Printing float with chosen length in julia - julia

When I save my data files, I have a parameter that it is a float, which I want to keep it as a float in the filename. I don't have round up errors, because I define the values of the parameter using
parameters = zeros(Float64, 1000)##50)
iijj = 4.8999
for jjj in 1:1000
iijj += 1/10000
iijj = round(iijj, 4)
parameters[jjj] = iijj
and thus every parameter[i] is a float with just 4decimals.
My issue comes when printing the files, I am using
printfile = open("outfile_param$(param).dat" ,"w")
where param=parameters[i]. If I have for example 4.89, I would like to have the name outfile_param4.8900.dat, instead of outfile_param4.89.dat.
I know there are several ways to write in an outputfile, but I would like to keep the format that I have because if not it would be a pain to correct the programs that I work with.

You can use #sprintf to have more precise control over the formatting:
julia> #sprintf("outfile_param%.4f.dat", 4.89)


Numbers greater than 9999.99 causing problems [duplicate]

Pulling 2 decimal values from MySQL and trying to use a very simple if statement:
if subtotal < minval then DO THIS else DO THIS
It always thinks subtotal is smaller even though it might not be. IsNumeric confirms both these values are numeric. If I use minval=19.99 instead of pulling from the database it works.
The code for retrieving minval looks like this:
Set rscontrol = db.Execute("select * from websitecontrol ")
minval = FormatNumber(rscontrol("minordervalue"))
FormatNumber is a function for formatting a value for display. It returns a formatted string.
>>> n = 1.25
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(n)
>>> WScript.Echo TypeName(FormatNumber(n))
Never use formatting functions unless the result is intended for being displayed.
minval = FormatNumber(rscontrol("minordervalue"))
minval = rscontrol("minordervalue")
If that still doesn't help you can force the value to a double using the CDbl function.
minval = CDbl(rscontrol("minordervalue"))
Beware that the function expects the decimal point as it's configured in your system's regional settings.

Is there a way to iterate over a table value in Lua?

I have the following table in Lua:
local a = {orszag = {"Ausztria", "Albánia", "Azerbajdzsán"}, varos = {"Ankara", "Amszterdam", "Antwerpen"}, fiu = {"Arnold", "Andor", "Albert"}, lany = {"Anna", "Anasztázia", "Amanda"}}
I would like to do the following:
for i in a["orszag"] do etc. (for example compare all the words in the value to the user input)
But when I do so I get the following: attempt to call a table value.
So I know, it works in python for example, but is it possible somehow to do this in Lua as well?
for k,v in pairs(a["orszag"]) do

Function keeps repeating in Octave

My code is written in a file "plot.m".
If I put the following code in "plot.m", when I call plot("20%"), the Octave GUI will keep opening a new window with a new figure indefinitely.
function X = plot(folderName)
X = 0;
data = ([folderName, "\\summary.txt"]);
NUM_SURVIVED = data(1);
NUM_DATA = size(data)(1)-1;
plot(1:numel(FINAL_WEALTH), FINAL_WEALTH, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
However, if I put the following code in "plot.m" and run it, the program works as intended and will plot data from "summary.txt".
data = ("20%\\summary.txt");
NUM_SURVIVED = data(1);
NUM_DATA = size(data)(1)-1;
plot(1:numel(FINAL_WEALTH), FINAL_WEALTH, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
Any idea what I am doing wrong in the first section of code? I would like to write it as a function so that I can call it multiple times for different folder names.
When you call plot from the function plot, you get endless recursion. Rename your function and its file.
Just adding to Michael's answer, if you really wanted to name your function as "plot" and override the built-in plot function, but still wanted to be able to call the built-in plot function inside it, this is actually possible to do by using the builtin function to call the built-in version of plot. Your code would then look like this:
function X = plot (folderName)
% same code as before
builtin ("plot", 1:numel(FINAL_WEALTH), FINAL_WEALTH, '-b', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel ('x');
ylabel ('FINAL_WEALTH');
Obviously, whether it's a good idea to overload such a core function in the first place is an entirely different discussion topic. (Hint: don't!)

Concatenate variables in R

I want to create an object in R, which will contain one string, with a few variables (in my case it is file path). When I try to use paste to concatenate the file paths I can see only one last variable instead of all variables in one string. I use next code:
for(i in seq_len(nrow(samples))) {
lib = samples$conditions[i]
txtFile = file.path(lib, "hits.txt")
testfiles = paste(txtFile, sep = ',')
and get something like
instead of
cond/hits.txt,cond1/hits.txt,cond2/hits.txt and so on
Thank you very much for help

Format zero currency value with {0:C} in VB.Net

I am trying to format a zero currency value as an empty string, so that when the currency value is 0.00 then an empty string gets displayed rather than $0.00.
This code is part of an ASP.Net app that will display currency value to end user.
I have used following code to achieve this goal.
Question : Is it possible to achieve this by just using {0:C} format string or another version of this format string instead of using if then else coding for this? If I use ###,###,###.## as the data format string then an empty string shows for zero currency value and also I get rid of the if then else coding but for non-zero values no currency symbol shows.
If Double.Parse(Decimal.Parse(CDec(currencyValue))) = 0 Then
charValue = Nothing
charValue = String.Format("{0:C}", CDec(currencyValue))
End If
I ended up using the following code, which is working fine. If is better than IIf because it does short-circuiting, which means that IIf will evaluate all expressions whether the condition is true or false but If will evaluate the first expression only if condition is true and evaluate the second expression only if condition is false.
Dim d As Decimal
Decimal.TryParse(currencyValue, d)
charValue = If(d = 0D, Nothing, String.Format("{0:C}", d))
I don't think there is a way using formatting to display an empty string.
But you can write it like:
charValue = If( currencyValue = 0D, "", currencyValue.ToString("C") )
using the If Operator (Visual Basic).
Also this is something I would not do:
If Double.Parse(Decimal.Parse(CDec(currencyValue))) = 0 Then
If currencyValue is Decimal:
If (currencyValue = 0D) Then
If currencyValue is Double:
If (currencyValue = 0R) Then
Also, if you are using a database and this is a Sql Server mind SQL Server Data Type Mappings
I don't think you can when using C or the other similar standard formats, since they are already defining a culture-specific format that will include a format for zero.
But if you specify your own custom format, you can specify three different formats separated by ;s, one each for positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero, respectively.
For example (giving an empty string for the zero format, resulting in blank zeroes):
charValue = String.Format("{0:#,##0.00;-#,##0.00;""""}", CDec(currencyValue))
And from what I can see, omitting the format for negative gives a default that matches the positive, whereas omitting the format for zero gives blank, which is what you're looking for, so this should be sufficient as well:
charValue = String.Format("{0:#,##0.00;;}", CDec(currencyValue))
(Using whichever custom format you wish.)
UPDATE: You can get the current currency symbol and manually put it into your custom format. IE:
Dim symbol = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol
charValue = String.Format("{0}{1:#,##0.00;;}", symbol, CDec(currencyValue))
From the sound of it, though, I think I would actually recommend doing basically what you started with, maybe with an extension method.
Public Function ToCurrencyString(pValue As Decimal) As String
Return IIf(pValue = 0, "", pValue.ToString("C"))
End Function
Dim someValue As Decimal = 1.23
This gives you exactly what you're looking for. The exact same format as C gives, but with blank zeroes.
