How to get all users from aweber list in -

I am developing web application (using VS2010 and,c#) that gets all aweber users list. I am using following code to achieve it.
i am using this useful document. as per this document i did following things..
created account in aweber labs
created "test" app
Use the "consumerKey" and "consumerSecret" code which is given by aweber team.
used following code
String consumerKey = "Afdgdfgdgfgdfll";
String consumerSecret = "zDKexfgdfgdfQqlKh5KD";
API api = new API(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
api.CallbackUrl = "http://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port + "/Authorize.aspx";
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("oauth_token", api.OAuthToken);
HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("oauth_token_secret", api.OAuthTokenSecret);
i am getting null value "OAuthToken". If any solution then let me guide.
Thanks in advance. !!

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How can access to WebAppUser in Telegram web app

I created a Web App with Telegram and ReactJS, after that I enabled web app debug mod to see inspect options.
The only way I can get user information is:
var search = Telegram.WebApp.initData
var converted = JSON.parse('{"' + search.replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}', function(key, value) { return key===""?value:decodeURIComponent(value) })
Based on:
But all the options the document calls are not there and there is another API which I need it is WebAppUser document, and again I can not access it.
My question is how can I be able to access it?
I see this JS file that Telegram says to add in our HTML, but I could not find the WebAppUser into it.
<script src=""></script>
Short Video and demo:
Thank you in advance.

Verification of Payment api of Payu is not working

I am trying to integrate PayU in my website, I have successfully done the payment api part. Now I am trying to call verification api of transaction. I have followed all the steps from documentation.
Method POST:
I am getting, Sorry Some Problem Occurred without any proper error message.
I am stuck on this. Please help.
Any help or comment will be highly appreciated.
My code: Function to make string(in expected format given in the documentation) and Hash using SHA256
{ string command = "verify_payment";
string finalStringToBeHashed = PAYU_KEY +"|"+ command + "|" + transactionId + "|" + PAYU_SALT;
string hash = _iPayUServices.GetSHA256(finalStringToBeHashed);
return Ok(( hash, finalStringToBeHashed));
and I am confident that my GetSHA256() function is correct. (As it working for payment api's).
Instead of URL,
Actually They are upgrading their documentation, so many things are missing as of now. Hopefully, they will add this soon.

UWP - Google Analytics - change trackingid at run time

I have and APP. Many customers use this APP.
I'd like to have an Google Trackingid for any Costumer.
Now i'd write my tracking id into my Analytics.xml
I use
When in my code write
GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SetCustomDimension(1, "Title")
GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SetCustomDimension(2, "ID")
I can't change TrackingId possible to do this ?
So, i had to change SDK
Now i use UWP.SDKforGoogleAnalytics.managed and i had wrote these rows
Dim _TrakerId As String = "UA-XXXX0-0"
Dim MyTraker As GoogleAnalytics.Tracker = GoogleAnalytics.AnalyticsManager.Current.CreateTracker(_TrakerId)
MyTraker.ScreenName = "Images"
Dim Hit = GoogleAnalytics.HitBuilder.CreateScreenView.Build
All work good... BUT... now i'd like to use Custom dimensions.
Can anyone hel me ??

how do i ger the Autorization code from linkedin API

how do i get the Authentication code, i am using below link to get this
"" + apiKey + "&redirect_uri=" + REDIRECT_URL + "&state=" + STATE + "&scope=w_share";
but it keep asking me to click on Allow button, is there any way i can automate this programatically.
Thank you.
You can't do it.
If you could do it automatically without user interaction, it would mean that your application can manipulate the user's data freely without getting approval from the user.

Spring Social Twitter Authenticaion in

I'm designing a website using forms
I would like this website to view tweets for a from a twitter account timeline using spring social twitter API
the problem is when I i run the web page it show this error
The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API
I'm sure that I have the latest version of the library as it works fine with there console application sample code but they neither provide a sample for AS.NET forms nor a proper documentation
I'm really lost and I can't figure how to use it
anyway here's my code and I would really appreciate any help
string consumerKey = //my kry;
string consumerKeySecret = //my key secret;
string accessToken = //my token;
string accessTokenSecret = //my token secret;
ITwitter twitter = new TwitterTemplate(consumerKey, consumerKeySecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret);
IList<Tweet> tweets = twitter.TimelineOperations.GetUserTimeline();
foreach (var tweet in tweets)
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + "\n" + tweet;
The API you are using seems to be deprecated.
I am personally used Tweetinvi for lots of developments related with Twitter and lots of features are already implemented.
Also it is compatible with Twitter 1.1.
Here is how to get the timeline of the connected user:
var user = User.GetLoggedUser();
var timeline = user.GetUserTimeline();
