DevExpress Integration to .Net Webapplication -

I am using DevExpress 6.2(a very old version) in my ASP>NET web application.with this version Devexpress the Grid Headers are not displayed in IE11. I am migrating Devpress 6.2 to latest DevExpress v17.2 and integrating it to my web application. But facing lot many issues while integrating it because many of the controls are obsolete in new version.
I need the substitute controls for these below mentioned controls from DE v6.2.
<%# Register TagPrefix="dxwdc" Namespace="DevExpress.Web.ASPxDataControls" Assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxDataControls.v6.3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79868b8147b5eae4" %>
2.The Grid Controls
In brief, I need DE 17.1.3 version of below:
Aspxlookandfeelcontroller - Assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxDataControls.v6.3
Parent Control ASPxGrid - Assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxGrid.v6.3 : This I believe should be replaced with ASPxGridView
Parent Control behavior – SearchBtnStyle
Parent Control behavior – GroupItemStyle
Child Controls within ASPxGrid – ButtonBars
ChildControl types for : BarButtons

From:Devexpress update to latest version
The best way is to install the latest version to the Development
environment. After that, use the Project Converter tool to
convert your existing application to the latest version. Once it is
done, test your application locally to correct errors, if any. Once
your application works flawlessly in the Development Environment,
deploy it to your Production environment.
Upgrading ASP.NET Applications
Back up your project(s).
Upgrade your project(s) using the Project Converter tool.
Remove old DevExpress assemblies from the Bin folder (if any).
Build runtime licenses.
Refer these DevExpress Documenation and Support threads:
How to easily convert your project to a new DevExpress release
How to upgrade devexpress Project Version?


DevExpress Universal Template with Authentication

I installed DevExpress Universal cause I need Grid View and Chart for my web. Also I am trying out ASP.NET Core and already started creating a web application with the Microsoft template for ASP.NET Core MVC. My application needs authentication for users and I am using Individual User Accounts which was supplied by the Microsoft Template. Is it possible to integrate DevExpress Library in my project instead of creating a new project with the DevExpress Template? I am planning to use ASP.NET MVC Wrappers from DevExpress, also.
In previous version there has been an Integrate DevExpress option in the DevExtreme menu but this release "DevExtreme MVC Wrappers" is quite new or could be RC release. It is not so difficult to do it manually, please refer to this article on how to proceed ASP.NET MVC Wrappers 16.1.6.
yes its possible. first you need to add devExpress reference in your project before, then you can use a devExpress Templete.

Missing ASP.NET 5 Templates

I am following this setup tutorial
And have come across a problem. In the tutorial the instructions are as follows:
Start Visual Studio 2015. From the File menu, select New > Project.
Select the ASP.NET Web Application project template. It appears under
Installed > Templates > Visual C# > Web. Name the project ContosoBooks
and click OK.
This is fine, but in the next step :
In the New ASP.NET Project dialog, select Web Application under
ASP.NET 5 Preview Templates. Also, make sure the Host in the cloud
checkbox is not selected and click OK.
I am seeing no ASP.NET 5 Preview templates!
The only thing I am noticing is that my Authentication states No Authentication but I am signed in so I am not sure what this means or whether or not this is a factor.
The version I have installed of Visual Studio is "Community 2015".
I have already gone through the perquisites as outlined in This Article.
I am hoping that someone with a more thorough knowledge on the topic can help me out as I have not been able to find any threads etc. of the same issue or what could be causing the Templates to be missing. 5 templates no longer exist - they are renamed to Core: ASP.NET 5 is dead - Introducing ASP.NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.0
So, when creating your project, instead of picking "ASP.NET Web Application" as it is in the video - you would select "ASP.NET Core Web Application" and then on the next page those 3 templates (Empty, Web API, Web Application) are the same as the video's 5 preview templates
VS 2015 Preview is going under Core web application. If you cant see that one under templates you may go to this site and download .NET Core 1.0 for Visual Studio then install.
I have concluded, by following another stackoverflow question on How to check the ASP.NET version loaded on a system as I noticed that the templates were categorized in the ASP.NET versions (4.6.1 & 5) in the tutorials but mine were not.
So I then checked and my files in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework are as follows
Revealing no v5.0 directory. I rectified this and now all of the templates are available
To fix it:
I went to and downloaded ASP.NET MVC 5
I ensured I had Developer Tools checked in the download process.
This issue was now resolved - As I then had the MVC 5 template files. Because I downloaded them, so I had them... and no longer didn't have them.
Furthermore From my research, some people had not included Developer Tools. To resolve: go to old mate 'Add or remove programs' and find your Microsoft Visual Studio 20xx install, 'change' and install Microsoft Web Developer Tools
I have had the same problem but it is actually even better because "The new dialog enables you to change the default authentication options for many of the templates. For example, when you create an ASP.NET Web Forms project you can select any of the following options:
No Authentication
Individual User Accounts (ASP.NET membership or social provider log in)
Organizational Accounts (Active Directory in an internet application)"
check out this >>
I recently had this problem and finally fixed it by uninstalling (control panel -> uninstall a program) Microsoft.NET Core and Microsoft Visual C++ redistrutable 2015 (x64 & x86) and then re-installing the core rc2 ( or possibly check Tools->Extensions and Updates->Updates inside of Visual Studio).
I uninstalled the Visual C++ redistrutables because I kept getting an error when trying to re-install core rc2. It kept telling me that it already existed even after I had just uninstalled it and the update was showing in the "Extensions and Updates" section of Visual Studio after trying (but failing) to install the core rc2 update.

