UWP - Google Analytics - change trackingid at run time - google-analytics

I have and APP. Many customers use this APP.
I'd like to have an Google Trackingid for any Costumer.
Now i'd write my tracking id into my Analytics.xml
I use
When in my code write
GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SetCustomDimension(1, "Title")
GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SetCustomDimension(2, "ID")
I can't change TrackingId ...is possible to do this ?

So, i had to change SDK
Now i use UWP.SDKforGoogleAnalytics.managed and i had wrote these rows
Dim _TrakerId As String = "UA-XXXX0-0"
Dim MyTraker As GoogleAnalytics.Tracker = GoogleAnalytics.AnalyticsManager.Current.CreateTracker(_TrakerId)
MyTraker.ScreenName = "Images"
Dim Hit = GoogleAnalytics.HitBuilder.CreateScreenView.Build
All work good... BUT... now i'd like to use Custom dimensions.
Can anyone hel me ??


Using API to create a Google Calendar event and conference accessible without Asking to join

I am able to create a google calendar with conference using the following code:
Event event = new Event()
ConferenceSolutionKey conferenceSolutionKey = new ConferenceSolutionKey().setType("hangoutsMeet");
CreateConferenceRequest createRequest = new CreateConferenceRequest().setRequestId("xxsdswwadx")
ConferenceData conferenceData = new ConferenceData().setCreateRequest(createRequest);
DateTime startDateTime = convertDate(calevent.getStartDateTime());
EventDateTime start = new EventDateTime()
DateTime endDateTime = convertDate(calevent.getEndDateTime());
EventDateTime end = new EventDateTime()
But this does not allow invitees to join without waiting for moderator to accept them. On google calendar, there's a settings for conferences called 'Quick Access' that when turned off, allows anyone to join without having to be approved.
Can this be set when creating the conference?
I don't think you can manage these settings via Calendar API. None of its resources include any field related to this.
Feature request:
I couldn't find any related feature request in Issue Tracker.
Therefore, if you're interested in this, I'd suggest you to request this feature using the corresponding Issue Tracker template.

How to use FQL(Facebook Query Language) with asp.net?

I need to use FQL to get user's current Facebook Chat status. Its not supported by Facebook Graph API.
"online_presence" parameter returns the user's Facebook Chat status as i studied on http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/user
But i didn't find anything helpful which describe how i can use FQL in asp.net.
Can anyone show me an example how i can use FQL?
Hi you can use this sdk : http://facebooksdk.net/docs/web/getting-started/.
For use fql you need to do :
var client = new FacebookClient(THE_ACCESS_TOKEN);
dynamic me = client.Get("fql", new { q = "select online_presence from user where uid=me()"});
I let you parse the result and find how get the access token.

How to get all users from aweber list in asp.net?

I am developing web application (using VS2010 and asp.net,c#) that gets all aweber users list. I am using following code to achieve it.
i am using this useful document. as per this document i did following things..
created account in aweber labs https://labs.aweber.com/
created "test" app
Use the "consumerKey" and "consumerSecret" code which is given by aweber team.
used following code
String consumerKey = "Afdgdfgdgfgdfll";
String consumerSecret = "zDKexfgdfgdfQqlKh5KD";
API api = new API(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
api.CallbackUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Authorize.aspx";
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("oauth_token", api.OAuthToken);
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("oauth_token_secret", api.OAuthTokenSecret);
i am getting null value "OAuthToken". If any solution then let me guide.
Thanks in advance. !!
Check out http://aweber.codeplex.com/
This will save you a lot of work.

Getting Google Calendar event by id with Python and gdata library

How could I get an event from a specific Google Calendar using gdata library and knowing the event id? I can't see an example like that in the documentation.
I know I can (and should) use v3 API and python-api-client, but I want to add and modify events in all the users's calendars from a Google Apps domain, without user's intervention. Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance, and best regards
from gdata.calendar.client import *
from gdata.calendar import *
gdclient = gdata.calendar.client.CalendarClient(source = 'testing')
gdclient.ClientLogin(ADMIN_USER_LOGIN, ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD, gdclient.source)
feed_uri = gdclient.get_calendar_event_feed_uri(calendar = THE_USER_EMAIL)
event_uri = feed_uri + '/' + THE_EVENT_ID
calendar_entry = gdclient.get_calendar_entry(event_uri, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEventEntry))
One thing I've realized is there's no way to change the event's color (or, at least, I've not found it). This is possible with Google Calendar API v3.

ASP shopping cart

Hello based on the example at http://www.15seconds.com/issue/010411.htm i will like to create an ASP shop but i would like to rewrite the connection to db as i don't have a dedicated server .
Instead of
Sub SubGetDSNCreateConn
strBasketDSN = Application("strBaskDSN")
set BaskConn = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
BaskConn.ConnectionString = strBasketDSN
End Sub
set SavedBaskConn = server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection")
SavedBaskConn.ConnectionString = Application("strBaskDSN")
i would like to use something like:
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open strsql, conn
and i can't make it work .. does anybody could point me in the right direction or give me a better tutorial how to create a classic ASP shopping cart that could hold a big traffic?
Thank you
can i ask why you don't just change the settings in:
strBasketDSN = Application("strBaskDSN")
to match your requirement, rather than changing the code entirely?? I would be tempted to examine the contents of Application("strBaskDSN") and just change those to match your own database.
If i'm missing something obvious, then let me know.
