Where to deploy complex .NET applications which include web and non web component - asp.net

There doesn't seem to be an obvious place or any documentation from Microsoft that explains where to install complex applications which write files into the app folder and are shared by different users.
We have a complex .NET web application that contains 21 individual projects and includes the following components:
A main web site which runs a SAAS system and can be locally installed at customer sites
Applications to install, configure and diagnose
Applications which are installed as windows services
Utility applications which are installed on the server and can also be installed on clients and talk to the web app through web services
On Windows 2012 and earlier, you could quite happily deploy this application into program files, and the entire app would sit in one folder. All fine.
However from Windows 2012 R2 and later, normal user accounts cannot write to program files. Our web app contains significant uploading ability, not only of occasional use files, but also a high volume of data files which are fed from customer LANs to our SAAS system. In addition there is log file writing, and session files etc are written inside the folder that hosts the IIS web itself (edit: and the webfolder itself also exists inside our program files app folder)
From what I can gather, apps now reside in program files, and common data exists somewhere inside c:\users\public, and user specific data exists inside c:\users\username. That means the app is spread around on the hard disk and not easy to backup or administer. To follow those conventions we'd need significant rewriting as a lot of the EXE's write relative to the exe path and the web backend also relies on being able to write files inside the webfolder itself.
So is there a proper place in Windows where a complex app like this can be installed that writes to its own folder structures ?
I've noticed on Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2016, that I CAN create a folder in the root of C: drive, whereas on Windows 10 I cannot. Would a standalone folder be the right solution to this ? It would certainly be the easiest solution for us.
The windows services and IIS app pool would always run under different credentials, so they could no longer share settings if we have a per-user model for writing files.
The app will have to conform to DoD STIG standards for web and .net applications.


Deploy ASP.net APP to azure web app without source code

I've a dedicated machine with at least 6 diferent asp.net 4.5 applications where the developer deployed compiled versions. This apps are all working fine now, but I haven't access to source code.
Now I want to deploy this apps to Azure, but not to a VM, to an Azure Web App Service. Is it posible?
Thanks in advance!!!
Quite possibly. We can't say for sure without more information.
You'll need to FTP all files from your existing root directory/directories to your new Web App. If it's a vanilla ASP.NET web app and there aren't any dependent issues (such as databases on other servers that you cannot move or poke holes through firewalls), it should work.
There are many considerations. For instance, if the applications have dependencies on specific drive letters, you won't be able to mount those drives.
This is just one example, you can take a look at the restrictions that are imposed on Web Apps: https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Azure-Web-App-sandbox
The best way to know, is to create a new site, deploy the files, and see what breaks.

Multiple web deploys for asp.net

I have an application that is installed at several different client's servers. They each have different web.config files and different virtual folders. At the moment I am compiling, manually copying over, setting up IIS, changing web.config and adding virtual folders for each install and also again when updating.
I simply don't know how to deploy using something like Web Deploy or Deployment Package that will let me create different config files or how to manage virtual folders (I would assume I would simply deploy empty folders and would still have to do this part manually). I can handle setting up IIS and virtual folders from the start but I want each client to be able to download new versions and install them without my input (as some Clients are funny about remote access).
You can setup build configurations for each environment. Typically, you get Debug and Release out of the box. I like to replace those with Development, Staging, and Production configurations, which allows a different web.config per environment.
Of course, when publishing, you still have to make sure you select the correct configuration.
I'm not a fan of Web Deploy and other schemes because web-servers, unlike desktops, all tend to have a unique configuration.
In my case, all of our web applications are deployed with custom-written VBScripts (much more pleasant than Batch files and without needing to relearn PowerShell). VBScript (with its default COM object library) provides a compelling platform for writing deployment scripts. And if you can't stand the syntax you can use JScript using the same tools. Bonus: Visual Studio still provides Windows scripting IntelliSense despite it not being an advertised feature).
My most recent deployment script is simple: it's a VBScript (invoked by VS's Post-build command-line) that uses 7-Zip to pack up the web application's files, then generates an ftp.exe batch file (then runs ftp.exe itself) that uploads the files to the server, it also generates an uploads a file called "Unpack.cmd" which calls 7-Zip to extract the files into the right place. The only manual step is executing Unpack.cmd on the server, but that can be done with Remote PowerShell, for example.
Why do you need to customise your IIS configuration separately from the application? Can't you put everything in your web.config file under <system.webServer>?

