I have a chart displayed in Kibana timelion and I want to add vertical line
For horizontal lines it can be used .value(200) or .static(200) - is there any possibility to add vertical one?
I did this on 5.6.2. It's kind of hack way.
.es(q='date:[2017-12-01 TO 2017-12-02]', metric='min:Some_Test_Rate',
timefield='date').add(10).bars(2).color(red).label('Specific Date'),
I have weekly data, so, I put the range like 2017-12-01 TO 2017-12-02. It just pick one date. (every Friday)
And display any data. Adjust with add(10) to make it looks better. (You can use max as well)
The others: .bars(2).color(red).label('Specific Date'), would be easy to understand.
I'm using resourceDayGrid for recreation functionality of grid previously used:
previous grid.
In resourceDayGrid - day headers are displayed under resources (as columns):
current resourceDayGrid
Is there any property/configuration changing day header display position to vertical (rows)?
No there isn't.
The closest you could get to your original grid is the timeline view which splits the dates/times and the resources onto separate axes, but it's always arranged so that resources are on the Y axis and times/dates on the X axis - i.e. the reverse of your previous arrangement. But the effect is similar.
There is a demo here showing the day/week/month versions of the timeline so you can get a idea how it looks. There are some things you can configure, but flipping the axes isn't one of them unfortunately.
You could check if anyone has requested this feature in fullCalendar, and vote for it, or request it yourself - see here for details.
I have the following graph in Power BI:
and I'm trying to recreate the below graph from Excel (note the X axis with the months February and January, with the Operation Text:
As you can see, my attempt only displays the Operation Text rather than the month and Operation Text).
Here is what my current axis looks like:
Changing the axis to have Actual Start Date on top, rather than the Operation Text:
Makes my graph look like this:
Is it possible to achieve the same outcome as in Excel, with the values in my graph showing the two months side by side, for each operation text? If so, how can I do this?
I've tried looking into the X axis 'format' settings and wasn't able to see anything obvious to help achieve this. In addition, unfortunately the graph I'm looking to recreate is only a screenshot so I am unable to see how it achieves that outcome.
As suggested, I attempted to place Operation Text into the Legend field in my Visualisations section but I am unable to, due to the fact that I have two Value fields (the two columns Actual Hours and Estimated Hours).
#CR7SMS is correct. You just need to expand down to the next level using that split arrow in the upper right of the visual so that this:
Becomes this:
Note that to get the axis to look like this, you'll need to sort on month rather than one of the measures.
You'll also want to turn off 'Concatenate labels' toggle in the 'Format > X axis' section of the visual settings.
You would have to drill down one level, using the arrows seen at the top right of your first screenshot. For your specific purposes, the split arrow should do the trick. Hope this helps.
Have you tried moving your date or operation text column in legend section ?..not 100% but something close to your requirement you can achieve
I'm attempting to try and increase the vertical spacing between multiple x-axes using JFreeChart. Currently, my charts look like this:
Current chart
However, I need to produce something like the following so that the x-axes are more clearly defined (note that the vertical spacing between the x-axes is larger than in the first image):
Desired chart
Does any one have any idea on how to do this? I've been searching the JFreeChart API for > 2 days now and can't find anything that directly addresses the issue other than attempting to use org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisSpace in some way.
Many thanks for any help!
One approach would be to customise the axis label insets (that is, increase the space below each axis label).
I have a real-time line chart. For that I use TimeSeries. Now I get new values every second. But I don’t want to get a x-axis line every second. I like to get one every ten seconds.
So maybe, first it would be important to know where the x-axis lines were painted. Is it xymultipleseriesdataset.addSereies(timeSeries)? So maybe I can create a loop that add every 10 second a new title for the x-Axis... or am I totally wrong?
If I am right, you are asking for a way to control which labels are shown on the x-axis.
To do that, you may use the XYMultipleSeriesRenderer.addXTextLabel(timeInMillis, "requiredlabel").
This will cause the automatic generation of labels to stop and you can then have complete control on which labels are shown and which are not.
Seems like I was wrong about automatic generation of labels stopping.
Use the method XYMultipleSeriesRenderer.setXLabels(0) to stop the generation of labels. This method is used to set how many labels should be generated for the x axis. Passing 0 should stop automatic labels to stop altogether.
I have multiple line charts in Flex Charting (3.x). The charts (and number of charts) are being dynamically generated, and are either of "type A" or "type B." The type of data on the Y-axis is different for type A then it is for type B. The x-axis is time.
Each chart is placed in its own VBox (with a few other things) that make up a larger canvas of the Type A or Type B. This VBox is given an absolute X position.
It is very high priority that the different charts line up, so that comparisons (in time) can be made.
What ends up happening is that the vertical axis for some charts takes up more width then others, so the charts are no longer aligned in time.
I have tried playing the VerticalAxisRenderers/AxisRenderer width, but that had no effect.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can try to set the same gutter left for the both charts. That might help. I had a similar issues, but haven't figured a better answer yet.
I am doing the same thing. If you can use the same HorizontalAxis using a DateTime axis it works great.. you just need to parse the data into an appropriate dateTime.
But, if like me, you need to chart the Time and a parsing the Time values into datetime then provides gaps in data... so far, I have not found an answer, because I am using a Horizontal Axis - Category Axis, but I will try switching that to a Numeric Axis and let you know what I come up with. if anything...
You need to make sure the component uses the same width, height, padding and gutter settings.
For the gutter, which solves what you described, you can find the right info and sample code here: