301 Redirect only Posts not Pages - wordpress

I am looking to redirect all the posts and not pages and custom post types from old domain to new domain. So all posts for instance
http://www.example.com/post1 should go to http://example1.com/post1
http://www.example.com/post1 should go to http://example1.com/post1
The pages i.e. http://www.example.com/page1 should still be functional
I can find alot of answers on moving blog into sub directory along with moving all the links but not for moving just the posts and not the pages
There are over 1000 posts so I am looking for a dynamic way of doing this
Thank you for your help

The hack I finally end up using was
Add ob_start to single.php as first line even before get_header()
Add following code in functions.php
change example.com with your site domain name
function redirectme() {
if ('post' === get_post_type()){
wp_redirect( 'http://example.com' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , 301 ); exit;

I don´t think this is possible with this URL schema. .htaccess (or the Apache behind it) doesn´t know if post1 is a post or page. How shall it then redirect on this base?
If you would change the URL structure for pages alone (I don´t think this is possible by default, or am I wrong?) you could target their URL scheme and redirect.
To access the old pages (with the new URL) you could then use a "broken link checker" plugin.
Update: You could possibly use the hook described here to check wether the called post is a post or page and then use wp_redirect to call your new URL.


Prevent wordpress from changing permalinks after we edit the post

I have a post published in may,2017. The link of the blog will be like ” https://Mysitename.com/2017/05/sample-post/“. Now I edited the blog in June,2017 and published it. Now the link changed to “https://Mysitename.com/2017/06/sample-post/”. The problem is the old links that I have given is no more working. How can we prevent wordpress from changing the url? Or how can we make the old url work even after edit?
If you want to keep the updated link, you can create a 301 redirect for the old one. This will mean that any users going to the previous link will be directed to the new one.
If you are able to edit the .htaccess file, add the following to line to it with the correct domain and path:
Redirect 301 /2017/05/sample-post/ https://mysitename.com/2017/06/sample-post/
Alternatively, if you do not have access to the .htaccess file, you could install a WordPress plugin that allows you to create 301 redirects.
I hope that helps.
Either way , the permalinks are global, so it may not contain keeping the old values.
You can do that via any redirect URLs Plugin.
This will help you to redirect all the new posts to old dates as well.
I solved the issue.
function _on_wp_post_request( $request ) {
if ( isset( $request['name'], $request['year'], $request['monthnum']) ) {
unset( $request['year'], $request['monthnum'] );
return $request;
This will unset the year and month from the url.

Want to redirect a Wordpress URL to a specific page template and pass name of post

I've got a Wordpress site set up with a custom post type and custom taxonomy and custom URLs. However when I go to:
It 404s. I've tried everything and just want to create a redirect that grabs the postname and passes it to single-custom-taxonomy.php without changing the URL.
Some sort of redirect with a regex like /custom-post-type/(.*)/(.*)/(.*) and pass the third match to single-custom-taxonomy.php as a variable so it can get the post page.
How do I do this?
Figured it out:
function custom_rewrite_basic() {
add_rewrite_rule('^knowledge-center/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)', 'index.php?pagename=post_type=questions&questions=$matches[3]', 'top');
add_action('init', 'custom_rewrite_basic');

Creating personalized URLs (PURLs) in Wordpress

I need to create a site that will allow for a unique user-identifying number to go in be appended to the URL.
So for instance
will load the page with slug 'about' (not redirect to it).
I have tried the following:
function custom_rewrite_basic() {
add_rewrite_rule('^([0-9]+)/', '/$matches[1]', 'bottom');
add_action('init', 'custom_rewrite_basic');
But it does not work, any prefix to the URL redirects the page with or without the block of code above.
So in my tests
test.com/23423423/about will re-direct to test.com/about which is not what I want.
Is what I am trying to achieve possible? If so, could anyone offer advice as to how I would best go about implementing it?

wordpress auto generate pages from sub url of page

Hoping someone can help. I don't want to create actual pages in the backend of wordpress but i want to know how i can make it so if anyone goes to a url: mydomain.com/page/sub-url.
Then i can grab that "sub-url" and output a page with content i generate via php.
If i grab that "sub-url" and i don't want to output i can do a 404 error.
I want to try to stay away from editing the htaccess file is possible but if i need to i can.
Everytime i try search for this, i get result for creating actual pages in the backend automatically which i don't want.
I think what you're looking for is a custom rewrite endpoint, which you call 'page'. Then on yourdomain.com/page/sub-url, 'page' is the parameter and 'sub-url' is the value. You can get that value with the function get_query_var().
After applying, be sure to go to your Wordpress admin->Settings->Permalinks, and click save to flush the current rewrite rules.
Use this code to show a 404 page
global $wp_query;
status_header( 404 );
get_template_part( 404 );

Custom Plugin for wordpress with hierarchy of SEF pages

Here's my issue. My company needs a vendor database added to our wordpress website. None of the existing plugins will even come close to what we need, and we already have a mysql database with all of our information, so we need to create a plugin or something to do what we need.
These urls need to be direct-accessible and have SEF urls. So, for example:
And, the custom content needs to appear inside the wordpress template.
There are really 2 options:
1) Find a way to write our application outside of wordpress, but find a way to bootstrap wordpress to show the header, footer, and sidebar.
2) Run the app from inside wordpress.
So I went for option #2. I created a new template file named "vendor.php", and began working. I added this code to my functions.php of my theme:
add_filter( 'template_include', 'xyz_template_check' );
function xyz_template_check() {
global $template;
$rqst = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$ra = split("/", $rqst);
if ($ra[1] == "vendors") {
$template_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/vendors.php';
return $template_file;
return $template;
So what the above code does, if it sees the word "vendors" as the first part of the url after the site name, it sends you to vendor.php. This works PERFECTLY....
Wordpress believes that the page is not found. It returns a 404 header, and NOT FOUND into the page title and breadcrumb.
Adding a PAGE called "Vendor Database" with the permalink "/vendors/" fixes the main page. But there will be literally hundreds of vendors and different categories. I cant be creating a custom page for each one. This needs to be dynamic.
So, how do I make wordpress give a 200, and supply an acceptable page title, breadcrumb, etc.
Don't even get me started on the danged wp_title filter. This did NOT work as documented. Although, it just occurred to me that this might be an issue with Wordpress SEO (the wp_title filter issue).
Anyone got an idea on this?
Ok got this. The solution was to use the rewrite api, as mentioned above, to look for the pattern /vendors/, letting it know that it was a valid URL. Coupled with my existing template override, this is what I needed.
