DevExpress Universal Template with Authentication -

I installed DevExpress Universal cause I need Grid View and Chart for my web. Also I am trying out ASP.NET Core and already started creating a web application with the Microsoft template for ASP.NET Core MVC. My application needs authentication for users and I am using Individual User Accounts which was supplied by the Microsoft Template. Is it possible to integrate DevExpress Library in my project instead of creating a new project with the DevExpress Template? I am planning to use ASP.NET MVC Wrappers from DevExpress, also.

In previous version there has been an Integrate DevExpress option in the DevExtreme menu but this release "DevExtreme MVC Wrappers" is quite new or could be RC release. It is not so difficult to do it manually, please refer to this article on how to proceed ASP.NET MVC Wrappers 16.1.6.

yes its possible. first you need to add devExpress reference in your project before, then you can use a devExpress Templete.

Related web form migration to dot net core

I have an application in 2.0 web forms.
I want to migrate it to core web forms.
Is it feasible?
I did not see any link on internet for migration of web forms.
Please provide any link or insight for this.
ASP.NET Core doesn't have a web forms part. It's an old model and won't be includeded in the ASP.NET Core according to Microsoft. The new and recommended model is MVC. There is no interoperability between them, because they have a differt architechture and behavior.
You have two opportunities. First: you don't migrate, everything will work as it has been. Second: you re-implement your solution with ASP.NET Core and with MVC architecture.
Have you seen DotVVM?
It is not Web Forms on .NET Core, but:
many concepts in DotVVM are similar to ASP.NET Web Forms (postbacks, server controls, master pages, even the names of the controls and page lifecycle events)
it is easy to learn for ASP.NET Web Forms developers
no cryptic viewstate hidden field
the controls don't produce ugly HTML
the MVVM pattern is used
no need to know or write JavaScript - C#, HTML and CSS is enough to start coding
DotVVM supports both .NET Core and full .NET Framework
can be added to existing ASP.NET Web Forms or MVC applications on .NET Framework
DotVVM is open source
Visual Studio extension with IntelliSense and project templates
Disclaimer: taken from
There are some useful resources I'd like to share with the StackOverflow community just in case you are having troubles to decide what to do:
modernization of your existing Web Forms app
migration to MVC or Core
or whether to start a new project on Web Forms, MVC and Core.
Here you go:
Modernizing ASP.NET Web Forms Applications by Tomáš Herceg (Microsoft MVP ) -
Migrating Old ASP.NET Applications to .NET Core by Edi Wang (Microsoft MVP) -
Choose between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core (Microsoft docs) - -
Migrate from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (Microsoft docs) -

DevExpress Integration to .Net Webapplication

I am using DevExpress 6.2(a very old version) in my ASP>NET web application.with this version Devexpress the Grid Headers are not displayed in IE11. I am migrating Devpress 6.2 to latest DevExpress v17.2 and integrating it to my web application. But facing lot many issues while integrating it because many of the controls are obsolete in new version.
I need the substitute controls for these below mentioned controls from DE v6.2.
<%# Register TagPrefix="dxwdc" Namespace="DevExpress.Web.ASPxDataControls" Assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxDataControls.v6.3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79868b8147b5eae4" %>
2.The Grid Controls
In brief, I need DE 17.1.3 version of below:
Aspxlookandfeelcontroller - Assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxDataControls.v6.3
Parent Control ASPxGrid - Assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxGrid.v6.3 : This I believe should be replaced with ASPxGridView
Parent Control behavior – SearchBtnStyle
Parent Control behavior – GroupItemStyle
Child Controls within ASPxGrid – ButtonBars
ChildControl types for : BarButtons
From:Devexpress update to latest version
The best way is to install the latest version to the Development
environment. After that, use the Project Converter tool to
convert your existing application to the latest version. Once it is
done, test your application locally to correct errors, if any. Once
your application works flawlessly in the Development Environment,
deploy it to your Production environment.
Upgrading ASP.NET Applications
Back up your project(s).
Upgrade your project(s) using the Project Converter tool.
Remove old DevExpress assemblies from the Bin folder (if any).
Build runtime licenses.
Refer these DevExpress Documenation and Support threads:
How to easily convert your project to a new DevExpress release
How to upgrade devexpress Project Version?

MVC5 templates not available in VS2013

I am trying to find the mvc5 templates for a new project. Others have asked the question but the answers keep saying we are selecting wrong options. That's not it. ..
I started with File> New> Project>
Templates> Visual C# > Web
then Select Asp.Net Web Application
click Ok
and the next screen only shows Empty, Web Forms and Azure Mobile Service
I also selected .Net Framework 4.51?
How can I get the mvc5 templates to show up? I don't think my VS2013 is corrupted either.
Most probably, MVC5 is not installed in your computer.

Include Javascript / CSS min version on production and full on dev in ASP .NET Web Forms

Is it possible to achieve a goal specified in the question topic in ASP .NET for instance with existing controls like ScriptManager or any other controls? I'm using ASP .NET Web Forms 3.5.
Yes. You can use the bundler tool. IF you aren't on the latest version of .NET, you can use the nuget package to achieve the same. Here's a reference guide to using the bundler.

Using the Ext.NET library in an ASP.NET Monodevelop project

I would like to use the wonderful Ext.NET library (.dll) inside a MonoDevelop project.
Is it possible? If yes, how can I register it in my project to see the <ext:something> extension like the <asp:textbox> for standard controls?
I don't have much personal experience with Ext.NET + Mono, but I do know several community members have been successfully developing with Mono. The following search results may help track down a bit more information, see