File system issue when porting an ASP.NET application to Azure

I have an existing ASP.NET website that I would like to port to Azure within my free trial.
I would like the migration to be as painless as possible. The application uses log4net and NHibernate, plus it needs to share data with an application supposed to run on a virtual server.
Two questions can be asked as 1
How do I configure paths in Web.config to access a shared drive?
I need to configure the paths into which logs will be stored and, most important, I have to specify where the application will read the files written by the daemon that will run on my Azure Linux VM.
When both the app and the daemon ran on the same server (yes, I had Mono running fine) I just had to choose a shared local directory.
I'm not sure I'm totally understanding the scenario, but I'll try to give you a few options.
One - Windows Azure Web Sites (currently in Preview) could be a great option for your ASP.NET site. Of course, it depends what needs your site has. But, you can write your log4net files with web site and using NHibernate too.
Two - Web roles work great for situations like this. You would likely have to change some code to use blob storage for persistant file storage. You could use Windows Azure drives as a way to get a persistent location for log files. Windows Azure drives don't have a pre-determined drive letter, so you'd want to use the API to get to that. That may, or may not, be a good option for your situation. With web roles you could also write the log4net files to local storage and use Windows Azure diagnostics to transfer them periodically to blob storage. Just another way to persist the files.
Three - Using Windows Azure Virtual Machines (currently in Preview) you could write the log files to a data disk, which is backed by blob storage.
In the end, if you have files you need to share across instances and/or roles, then leveraging blob storage is likely your best option.

Newbie Trying To Deploy Asp.Net Website

I'm basically wondering what the best way to deploy an Asp.Net Web Site is, mostly from the point of view of security. Right now, I'm trying to publish the website using Visual Studio 2010. Could someone direct me to a good tutorial on how to do this securely? For example, can it be done over an encrypted connection via Visual Studio? Is it necessary to install any software on the server to do this? Should I use a different program to open up an SSL (TLS) connection first, and if so, which program (does it come standard with windows)?
The server is running Windows Server 2008. Development is on Vista.
Many thanks in advance for any direction in this matter!
I would publish the site to your local machine and file copy the files across to your test/production environment. As a rule we don't publish sites straight from VS to test or production.
For example you don't want to accidentally push things straight from dev into a live environment do you?
As far as the file transfer security goes you could use SFTP.
Note: First thing is to check with the owner of the server, as they often will provide you an FTP connection and will take care of configuring IIS.
If you want to add security, make a keyfile and sign your assemblies and consider running Dotfuscator on your dlls, the community edition is included in Visual Studio. Here is an earlier question where I've put more info on Dotfuscator.
If you have to do the deployment yourself, here's a few things to consider.
XCopy (easy)
MSI (have to create a setup program, you can do this easily in Visual Studio)
There is no security advantage in deploying using Visual Studio, but you can use Visual Studio to create a small setup program. One thing you want to make sure for security is DO NOT deploy any .cs files. Prepare your files, you should compile in Release mode, make sure debug is not enabled in your config file, keep your bin and it's dll, also the aspx, asmx, ascx, svc, css, js, and config files.
XCopy: Install a small FTP server, or use one your company alreayd has, this will allow you to get your files once you are logged into the target machine. You should be able to get an administrator account for the target machine, just ask the sysadmin of the domain, then log on using remote desktop, got to your ftp site, and download your files. Open IIS on the target machine, create a virtual directory and a pool. Copy your files to the location, configure your connection string to your DB if you use one, then test your website.
MSI: same process as above, except the setup will create the virtual directory and pool for you.
Here is extra info on best practices from the official ASP.Net website.
If you have some control on the server (e.g. to configure IIS7), you might want to look into Microsoft Web Deploy (new product just been released):
Haven't tried it myself, but looks quite slick and it apparently encrypts the data being copied up, so might suit you.

What method do you use to deploy ASP.Net applications to the wild?

