Spacing Between Multiple X-Axes in JFreeChart - graph

I'm attempting to try and increase the vertical spacing between multiple x-axes using JFreeChart. Currently, my charts look like this:
Current chart
However, I need to produce something like the following so that the x-axes are more clearly defined (note that the vertical spacing between the x-axes is larger than in the first image):
Desired chart
Does any one have any idea on how to do this? I've been searching the JFreeChart API for > 2 days now and can't find anything that directly addresses the issue other than attempting to use org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisSpace in some way.
Many thanks for any help!

One approach would be to customise the axis label insets (that is, increase the space below each axis label).


Tableau - Plotting multiple lines in one graph

I'm trying to plotting multiple lines in one single graph. I've combined two of them using dual axis, but I don't know how should I add another.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Since you have mentioned that you want to show multiple measures in one viz it means that one axis is sufficient for all these measures. Therefore, Instead of creating dual axis chart, do it like this-
Step-1 Build line chart with one measure.
Step-2 Drop another measure on the axis directly instead of rows/column shelf where you'll see a double bar icon like the screenshot.
step-3 Drop additional mesaures either in similar ways or onto measure values pane created automatically. See a demonstration screenshot below on sample superstore

Trying to make a paneled spaghetti chart with highlighted line

I'm trying to make a graph like the one found here at the very bottom:
unfortunately I have a character variable instead of a numeric one for the x axis (I have four years by months), and I don't get the grey lines as in that graph per panel. Does anyone know how else to obtain that graph?
It's hard to say without more details/an example, but it seems like you should be able to do this using the gghiglight package. There's a facetted example half way down this page.

Plotly Multi Column Horizontal Legend

I am trying to create horizontal bar chart in in R using the plotly package. Due to the length of the legend items I would like for them to show horizontally at the top or bottom of the visual in 2 columns. Is it possible to dictate the number of columns for the legend?
I've been able to place the legend below the x axis successfully using Layout(legend = list(orientation='h')) however regardless of where I put the legend (using the x and y arguments) it is always just one long list. I've seen a github project for creating a multi column legend in js but not r.
This is not possible in a normal way. I think it has its own logic that determines how many place there it is and how many columns it will display then.
So I guess if you make your plot width smaller you could reach the goal that it will just display 2 column.
Also you can try to play around with the margin attribute ( by setting r and l to 10 e.g.
An other idea could be to make the font-size in legend ( bigger, so that it just uses two columns. Hope it helps.
I read the same github page and I thought that it is not possible, but seems to be! I only checked in Python, but I hope this will help in your endeavors in R as well as everyone in Python looking for information. Sadly, there is not a lot of information on Plotly here compared to other packages.
This solved my problem
Setting orientation='h' is not enough. You also have to put the legend items in different legendgroups, if you want them in different columns. Here is an example with legend labels:
fig = go.Figure([
go.Scatter(x=best_neurons_df['Test Size'],
y=best_neurons_df['Training Accuracy Max'],
# You can write anything as the group name, as long as it's different.
go.Scatter(x=best_neurons_df['Test Size'],
y=best_neurons_df['Validation Accuracy Max'],
# You can write anything as the group name, as long as it's different.
layout=dict(title='Best Model Dependency on Validation Split',
xaxis=dict(title='Validation Set proportion'),
margin=dict(b=100, t=100, l=0, r=0),
legend=dict(x=1, y=1.01,xanchor='right', yanchor='bottom',
orientation='h', # Remember this as well.
Example image

How to plot just one axis label in R?

A beginner question: I currently have some plots that look like this.
I'm keeping the plots free of other annotation because I have to fit a lot of them onto one page and specific values aren't important, just the general trend that the red line is to the right of the black one. However, I'd like to be able to indicate that the dashed line in my plot actually represents zero, like so:
Is there any way to tell R to only display that value on the x-axis labels? I don't think using text() would be a good idea because it relies on absolute coordinates, but I'm not really sure how to work with axis options to make it do what I want.
axis(side = 1, at = 0)
See ?axis for details.

Comprehensive guide to manipulating axes in idl

I am trying to have 4 plots in the same window using
!p.position=[0.11,0.5,0.5,0.9] ...some code
!p.position=[0.5,0.5,0.9,0.9] ...some code
!p.position=[0.11,0.1,0.5,0.5] ...some code
!p.position=[0.5,0.1,0.9,0.5] ...some code
The position of the plots is perfect (see graph here) but
a/ I would like to remove the scale on the x axis in the top 2 plots and have it at the top of the top plots rather than at the bottom.
b/ I would like to have the y axis on the right of the 2 plots on the right rather than on their left.
I have managed to do this kind of plot in the past but after hours playing with the [xy]style and axis commands. Part of the problem is that I can't find a comprehensive guide on the internet which would simple break down each style such that
xstyle = 1 ;definition
xstyle = 2 ; definition get the jist of it.
Would somebody be able to refer me to a good guide on how to manipulate axes in idl so that I don't have to guess the styles each time I have to plot. If not, would somebody be able to break down the style and axis options / commands very simply on stack overflow? I doubt I'm the only one stumbling upon this problem time and time again...?
Thank you very much!
If you want to draw an axis on the "opposite side", you need to suppress the axis (i.e., [XY]AXIS=4) and then make the axis yourself in the correct location with the AXIS command.
The online help has definitions for the values of XSTYLE and the options to AXIS.
