Prevent wordpress from changing permalinks after we edit the post - wordpress

I have a post published in may,2017. The link of the blog will be like ”“. Now I edited the blog in June,2017 and published it. Now the link changed to “”. The problem is the old links that I have given is no more working. How can we prevent wordpress from changing the url? Or how can we make the old url work even after edit?

If you want to keep the updated link, you can create a 301 redirect for the old one. This will mean that any users going to the previous link will be directed to the new one.
If you are able to edit the .htaccess file, add the following to line to it with the correct domain and path:
Redirect 301 /2017/05/sample-post/
Alternatively, if you do not have access to the .htaccess file, you could install a WordPress plugin that allows you to create 301 redirects.
I hope that helps.

Either way , the permalinks are global, so it may not contain keeping the old values.
You can do that via any redirect URLs Plugin.
This will help you to redirect all the new posts to old dates as well.

I solved the issue.
function _on_wp_post_request( $request ) {
if ( isset( $request['name'], $request['year'], $request['monthnum']) ) {
unset( $request['year'], $request['monthnum'] );
return $request;
This will unset the year and month from the url.


Wordpress automatically created a redirect that I need removed

I made an edit to a page on a Wordpress site that included changing its parent. Unfortunately I was not paying attention and this move somehow changed the permalink/slug which I saved before noticing. In addition Wordpress automatically created a 301 redirect to go from the original URL to this new URL. I went back in and changed the permalink/slug back to the original but that redirect still stands so it stills sends the page to the new url it created rather than keeping it to updated option (updated meaning me typing in the original slug).
I am looking for a way to remove the 301 redirect, but do not know where to start.
The original URL:
The newly generated URL:
I also tried simply creating a brand new page using the original slug/permalink /rev11 but it gets changed to /rev11-2 so it seems like it it must remember the /rev11 somewhere.
I am hoping there is a way to do this through the WP Dashboard and am open to suggestions. This site does have the Redirection plugin installed but I've checked through the lists and this redirect was not created or listed in it. I also tried to add a redirect to do the opposite (redirect from the new URL to old) but of course it just created a loop that timed out.
EDIT 1.2: You probably have a problem with your old permalinks not getting flushed properly. But do not worry the great people at Wordpress got a function for that called flush_rewrite_rules();
Remove rewrite rules and then recreate rewrite rules. This function is
useful when used with custom post types as it allows for automatic
flushing of the WordPress rewrite rules (usually needs to be done
manually for new custom post types). However, this is an expensive
operation so it should only be used when necessary.
Source #
Add the following to the top of your function.php:
* Removes a function from a specified filter hook.
* More about flush_rewrite_rules(); #
* Remove rewrite rules and then recreate rewrite rules.
* More about remove_filter(); #
remove_filter( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical' ); ?>

altering the htaccess file of my WordPress

I need help altering the htaccess file of my WordPress site to all me to add new variables to the end of every url.
Like i want to add /es/ to the end of my WordPress URLs
Please guide they way i can do it
i tried
custom paramlink like below but it did not worked
As was pointed out in the comments, you cannot accomplish this with .htaccess.
It looks like what you want to do is add an endpoint to your posts:
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'es', EP_PERMALINK | EP_PAGES );
The above code will add the es endpoint to your posts and pages. Make sure you flush your rewrite rules (by visiting the permalinks settings page) after adding that line, otherwise it won't have any affect.
You could then check if the endpoint is in use like this:
global $wp_query;
if(isset( $wp_query->query_vars['es'] )) {
If your end goal is to localize your site, I recommend you using something like WPML instead.

