firebase cloud messaging with react native? - firebase

I have a react native project that is already connected to my firebase project. I use firebase as my database. Everything works great. But...
I am trying to get a simple firebase cloud messaging test to work with my react native android app. As I said, I already have firebase in use with my app for db purposes and for authentication.
I am using the react-native-firebase package ( to do all my firebase work. I followed the directions on their site to get the messaging to work, but I haven't had any success.
I have followed the installation directions here:
All the database stuff works fine, but no luck with messaging. I am sending out test notifications using the firebase notifications console. I get the firebase token using this code in my app.
.then((token) => {
That code successfully gets the token and saves it to my firebase database. I then copy the token manually from my db and use it in my firebase notification console to send out a test notification. I know that the app is supposed to be running in the background. To get my app in the background I simply hit the home button. Then I send my test message. I don't get any errors in the firebase notification console and it says my token I supplied is all good. After a few seconds it says the notification status is completed. However in my app, nothing appears in my system tray, no notifications.
Does my app have to be in production mode or something? Anyone else get react-native-firebase to work with firebase cloud messaging on android?
I use the firebase console to send test messages


FirebaseAuthentication Plugin not updating local FireBase.Auth JS with signed in user

I have an almost finished webapp already working with the following stack
I'm adding Capacitor to my WebApp so I have a native app where I can send push notifications, and have presence in App Store, Google Play Store. The application already works on its web version, so there is no rule (Real Time Database, FireStore, etc) problem, no credentials problems at all on its web version, all well tested.
I've added Authentication to my application via Firebase Authentication, which works well, and I have also connected the Native iOS version to it, as it's described in the documentation
Auth flows works fine, User/Password & Google sign up are working fine and actually triggering the methods like onIdTokenChange and OnAuthStateChange from the official Firebase Auth library, in both cases, iOS and WebApp, and also the OnAuthStateChange from the Capacitor plugin (in both clients too).
The problem is that the Firebase JS library remains somehow in a unauthenticated state, where any call to FireStore, Database, or Storage, ends up in "Permissions Denied" error (Only on iOS). Once the Token ID has changed, I can see that currentUser is NULL, and the "signed in user" is not propagating to the Firebase official library from the Capacitor Plugin.
Once I have connected the Capacitor Firebase Authentication plugin, I was expecting that the Firebase official JS library was going to be updated, I've also used Firebase Authentication with IndexedDB local persistence as follows (when being in Native) as follows:
export const Authentication = Capacitor.isNativePlatform() ? initializeAuth(FirebaseApp, {
persistence: indexedDBLocalPersistence
}) : getAuth(FirebaseApp);

Flutter Firebase no notification shown on terminated app

I am using Firebase cloud messaging for flutter. Everything works as expected, when the app is either open or in the background. But if I close the app (terminated) no messages are received.
I send the messages with the firebase console.
I have tried two emulators, that both had play services installed.I even logged in with a google account in the emulator.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
I set priority to high and it started working. The docs only talk about priority high in the context of data messages but it seems it is important for notifications as well then.

Flutter notifications

I'm using firebase as database. Flutter responds when any changes are made in cloud while using app, but will is respond the changes even when the app is in background or killed?
Second: is it possible to create notifications within the flutter app without using Firebase notification feature? Like a new document is added in database and app is suppose to create notification using some specific lib from pubdev.
When the user is not actively using the app, the OS (Android or iOS) allows a very limited amount of network activity from that app. For this reason you'll typically stop receiving updates from Firebase once the app is backgrounded, and you won't receive any updates as soon as it's killed.
If you want to show updates to the user when they're not using the app, that typically takes using Firebase Cloud Messaging. With this scenario you:
Set up custom server-side code that listens to the database. This code can run on your own server, but also for example on Cloud Functions.
When this code detects a change to the data, it sends a message to the relevant user(s) through Firebase Cloud Messaging.
This requires that the app registers itself either in your database (with its FCM token) or for a certain FCM topic to receive updates about.
For more on this, see the Firebase documentation on Cloud Messaging, Cloud Functions, my answer here and the FlutterFire docs.

