px" height="49.652px" viewBox="0 0 49.652 49.652">
<path d="M24.826,0C11.137,0,0,11.137,0,24.826c0,13.688,11.137,24.826,24.826,24.826c13.688,0,24.826-11.138,24.826-24.826 C49.652,11.137,38.516,0,24.826,0z"/>
<path d="M31,25.7h-4.039c0,6.453,0,14.396,0,14.396h-5.985c0,0,0-7.866,0-14.396h-2.845v-5.088h2.845 v-3.291c0-2.357,1.12-6.04,6.04-6.04l4.435,0.017v4.939c0,0-2.695,0-3.219,0c-0.524,0-1.269,0.262-1.269,1.386v2.99h4.56L31,25.7z" fill="white"/>
Pick which one you prefer.
Well, you can't change the color of the f in the logo, as the black is all one shape, so it's actually cut out from the circle. What you can do, is add another shape that sits behind the logo in your SVG.
I cut down the SVG code you have:
<div id="facebook">
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="49.652px" height="49.652px" viewBox="0 0 49.652 49.652" style="enable-background:new 0 0 49.652 49.652;" xml:space="preserve">
<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="20" class="circle"/>
<path d="M24.826,0C11.137,0,0,11.137,0,24.826c0,13.688,11.137,24.826,24.826,24.826c13.688,0,24.826-11.138,24.826-24.826
C49.652,11.137,38.516,0,24.826,0z M31,25.7h-4.039c0,6.453,0,14.396,0,14.396h-5.985c0,0,0-7.866,0-14.396h-2.845v-5.088h2.845
" />
#facebook {
background-color: red;
.circle {
fill: white;
Working fiddle:
The most obvious is of course to edit the SVG, another option would be to add a pseudo element matching the black circle.
This trick could be handy if one for example loads icons from a CDN or similar, where it is not possible to edit the SVG.
div {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
background-color: red;
padding: 10px;
div svg {
position: relative;
display: block;
div::before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
left: 10px;
top: 10px;
width: calc(100% - 20px);
height: calc(100% - 20px);
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: white;
<div id="facebook">
<svg id="Capa_1" width="49.652px" height="49.652px" viewBox="0 0 49.652 49.652">
<path d="M24.826,0C11.137,0,0,11.137,0,24.826c0,13.688,11.137,24.826,24.826,24.826c13.688,0,24.826-11.138,24.826-24.826
C49.652,11.137,38.516,0,24.826,0z M31,25.7h-4.039c0,6.453,0,14.396,0,14.396h-5.985c0,0,0-7.866,0-14.396h-2.845v-5.088h2.845
The best way I found so far is to use the CSS clip-path property. It works with any transparent image.
img {
background: #ff1234;
clip-path: circle(50% at 50% 50%);
<img src="" width="150" height="150" />
More info about clipping and masking at