Currently we deploy compiled ASP.Net applications by publishing the web site locally and emailing a zip file to the system administrator with a (usually) lengthy set of instructions for deployment. This is because the first time we deployed an ASP.Net application to a customer the dev and test IIS instance were the same, and we were unable to deploy the site twice to the same machine. This set the tone for deployment on all subsequent projects.
I am now evaluating our deployment methods and am looking specifically at the built in deployment tools; specifically I'm looking at custom installation tasks and using as much of the standard installer functionality as I can (mostly the user interface).
Secondly, I'm looking at merging deployments and automatic updates.
How do you go about deploying sofware in your organisation? What tools do you use, and what problems do you come across most frequently?
We have dedicated DEV, TEST, STAGE, and PRODUCTION servers.
We also have a dedicated build machine which runs Cruise Control.
Cruise Control is configured for a Continuous Integration build, which runs after code is checked in. It is also configured for separate Development, QA, Stage, and Production tasks.
To deploy to development, the code is first retrieved from SVN and built, then the "Precompiled Web" folder is copied to the development web site, and the web service project is copied to the development application server. Cruise Control is also configured to "tag" the source code before the build starts so we can reproduce the build at a later time, or branch from the tag if we need to do a hot fix.
To deploy to QA, the files are copied from the development machines to the QA machines.
Likewise, to deploy to Stage the files are copied from the QA machines to the Stage machines.
Finally, to deploy to production, the files are again copied from the Stage machines to the Production machines.
To configure each environment, we have a custom tool which is part of each environment's Cruise Control task that modifies connection strings, "debug=true|false", "customErrors=Off|RemoteOnly", and other environment-specific settings.
So each environment can be deployed with a button push from the Cruise Control dashboard.
One caveat is that we currently have the production database password configured in the Cruise Control config file...it would be nice move it elsewhere!
Lastly, let me add that even though our production machines are in a dedicated hosting facility, the servers are accessible from our Cruise Control machine, which makes it very easy to do a production deployment. The only manual step is to encrypt the web.config files and remove the "AppOffline.html" file that Cruise Control puts up.
Let me know if this helps, or if you have any questions.
A couple things that I have done is the following:
1) Use a Web Deployment Project in order to compile and clean the build as well as handing web.config section replacement if the config changes between environments.
2) Use NAnt to do all of the building, archiving, and copying in a repetitive manner.
The Web Deployment Project ends up creating a MSBuild file which can be used in place of NAnt; however, I came from a Java background and used Ant all of the time so NAnt is my preference in .Net. If you add in the NAnt Contrib tasks, you will be able to deploy not only the files but also handle items such as your source control (incase it is not part of the default tasks) and Sql Script Execution for changes.
Currently I use both of the options together. I have my NAnt build file call the Web Deployment Project through MSBuild. With the configuration manager setup for each environment, it allows me to manage the web.config section replacements automatically and still have fairly decent control over my copying and archiving of a release.
Hope this helps.
We use web deployment projects, and the VS 2008 projects to create an .msi from the output of the webdeployment & other projects. A normal windows app called 'setup' is used to do a lot of the db creation and preliminary stuff, rather than trying to customise the setup projects with custom steps. It is a lot easier to do this yourself than trying to customise the MS code. This windows app then calls the correct .msi files that the user needs.
Team foundation build runs every evening to rebuild the solution and copy everything to a 'Release CD' directory which anyone can access and do testing on the latest 'release'.
To be honest TFS build is a bit overboard for a small team like ours, and I only use it because its what I am used to.
In a previous company we used this http://www.finalbuilder.com/ and I can recommend it for ease of use and for the amount of software supported.
1) Build project with MSBUILD
2) FTP files to Production Environment
3) Copy / Paste manually to each web server
For intranet sites, we use CruiseControl in conjunction with SVN to have the site rebuilt automagically.
Theoretically you could extend this model over a VPN if you could map a drive remotely to a client's intranet. Or a more quick and dirty solution might be to use a tool like SyncBack to sync the remote folder containing the compiled DLLs for the site.
Deploy Web Applications Using the Copy Web Tool
Text from Microsoft Training Kit Book Web Based Development
Web Setup Projects are useful if you are providing a Web application to many users (for example, allowing people to download the application from the Web and install it). If you are responsible for updating a specific Web site for your organization, it’s impractical to log on to the Web server and install a Windows Installer package each time you make an update. For internal applications, you can edit the Web application directly on the Web server. However, changes you make are immediately implemented in your production Web application, and this includes any bugs that might be there. To enable yourself to test a Web application, you can edit a local copy of the Web application on your computer and publish changes to the production Web server using the Copy Web tool. You can also use the Copy Web tool to publish changes from a staging server to a production Web server, or between any two Web servers. The Copy Web tool can copy individual files or an entire Web site to or from a source Web site and a remote Web site. You can also choose to synchronize files, which involves copying only changed files and detecting possible versioning conflicts in which the same file on both the source and remote site have been separately edited. The Copy Web tool cannot merge changes within a single file; only complete files can be copied.