Is it necessary to manually add <AutoGenerateBindingRedirect> metadata to the Core project file to correctly reference assemblies?

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and MvvmCross to create an Android application using Portable Class Libraries.
I notice in my first view model, CatalogViewModel, some code is highlighted as not referencing the correct assemblies or unable to be resolved (the code builds fine even with these issues).
Examining the .NET Portable Subset assembly in the Object Browser shows various System assemblies included ( v2.0.50727 & v4.0.30319,, Automatic binding redirection for assemblies in .NET Framework 4.5.1 can be enabled or disabled by adding this line to the .csproj file.
This seems to solve the referencing and redirection issues in the IDE. I haven't found any information about this manual modification to the Core project file in any of the MvvmCross info online I reviewed so I wanted to post a question here to see if anyone had some information or best practices.
No, you shouldn't need AutoGenerateBindingRedirect. This feature is intended to generate binding redirects for non-platform assemblies, such as NuGet packages. Platform assemblies should be unified automatically by Visual Studio / MSBuild.
Which seems to work, since you pointed out:
the code builds fine even with these issues
So this looks like a bug in ReSharper. The fact that adding AutoGenerateBindingRedirect fixes your ReSharper issues might be a side effect of something else.

Unable to see new features after installing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2

After installing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 I am unable to see any new features (e.g. new MVC4 SPA templates).
Initially, I installed via Web Platform Installer and after it didn't work, I uninstalled everything.
I then tried installing 2 MSI individual packages mentioned in Release Notes > Installation Notes. After successful installation I am still unable to see any new features.
My platform is :
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
Version 11.0.60115.01 Update 2 CTP
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.50709
Any ideas?
I am expecting new templates to show under
New Project -> Visual C# -> Web -> ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application (click ok) -> (shows only original 8 templates)
The ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update contains only one SPA template.
If you want to have the other SPA templates (like HotTowel) you need to separately install them: Know a library other than Knockout?
From Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update: here are some links for the templates:
If you don’t want to use the new Knockout template there are 4 new
community-created templates. These templates were built using the
improved Custom MVC Template support:
BreezeJS template that uses BreezeJS and Knockout for data binding and templating
Ember template uses the latest version of Ember and Handlebars
DurandalJS template is built using the new MVVM library DurandalJS as well as Knockout
Hot Towel uses BreezeJS, DurandalJS, Knockout, require.js and Bootstrap
These MVC templates have been deprecated and don't work at all in VS 2013 (or after VS 2012.2 for that matter). Please don't use them.
Sadly, they will not be updated because the VSIX approach behind them has fallen out of favor ... mostly because it is far to difficult to write and maintain.
We suggest that you get started by following samples and videos. You can learn a lot from John Papa's two courses "Building Apps with Angular and Breeze - Part 1" and "...Part 2"

Include Javascript / CSS min version on production and full on dev in ASP .NET Web Forms

Is it possible to achieve a goal specified in the question topic in ASP .NET for instance with existing controls like ScriptManager or any other controls? I'm using ASP .NET Web Forms 3.5.
Yes. You can use the bundler tool. IF you aren't on the latest version of .NET, you can use the nuget package to achieve the same. Here's a reference guide to using the bundler.