Firebase Phone Auth is not working in flutter app neither in iOS simulator nor in a real device

I have been trying and searching various methods to make Firebase Phone Auth to work in my flutter application. (There is an open issue talking about conflicts between Firebase Cloud Messaging & Firebase Phone Auth, but I am unsure if my issue is related to that. I do use Firebase Cloud Messaging which works perfectly fine.).
In iOS simulator, whenever I call FirebaseAuth.instance.verifyPhoneNumber, my app opens a web page for reCAPTCHA workflow, and returns back to the app. Then I see the error logs like below in verificationFailed callback. (It is expected to follow reCAPTCHA flow for iOS Simulator according to Firebase Phone Auth Doc)
flutter: Instance of 'AuthException'
flutter: {"error":{"code":403,"message":"Requests from this ios client application <empty> are blocked.","errors":[{"message":"Requests from this ios client application <empty> are blocked.","domain":"global","reason":"forbidden"}],"status":"PERMISSION_DENIED"}}
It is suspicious that error message is using <empty> as my application name, instead of my real app name (or default firebase app name which is __FIRAPP_DEFAULT), but I am unsure why that is happening.
In real iOS device, whenever I call FirebaseAuth.instance.verifyPhoneNumber, the app invokes verificationFailed callback again and I get the error with verifyPhoneNumberError as code and Token mismatch as error message. This is happening in both debug build as well as in release build.
I am using following SDK & library versions.
Flutter SDK = 1.12.13+hotfix.5
firebase_core = 0.4.3
firebase_auth = 0.15.4
firebase_messaging = 6.0.9
Has anyone been able to get Firebase Auth Phone auth working in iOS? I am stuck in this limbo state because I cannot seem to search any info online related to this. I have setup iOS APN, GoogleService-info.plist, Google Cloud Credentials multiple times so far with no luck. (Given that Firebase Cloud Messaging works perfectly fine, I doubt it is an issue with credentials or APN setup.)
Answering my own question since I figured out the root cause.
In Google Cloud Project that is connected to Firebase, I was able to find a set of API Keys that were created by Firebase.
For each App you define and create in Firebase, a new API key will be auto-created in the API key section. In my case, there was one for 'iOS key (auto created by Firebase)' and another for 'Android key (auto created by Firebase)'.
Well, by default, they do not impose any restrictions and you see a yellow triangle next to the key. So I added restrictions to those keys so that they can only be useable in my app. This is done by setting Application restrictions with corresponding bundle id for iOS and another app id for Android within each API key detail page.
This restriction was actually the reason that Phone Auth has not been working in my apps. Once I reverted the change back to None, I no longer encountered Token mismatch or AuthException.
Ideally, I should restrict these API keys to my app only, but it seems like my Flutter app is unable to prove its identity/appId/bundleId to google services, and Google had been rejecting requests from my App. This must be why I was seeing Requests from this ios client application <empty> are blocked. error message.
For now, everything is working because there is no restriction, but I will need to figure out why my app and its id association is not working as expected sooner than later, so that I can add restriction back.

how to enable Firebase Cloud Messaging in an apk published in the play store

I have developed an application using android studio. It is already published in the google play store.
This application uses the Firebase FCM service for push notifications.
During the development stage, this worked perfectly. But since the publication in the play store, the SendMessageNotification function is not executed in the firebase backend (Firebase functions).
I have entered the api key in the console, as shown:
However, the service continues without running.
Have I skipped a step?
Have you gone through the firebase launch checklist?
Specifically, have you remembered to add the production certificate for your app as well as the development certificate? From the above page "Add a release SHA1 fingerprint for Android apps in the Firebase console (for OAuth client IDs)."
I don't know if this affects client messaging or not.
