How global is global variables in lotusscript IBM Notes 9 - global-variables

In Lotusscript' form (IBM Notes 9) I added global variables and it is working as expected when used in click event on buttons in the form.
But when I added a computed-text element, it can't seem to read the global variable of the form. Which means I cannot use these global variables to configure the computed-text's value and Hide-when properties.
This technique is supposed to simulate the ErrorMsg control in xpage,
but I can't get this to use the form's global variable,
I'm thinking of adding a global form which will contain global variables much like the sessionScope in xpage instead.
Or is there a better solution?
Here's the form's global declaration:

Global variables are only accessible within form's LotusScript code.
Computed text fields use formula language and don't have access to LotusScript's global variables.
Use document fields (items) instead. Those can be accessed by LotusScript code and formula code.


What is the name rule of's key?

chainer's document is very good, but I found every page in the document, I didn't found what is name rule of chainer report, How should I control the report name, and log it?
For example, the follow code:
['iteration', 'epoch', 'elapsed_time', 'lr',
]), trigger=print_interval)
Notice that main/loss and validation/main/all, why is there a main before /loss, How should I control to report loss? Also notice the validation/main/all.same question.
The prefix main is the name of the optimizer (and its target link) used in the updater you are using; StandardUpdater and other built-in updaters use the name main as the default name of the optimizer. If you are using one of the built-in updaters as is, this is always main unless you specify a special name. If you are using a customized updater that uses multiple optimizers, the custom updater assigns names to individual optimizers, which will be used as the prefix of items reported inside of the target link of the optimizer.
The prefix validation is the name of Evaluator extension. When you register an Evaluator with trainer.extend(), you can optionally pass name argument to override this prefix. For example, if you want to use multiple Evaluator objects each of which measures different things, you have to pass different names, which will be used as the prefix in the reported values.
As of the current version (v2.0.2), the naming rule of typical reported values are summarized in the document of

Meteor: Call template helper from other template

I have two templates and I've defined JavaScript helpers and events to go with each. When a button is clicked in template A, one of the things I want to do is call a helper function for template B which will change what's displayed on the screen. Is this possible?
If it's not possible, I'd instead like to reload template B.
How can I do either of these? Do I use Tracker.autorun? Reactive variables? Ideally I would do, inside an event function for template A,"helperFunctionFromTemplateB");
There are a lot of solutions to what I think you want to achieve, but the answer really depends on context.
If template A is a child template of B:
You can pass a reference to a ReactiveVar in the parent template down to the child template's data context and modify it using {{>childTemplate reactiveVar=reactiveVar}} where reactiveVar is a helper in the parent template that returns the reference to the reactive variable
If the thing you want to change is in the parent's data context, you can use Template.parentData(n) where nis the amount of levels you want to jump up. While modifying the parent's data may not immediately seem reactive, you can make the data prop reactive by accessing it via Template.currentData()
Use some kind of globally accessible state. The most common answer would probably be to use the Session package and use Session.get('var') and Session.set('var', val).
Use an event emitter. This approach gets +'s for decoupling and reusability, but it's also potentially heavy handed if you only need to modify this variable in one place from one source (i.e. your requirements are simple)
Meteor 1.3 - If you want to make references to your reactive data in multiple places but don't want to create a global like Session, use a ReactiveVar or Reactive Dict (closer to session), create your variable where it makes sense, export it, and import it in your templates/anywhere else to be used.
There's a lot of other solutions, these are just the first that come to mind. If you provide more specific context, I'll provide a code sample of what I think's best and explain why. :)

Asp.NET MVC Model Binding Not Picking Up A Value for List Item

I've got an object with a list defined inside it which points to a type that can be inherited. From what I understand MVC's default model binder will always instance the base type when reading data back in to this array from a form so by default I will have a list of base types.
So I need to use my own model binder and override CreateModel to instance a specific type (say from a hidden field). However when I do this and use
it always returns null even though through using fiddler I can see that form value Settings[0].ModelType contains my objects type and I need this value in CreateModel to instance the correct type.
Solved it. If your array objects need to be typed based on each item you need to use the following call to get "into" the array item
bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName + ".ModelType")
I'm not sure if this is the standard way to do it. If anyone has any better suggestions feel free to add them

drupal-----views(how to know the fields name)

how to know the field variable name when output by views. eg:now, i want to overwrite a field's output, the name which i added is field_hello. but i don't know what's the variable name of it? namely how to print the variable in views-view-field--field_hello.tpl.php
In the Views UI, under "Basic settings", you can click "Theme: Information" to get a list of what template files are currently being used and what file names can be used. You'll find all the default templates within your views/theme/ directory. If you copy one of those to create your custom template, e.g. views-view-field.tpl.php, you'll see they're heavily documented with all the variable names available. For field templates, you have $view, $field, $row, and $output. Depending on whether you want the pre-processed value or the processed value, you probably want $field or $output.
Using Theme Developer (formerly part of Devel), you can inspect a page and see what variables get passed to it and use them in your own templates.
If you talk about using a variable inside a views field: this is not possible due to security issues. Depending on the fields, there are some variables available and Vies tells you which one but you don't have easy access to ALL the variables that your template is able to process.
The simplest solution is to look inside the views module directory, views/theme/ all of these templates are the default view display and contain code that prints the varibles, arrays etc that your view will generate.

Howto use the has_filter wordpress function with an object based callback

I have several plugins, all of which are based on using objects to hold the plugin.
In one plugin class named "test_plugin" I have:
apply_filter('wp_list_pages', array(&$this, 'wp_list_pages'));
I would like to use the has_filter function in one plugin to try to detect the presence of the other plugin.
I cant find any examples of the has_filter function being used with an object based callback.
I have tried:
has_filter('wp_list_pages', array('test_plugin', 'wp_list_pages'));
But this only returns false. I have written some debugging output to display the contents of the $wp_filters global variable and the callback is definitely registered in the $wp_filters array.
Take a look at the _wp_filter_build_unique_id function defined at the bottom of wp-includes/plugin.php. That's where the array key for $wp_filters is generated. It looks like it does something like this for your case:
$obj_idx = get_class($this).'wp_list_pages';
and then appends an integer to the end of that to make sure it's unique. That integer is also added to a field called wp_filter_id on your object.