301 Redirect only Posts not Pages

I am looking to redirect all the posts and not pages and custom post types from old domain to new domain. So all posts for instance should go to should go to
The pages i.e. should still be functional
I can find alot of answers on moving blog into sub directory along with moving all the links but not for moving just the posts and not the pages
There are over 1000 posts so I am looking for a dynamic way of doing this
Thank you for your help
The hack I finally end up using was
Add ob_start to single.php as first line even before get_header()
Add following code in functions.php
change with your site domain name
function redirectme() {
if ('post' === get_post_type()){
wp_redirect( '' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , 301 ); exit;
I don´t think this is possible with this URL schema. .htaccess (or the Apache behind it) doesn´t know if post1 is a post or page. How shall it then redirect on this base?
If you would change the URL structure for pages alone (I don´t think this is possible by default, or am I wrong?) you could target their URL scheme and redirect.
To access the old pages (with the new URL) you could then use a "broken link checker" plugin.
Update: You could possibly use the hook described here to check wether the called post is a post or page and then use wp_redirect to call your new URL.

wordpress profile builder not redirecting properly after registration

I am using "profile builder pro" plugin of wordpress in wordpress website and it works well except for "redirection after successfull registration" as it is redirecting to the same page.
here is a live link of it
Login redirection and register redirection i have set from backend and it is working for login but not for registration.
Any help will be pretty much accepted.
I dont have the pro version but had the same problem, i fixed it by hardcoding the redirect link.
Go to the page "wp-content/plugins/profile-builder/front-end/wppb.register.php"
Move to line 1026 and add the following:
$redirectLink = '';
Just simply overwrite the redirectLink before it go's and redirect.
Hope it helps
Please don't edit plugin files directly! Really bad practice.
You can solve this in a couple of ways, one way is to check if logged in and on a specific page then redirect to another page. There are nicer ways then hardcoding the urls and id, but this is better then editing plugin files directly.
Put this in your functions.php, change url and id to the one you need:
function isLoginPage() {
global $post;
return is_object($post) && (int) $post->ID === 1;
add_action('wp', 'redirectFromLoginpage');
function redirectFromLoginpage() {
if (isLoginPage()) {
global $wppb_login;
if (is_user_logged_in() || isset($wppb_login->ID)) { // Already logged in
wp_redirect(site_url() . '/redirect-to-this-url/');

How do I prevent Wordpress from stripping the "at" sign (#) from the URL query string?

I am trying to pass an email address to a wordpress page like so:
However, Wordpress turns it into this:
I even try URL encoding it like so:
But Wordpress is too smart and still removes the %40.
I understand that # is a reserved character, but I should be able to still use the URL encoded version. Alas, Wordpress does not want it to be so.
How can I force Wordpress to respect the # sign? I'm guessing I'll either have to hack the internals, or do some mod_rewrite magic.
First, add this to your theme's functions.php file (or make a custom plugin to do it):
add_filter('query_vars', 'parameter_queryvars' );
function parameter_queryvars( $qvars )
$qvars[] = 'email';
return $qvars;
Next, try passing ? in the URL and then converting it back with something like this:
global $wp_query;
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['email']))
$getemail = str_replace( '-AT-', '#', $wp_query->query_vars['email']);
// now use $getemail
This would only not work in the very rare occurrence of an email that actually has "-at-" in it. You could replace for an even more obscure string like '-AT6574892654738-' if you are concerned about this.
Whatever your final solution, don't hack the core to get it to work. :)
I was having a similar problem and I was able to isolate the issue to an SEO plugin. I'm sure the plugin added a filter to the functions.php but as the plugin wasn't being used uninstalling the plugin also resolved the issue.
I also had this problem, but it wasn't caused by a plugin. It was a result of the 301 redirect that WordPress does with regard to your Site URL having, or not having, a www. in it.
If my Site URL was defined as, then this would work as expected:
If the user came to the site as: (NOTE: no www), then WordPress would redirect to this: (NOTE: the stripped # symbol)
My solution was to hard code the www redirect in the htaccess file, so WordPress would never have the opportunity to mess with my URL. This page gives example htaccess lines to redirect non www to www and vice versa:
I was having a similar problem today when trying to pass Mailchimp data through to a Gravity Form in Wordpress. I found a solution. The original question stated that Wordpress was also stripping %40, but it didn't for me in this instance.
1) In Mailchimp create a new Merge tag. I called mine 'Email Param' and * |EMAIL2| *
2) Export your list of subscribers
3) Copy the normal 'email' column content into the new 'Email Param' column.
4) Do a Find and Replace for all # symbols to %40
5) Import your list and tick the box that Auto-updates that list
6) Update your URL to include the new parameter
* |EMAIL2| *
That worked for me.
