AMP Pages Multiple Analytics Solutions Implementation (Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics) - google-analytics

Is it possible to have Multiple Analytics Solutions such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics implemented on the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP Pages)?
Accelerated Mobile Pages

Via the official page:
"You can use both amp-pixel and amp-analytics in your pages: amp-pixel
for simple page view tracking, and amp-analytics for everything else.
You can also add multiples of each tag. If you're working with
multiple analytics providers, you will need one tag per solution. Keep
in mind that simpler AMP pages are better for users, so if you don’t
need the extra tags, don’t use them."
So, YES, you can use multiple tracking tools, you will just need to add multiple tags for each tool.


One web + One GTM but different Google Analytics

I have a web with different countries (languages) in different paths like
They all have the same page structure, so I would like to use the same GTM for all of them. But I would like to track those pages in different Google Analytic Accounts for better overview. Is this possible in GTM, or is there a way in Google Analytics to split everything by this path-structure?
Otherwise, my workaround would be to copy the GTM-Container X-Times, which would be not good for maintenance.

Google Tag Manager + Google Analytics v just using GA: any reason to use just GA?

I am using Google Tag Manager on all my sites now to implement Google Analytics and future proof them for any other scripts.
I am putting GTM in my boilerplate.
Is there any reason this might not be good practice?
Any reason why a website (that needs GA) should avoid Google Tag Manager?
Most websites will require some sort of Javascript code added in the future for affiliate tracking, various analytics and having GTM installed will allow for easy installation of any such JS code easily.
Or, as Google puts it: "Why wait months for site code updates? Google Tag Manager lets you launch new tags any time with a few clicks, so you never miss a measurement or marketing opportunity."
Since GTM does not come with a service level agreement you could (very very tenuously) argue that GTM adds an additional point of failure. And if one wanted to be pedantic one could point out that not all ways of analytics tracking work with GTM (if you track serverside via the measurement protocol).
But real life argument, there is none (IMO).
There might be pages that do not greatly profit from GTM (or any other Tag Management) if all you do is to deploy a single analytics tag to track pageviews. But the second you need to track an event or pass data GTM is already worth it.
This is not meant to be merely opinion based, it's more that in 2,5 years of using GTM on large sites I have been unable to find any scenario where the tag management code has caused any technical problem or interfered with existing code. On the other hand I do not write click handlers or submit handlers anymore, I have a boilerplate template for a container tag in which I just have to replace values for a few macros before I import it to GTM and have tracking up and running, I can set data fields with much less trouble than via the code... so I think there is a real technical argument to make in favour of GTM, and none against it.

Google analytics content experiments regex in URL

I need some solution to make url as on image shown. I think regular expressions don't work in that field, however it announced that regex works in google analytics.
Regards, Dmitry.
Regex in Google Analytics is intended to be used in features that affect a broad range of pages or fields, like filters, advanced segments, etc.
The web page field from your screenshot is looking for a static URL. The content experiments are designed to run variations on a single page.

How to interpret referrers from Google News in Google Analytics

Not specifically a programming question, unfortunately, but I am trying to develop some custom reports using the Google Analytics Core Reporting API (v3) and I'm stuck on how to interpret these referrers (in ga:referralPath or document.referrer) from Google News sites:
... and so on. These are all coming from Google News sites (.com .whatever) obviously, but I'd like to categorize them with more granularity if possible, e.g., Google News front page, etc.
Many thanks in advance (and feel free to point me to a better place to ask, if such a place exists).
According to Chris Boutet, these represent Google News Home page (/nwshp) and Google News Realtime Coverage (/rtc). That's the answer I was looking for. Hope that helps.

Google Analytics counter?

I have read a lot of places that you can count using Google Analytics. I already use it on my site to track visitors.
How would I track how many people have clicked a spesific button and show the number of times it has been clicked on another page?
You want to implement Event Tracking. As far as displaying the results on another page, Google doesn't support showing charts/graphics outside of the Google Analytics site. But you could find 3rd party app developers on the Apps Gallery which do this. I for one have created EmbeddedAnalytics for precisely this purpose. And we also support dimension filtering so you could create a chart to show your specific action clicks.
You can learn about the Google Analytics API at and even try it out interactively using
If you use Drupal you can easily install module Google Analytics Counter that will automatically fetch and display pageviews collected by Google Analytics. Other CMS certainly have similar plugins.
